Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 7, 1 July 2020 — OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS [ARTICLE]
ANSWER KEY: 00 19 Q1 | Should affordable housing incentives [fee waivers, regulatory exemptions, state funds and other subsidies] require housing developers to ensure that their projects are actually affordable to loeal middle- and lower-income families? Q2 | OHA should receive 20% of Puhlie Land Trust [PLT] revenues annually per legislation passed in 1980, That has never been honored. Instead, OHA receives about 3,8% of PLT revenue annually, Do you support fulfilling the state's PLT revenue obligation to OHA? Q3 | Would you support a "green fee" levied on every visitor to the statethatwouldbeused exclusively to support 'āina conservation programs [invasive species removal, reforestation, establishment of additional nature preserves/sanctuaries, etc.]? Q4 | Do you support legislation to incentivize diversified, regenerative agriculture and establish 100% self-sustainable food resources for Hawai'i to establish food sovereignty? Q5 | Should the state land use commission's unique procedures protecting puhlie trust resources and Native Hawaiian rights be reduced or removed when urbantype developments are proposed for agricultural or rural lands?
ANSWER KEY: 03 EO Q1 | Should affordable housing incentives [fee waivers, regulatory exemptions, state funds and other subsidies] require housing developers to ensure that their projects are actually affordable to loeal middle- and lower-income families? Q2 | Should observatory development be stopped until mismanagement of Maunakea by UH and the State has been fully addressed? Q3 | ŪHA should receive 20% of Public Land Trust [PLT] revenues annually per legislation passed in 1980. That has never been honored. Instead, ŪHA receives about 3.8% of PLT revenue annually. Do you support fulfilling the state's PLT revenue obligation to OHA? Q4 | Based on MIT's Living Wage Calculator, a "living wage" for Hawai'i is $15.39/hour for a single adult [or an annual salary of about $32,000]. Do you support raising Hawai'i's minimum wage to ensure a living wage for our workers? Q5 | Wouldyou supporta "green fee" levied on every visitorto the state that would be used exclusivelytosupport conservation programs [invasive species removal, reforestation, establishment of additional nature preserves/sanctuaries, etc.]?
ANSWER KEY: 03 BQ Q1 | Should affordable housing incentives [fee waivers, regulatory exemptions, state funds and other subsidies] require housing develop- . ers to ensure that their projects are actually affordable to loeal middle- and lower-income families? Q2 | Should observatory development be stopped until mismanagement of Maunakea by UH and the State has been fully addressed? Q3 | OHA should receive 20% of Public Land Trust [PLT] revenues . annually per legislation passed in 1980. That has never been honored. Instead, OHA receives about 3.8% of PLT revenue annually. Do you support fulfilling the state's PLT revenue obligation to OHA? Q4 | Based on MIT's Living Wage Calculator, a "living wage" for Hawai'i is $15.39/hour for a single adult [or an annual salary of about $32,000]. Do you support raising Hawai'i's minimum wage to ensure a living wage for our workers? Q5 | Wouldyou supporta "green fee" levied on every visitorto the state that would be used exclusivelytosupport conservation programs [invasive species removal, reforestation, ' establishment of additional nature preserves/sanctuaries, etc.]?
ANSWER KEY: 03 EO Q1 | Should affordable housing incentives [fee waivers, regulatory exemptions, state funds and other subsidies] require housing developers to ensure that their projects are actually affordable to loeal middle- and lower-income families? Q2 | Should observatory development be stopped until mismanagement of Maunakea by UH and the State has been fully addressed? Q3 | ŪHA should receive 20% of Public Land Trust [PLT] revenues annually per legislation passed in 1980. That has never been honored. Instead, ŪHA receives about 3.8% of PLT revenue annually. Do you support fulfilling the state's PLT revenue obligation to OHA? Q4 | Based on MIT's Living Wage Calculator, a "living wage" for Hawai'i is $15.39/hour for a single adult [or an annual salary of about $32,000]. Do you support raising Hawai'i's minimum wage to ensure a living wage for our workers? Q5 | Wouldyou supporta "green fee" levied on every visitorto the state that would be used exclusivelytosupport conservation programs [invasive species removal, reforestation, establishment of additional nature preserves/sanctuaries, etc.]?
ANSWER KEY: 03 EO Q1 | Should affordable housing incentives [fee waivers, regulatory exemptions, state funds and other subsidies] require housing developers to ensure that their projects are actually affordable to loeal middle- and lower-income families? Q2 | Should observatory development be stopped until mismanagement of Maunakea by UH and the State has been fully addressed? Q3 | OHA should receive 20% of Public Land Trust [PLT] revenues annually per legislation passed in 1980. That has never been honored. Instead, ŪHA receives about 3.8% of PLT revenue annually. Do you support fulfilling the state's PLT revenue obligation to OHA? Q4 | Based on MIT's Living Wage Calculator, a "living wage" for Hawai'i is $15.39/hour for a single adult [or an annual salary of about $32,000]. Do you support raising Hawai'i's minimum wage to ensure a living wage for our workers? Q5 | Wouldyou supporta "green fee" levied on every visitorto the state that would be used exclusivelytosupport conservation programs [invasive species removal, reforestation, establishment of additional nature preserves/sanctuaries, etc.]?
ANSWERKEY: 03 EO Q1 | Should affordable housing incentives [fee waivers, regulatory exemptions, state funds and other subsidies] require housing developers to ensure that their projects are actually affordable to loeal middle- and lower-income families? Q2 | Should observatory development be stopped until mismanagement of Maunakea by UH and the State has been fully addressed? Q3 | ŪHA should receive 20% of Public Land Trust [PLT] revenues annually per legislation passed in 1980. That has never been honored. Instead, ŪHA receives about 3.8% of PLT revenue annually. Do you support fulfilling the state's PLT revenue obligation to OHA? Q4 | Based on MIT's Living Wage Calculator, a "living wage" for Hawai'i is $15.39/hour for a single adult [or an annual salary of about $32,000]. Do you support raising Hawai'i's minimum wage to ensure a living wage for our workers? Q5 | Wouldyou supporta "green fee" levied on every visitorto the state that would be used exclusivelytosupport conservation programs [invasive species removal, reforestation, establishment of additional nature preserves/sanctuaries, etc.]?
ALMEIDA, KAUILANI © www.KauilaniforOHA.org m:pg n?:Pg nt/irai nnpg ns:i CASHMAN-AIU, NOELANI © cashman-aiu.com m-pg n? pg Q3:ED Q4: 00 Q5:ED DESOTO-MCCOLLOUGH, LAURA © none m-pg n? pg nR'Pg fuPg nn-pg HAO, LOUIS © none m-pg n? pg n? pg na Pg ns-pg HOFFELD, CYD L. © www.Cyd4oha.org f11:Pg n?:Pg n?'Pg 04: Pg flfrl ISHIBASHI, PUA © www.puaishihashi.com m-Pg n? pg n? pg na Pg no PM KIHOI, LEI © www.leikihoi.com Q1:ED n? Pg Q3:ED Q4:ED Q5: BQ LINDSEY, KEOLA ©www.keolalindsey.com m Pg n? pg H3 Pg ruPg nfvl MANGAUIL, LANAKILA © www.lanakilaforoha.com Q1:ED Q2:ED Q3:ED Q4:flD Q5:BE| PAU, LOUIS © none Q1:ED 03: ED 03: ED Q4:ED Q5:B3 WILSON, KALANIAKEA © www.wilson4oha.com Q1:(13 03: ED Q3:ED Q4:ED 03: EJ
ALAPA, LUANA © AlapaforOHA.com Q1:QD Q2:ED 03: ED Q4:0D Q5: EEI
KAHUE-CABANTING, U'l © facehook.com/Ui-Kahue-Cabanfing-for-0HA-Molokai-105557334477171/ Q1: 03 Q2: ED Q3: ED Q4: ED Q5: ED MACHADO, COLETTE © www.machadoforoha.com Q1: ED Q2: ED Q3: ED Q4: ED Q5: ED
AHUNA, DAN © none Q1: ED Q2: ED Q3: ED Q4: ED Q5: ED PEREZ, BRITTNY © www.brittnyperezforoha.org Q1: ED Q2: ED Q3: ED Q4: ED Q5: ED SMITH, KAMEALOHA © www.kamealohasmith4oha.com Q1: ED Q2: ED Q3: ED Q4: ED Q5: ED
AKINA, KELI'I © www.keliiakina.com Q1: ED Q2: ED Q3: ED Q4: ED Q5: ED BURKE, JACKIE © www.burke4aloha.vote Q1: ED Q2: ED Q3: ED Q4: ED Q5: ED HANAKAHI, KAIPO © www.hanakahiforoha.org Q1: ED Q2: ED Q3: ED Q4: ED Q5: ED KAWAAUHAU, LARRY © none Q1: ED Q2: ED Q3: ED Q4: ED Q5: ED PALACAT-NELSEN, SHANE © www.shaneforoha.com Q1: ED Q2: ED Q3: ED Q4: ED Q5: ED SONODA, LENSON © none Q1: ED Q2: ED Q3: ED Q4: ED Q5: ED SOUZA, KEONI © SouzaforOHA.com Q1: ED Q2: ED Q3: ED Q4: ED Q5: ED
BURROWS, SMILEY Owww.facebook.com/ - — smileyburrowsforsenate Democrat m-Bg DP-IBi Q3: B3 04: EB 05: EB NO RESPONSE KA-IPO, RON G. | Aloha 'Aina Onone SAN BUENAVENTURA, JOY. | Democrat O www.joy4puna.com
KEEN, RYNETTE IPO ©none Aloha 'Aina Q1: B3 02: EB 03: EB Q4:flB 05: EB NO RESPONSE KAJIWARA-GUSMAN, CHRISTY | Republican O none KEITH-AGARAN, GIL S. COLOMA | Democrat © www.gilkeithagaran.com
NO RESPONSE KOUCHI, RONALD DAN | Democrat O www.ronkouchi.com
CHANG, STANLEY ©www.stanleychang.com Democrat Q1:EB 02: EB 03: EB 04: EB 05: EB SLOM, SAM M. ©www.samslom.com Republican Q1:EB 03: EB 03: EB 04: EB 05: EB
HIGGINS, VICKI B. ©higgins2020.net Democrat Q1:EB 02: EB 03: EB 04: EB 05: EB NO RESPONSE ARRIOLA, JESUS | Democrat © www.jesusarriola.com IHARA, LES S., JR. | Democrat © www.lesiharajr.org SHIRAISHI, PAUL J. | Nonpartisan ® www.paulshiraishi.com
MCDONALD, KEVIN [SHADOW] ©www.voteforkevin.com Democrat Q1:EB 02: EB 03: EB 04: EB 05: EB RHOADS, KARL A. ©www.karlrhoads.org Democrat Q1:EB 02: EB 03: EB 04: EB 05: EB
NO RESPONSE KIM, DONNA MERCADO | Democrat © www.donnamercadokim.com
NO RESPONSE WAKAI, GLENN | Democrat © www.glennwakai.com
CLARK, JOHN H., Ill © www.clark4senate.com Democrat 01: EB 02: EB 03: EB 04: EB 05: EB NO RESPONSE CABANILLA ARAKAWA, R DA | Democrat ©www.ridacabani la.com FEVELLA, KURT | Republican © www.fevella4ewa.com
BONOAN, FEENA M. © www.feena4district20.com Libertarian 01: EB 02: EB 03: EB 04: EB 05: EB GABBARD, MIKE ©www.mikegabbard.com Democrat Q1:EB 02: EB 03: EB 04: EB 05: EB
CUARESMA, THORA-JEAN [T.J.] ©none Democrat Q1:EB 02: EB 03: EB 04: EB 05: EB FANENE, BANNER S. ©www.banner4senate.com Nonpartisan 01: EB 02: EB 03: EB 04: EB 05: EB MILLER, JOHN E. ©none Republican 01: EB 02: EB 03: EB 04: EB 05: EB NO RESPONSE DELA CRUZ, DONOVAN | Democrat © www.donovandelacruz.com
KIM-MARSHALL, KRISTINA ©www.kristina4hawaii.com Republican Q1:EB 02: EB 03: EB 04: EB 05: EB NO RESPONSE LEE, CHRIS | Democrat © www.chrisleehawaii.com
NAKASHIMA, MARK M. ©www.marknakashima.com Democrat Q1:03 02:03 03:03 04:03 05:03 SHIN, LORRAINE PUALANI © lorraineforhousedistrict1.com Republican 01:1751 02:111 03:1751 04:1751 05: Ml
NO RESPONSE MCMACKIN, DEVIN SHAW, SR | Aloha 'Aina © none TODD, CHRISTOPHER L.T. | Democrat © www.toddtorhawaii.com
FOGEL, FREDERICK F. ©www.ftogel.net Democrat 01: 03 02: HQ 03:03 04: HQ 05: EH MATSON, SHANNON LOPEKA ©www.electshannonmatson.com Democrat 01: 03 Q2:G3 Q3:G3 04: D3 Q5: 03 NO RESPONSE HUGHES, SUSAN | Republican ©none ONISHI, RICHARD H.K. | Democrat © www.triendstorrichardonishi.com
HAUMEA, DESMON ANTONE ©www.desmonantonehaumea.net Aloha 'Aina Q1:B3 02:03 03:03 04:03 05:03 LEY, BRIAN ©www.votebrianley.com Nonpartisan 01: 03 02:03 03:03 04:03 05:03 NO RESPONSE CERMELJ, HOPE [ALOHALANI] | Republican © none ILAGAN, GREGGOR | Democrat © www.voteilagan.com OHARA, EILEEN | Democrat © www.ohara4puna.com
BONDERA, COLEHOUR ©none Democrat 01:03 02: 03 03: 03 Q4:03 05:03 DECKER, CITLALLI JOHANNA ©none Aloha 'Aina 01: 03 02: 03 03: 03 04:03 05:03 KAPELA, JEANNE ©www.jeannekapela.com Democrat Q1: 03 02: 03 03: 03 04:03 05:03 LAST, MICHAEL L. ©none Libertarian 01: 03 02:03 03:03 04:03 05:03 NO RESPONSE CREAGAN, RICHARD | Democrat © www.tacebook.com/Rep.Creagan
NO RESPONSE LOWEN, NICOLE | Democrat © www.nicolelowen.com
TARNAS, DAVID A. ©www.votetarnas.com Democrat Q1:03 02:03 03:03 04:03 Q5:G3
AIWOHI, KA'APUNI ©www.votekaapuni.com Democrat Q1: 03 02: 03 QO: 03 Q4: 03 Q5: 03 HASHIMOTO, TROY ©www.troyhashimoto.com Democrat 01: 03 02: 03 03: 03 Q4: 03 Q5: 03 HILL, ROBERT G„ III ©none Democrat 01: 03 02: 03 Q3: 03 Q4: 03 Q5: 03
CHRUPALYK, KAHALA JEN © www.votealoha.org Aloha 'Aina 01: 03 02: 03 Q3:G3 04:03 Q5:G3 WOODSON, JUSTIN H. ©none Democrat 01:03 02: 03 03:03 Q4:G3 05:03
BALINBIN, KANAMU ©none Republican Q1: 03 02: 03 Q3:03 04:03 05:03 GYLDSTRAND, TRAVIS D.E. © www.votealoha.org Aloha 'Aina 01:03 02: 03 03:03 Q4:G3 05:03 NAKOA, LEONARD K„ III ©none Democrat Q1: 03 02: 03 Q3: 03 Q4: 03 Q5: 03 NO RESPONSE MCKELVEY, ANGUS L.K. | Democrat © www.tacebook.com/RepMcKelvey
WILDBERGER, TINA M.L. © www.tinawildberger.com Democrat Q1: 03 02: 03 Q3: 03 Q4: 03 Q5: 03 NO RESPONSE COUGH, DON | Democrat © www.doncouch.com GREENBERG, HOWARD E. | Aloha 'Aina © www.votealoha.org
RUSSELL, SIMON S. ©www.russell2020.org Democrat Q1: 03 02: 03 Q3: 03 Q4: 03 Q5: 03 NO RESPONSE YAMASHITA, KYLE T. | Democrat ©none
DECOITE, LYNN P. ©www.votelynndecoite.com Democrat Q1: 03 02: 03 Q3: 03 Q4: 03 Q5: 03 RITTE, WALTER ©www.facebook.com/RitteforHouseD13 Democrat 01:03 Q2:G3 03:03 Q4:G3 05:03 VANDERPOOL, ROBIN ©www.robinvanderpool.com Republican Q1:03 02:03 03:03 04:03 05:03 NO RESPONSE KAPAKU, THERESA | Aloha 'Aina © www.votealoha.com
MONAS, STEVE ® www.facebook.com/VoteSteveMonas Republican 01:03 Q2:fl3 03:0 Q4:fl3 05:0 NO RESPONSE NAKAMURA, NADINE K. | Democrat ® www.nadinenakamura.com
NO RESPONSE TOKIOKA, JAMES KUNANE | Democrat ® none YODER, STEVE | Republican ® wwww.gopkauai.com
NO RESPONSE DES, ANA MO | Republican ©none MORIKAWA, DAYNETTE [DEE] | Democrat © none
KOGACHI, KEITH © www.keithkogachi.com Democrat 01:03 n?iM 03:03 04:03 05:03 NO RESPONSE WARD, GENE | Republican © www.gene-ward.com
NO RESPONSE DRISKILL, TOMMY, III | Democrat ©none HASHEM, MARK JUN | Democrat ©none FORD, LORI | Republican © www.voteloriford.com
PARRISH, MICHAEL L. [MIKE] ©none Nonpartisan Q1:03 02:03 03:03 04:03 05:03 NO RESPONSE CHEN, WAYNE American Shopping ©none KOBAYASHI, BERTRAND [BERT] | Democrat © none
GARDNER, REBECCA P. [BECKY] © www.beckygardnerhawaii.com Democrat 01:03 Q2:0D 03:03 04:03 05:03 TURBIN, DEREK A. © www.derekturbin.com Democrat 01:03 Q2:G3 03:03 Q4:03 05:03 NO RESPONSE ALLEN, JULIA E. | Republican © www.julia20.com ISHIBASHI, JAY 1. 1 Democrat © www.jayishibashi.com SAYAMA, JACKSON | Democrat © www.jacksonsayama.com
BROWER, TOM ©none Democrat 01:03 02: 03 Q3:03 04:03 05: 03 TAM, ADRIAN © www.adrianforhawaii.com Democrat 01:03 02: 03 03:03 Q4:G3 05:03 NO RESPONSE OCHS, NICHOLAS R. | Republican © www.tacebook.com/OchsForHawaii
NO RESPONSE KOBAYASHI, DALE | Democrat ® www.dalekobayashi.com
SEXTON, ANDY, JR. [UMI] © AlohaAinaParty.Com Aloha 'Aina Q1:G3 02: 03 Q3:G3 04:03 05:03 NO RESPONSE BELATTI, DELLA Atl | Democrat © www.tacebook.com/RepBelatti
IWAMOTO, KIM COCO ©www.kimcoco.com Democrat 01: 03 02:03 03:03 04:03 05:03 NO RESPONSE SAIKI, SCOTT K. | Democrat ©none
NO RESPONSE OHNO, TAKASHI | Democrat ® www.takashiohno.com
NO RESPONSE MIZUNO, JOHN M. | Democrat © www.facebook.com/john.mizuno
HOLT, DANIEL ©www.votedanielholt.com Democrat 01:03 02: 03 03: 03 04: 03 05: 03 LOGUE, JAMES © www.logueforhouse.com Democrat 01: 03 02:03 03:03 04:03 05:03
AZINGA, P. M. [PUALANI] ©none Republican 01: 03 02:03 Q3:G3 04:03 Q5:G3 CACHOLA, ROMYM ©none Democrat 01: 03 02: 03 03:03 Q4:G3 05: 03 GANADEN, ERNESTO M. [SONNY] ©www.ganadenforhawaii.org Democrat Q1:03 02: 03 Q3:G3 04:03 05:03 NO RESPONSE QUILINGKING, TESS ABALOS | Republican © none
NO RESPONSE JOHANSON, AARON LING | Democrat © www.votejohanson.com
NO RESPONSE ICHIYAMA, LINDA | Democrat $ www.lindaichiyama.com
BOYETTE, JENNIFER [JENNY] ©www.voteboyette.com Republican Q1:03 02:03 03:03 Q4: EO Do: El NO RESPONSE ARAKAKI, TRACY AARON | Democrat © www.arakakiforaiea.com KONG, SAM SATORU | Democrat © none
SIMON, KEONE F. © www.votekeonesimon.com Republican Q1:G3 02:03 03: 03 04: UB 05:03 NO RESPONSE TAKAYAMA, GREGG | Democrat © www.greggtakayama.com
KAHAU, KELINE-KAMEYO ©www.linkedin.com/in/keline-kahau Aloha 'Aina Q1:G3 02:03 03:03 04:03 05:03 NO RESPONSE HOOD, CARL E. | Republican ©none TAKUMI, ROY M. | Democrat © www.facebook.com/RepRoyTakumi
LA CHICA, TRISH © www.trishlachica.com Democrat Q1:B3 Q2:03 Q3:(U 04:03 05:03 LEE, MARILYN B. ©www.marilynblee.com Democrat 01:03 02: EQ 03: 03 04:03 05:03 OKIMOTO, VAL ©www.valokimoto.com Republican Q1:G3 Q2: DO 03:03 04: HI Q5:E3
YAMANE, RYAN I. ©www.facebook.com/RepRyanYamane Democrat Q1:03 02:03 03:03 Q4:B1 U5:E1 NO RESPONSE SVRCINA, EMIL | Republican © www.emilclearchoice.com
NO RESPONSE AQUINO, HENRY J. C. | Democrat ©none
MAGLINTI, AUSTIN L.S. ©voteaustinmaglinti.com Republican Q1:03 02:03 03:03 Q4:fl! (J5:E1 NO RESPONSE CULLEN, TY J. K. | Democrat ©none
NO RESPONSE MARTINEZ, ROSE | Democrat ©none MCDERMOTT, BOB | Republican © www.votemcdermott.com
MALDONADO, MOKIHANA ©VoteMokihana.com Democrat Q1:03 02:03 03:03 04:03 05:03 NO RESPONSE ALCOS, DAVID [BRADDA] | Republican © none LOPRESTI, MATTHEW S. [MATT] | Democrat © www.matt4ewa.com RATHBUN, AMANDA J. | Democrat © www.facebook.com/amanda.rathbun.182 UEHARA, RYAN ISAMU | Nonpartisan © www.sites.google.com/site/ ryanforhawaiistatelegislature
HAR, SHARON ©www.sharonhar.com Democrat Q1: HO 02:13 Q3: (23 04:03 05:03 KAM, VICKIE L.P. © www.vickiekam.com Democrat 01: 03 02:03 03: 03 04:03 05:03
GARCIA, DIAMOND ©www.diamondgarcia.com Republican Q1:G3 02:03 03:03 Q4:1B Q5: BQ KAHIKINA, MICHAEL P. ©none Democrat 01:13 02: CO Q3:03 04:0 Q5:Ea NO RESPONSE ELI, STACELYNN KEHAULANI | Democrat © www.facebook.com/Rep.StacelynnEli HOOHULI, SHAENA DELA CRUZ | Aloha 'Aina ® none
ALDEGUER, MAYSANA AKAHAI ©none Republican Q1:G3 02:03 03: BD 04: 03 05: 03 GATES, CEDRIC ASUEGA © www.cedricgates.com Democrat 01: 03 02: 03 03:03 04:03 05:03 JORDAN, JO ©www.facebook.com/friendsofjojordan/ Democrat Q1: 03 02:03 03:03 04:03 05:03 SIMPLICIANO, JOSEPH K. , JR. © www.votejoseph2020.com Aloha 'Aina 01:03 02: 03 03:03 Q4:03 05:03
CHAPMAN, MICHAEL ©www.chapmanforhawaii.com Democrat Q1:B3 02:13 03:03 Q4:G3 05:03 NO RESPONSE CHEAPE MATSUMOTO, LAUREN | Republican © www.laurenforhawaii.com
PERRUSO, AMY ANASTASIA © www.voteamyperruso.com Democrat Q1:ED (12:133 03: CO 04: DO (15:133 NO RESPONSE AGSALDA, AARON JAMES KALEO | Democrat © www.aaronagsalda.com/coming-soon
NO RESPONSE QUINLAN, SEAN | Democrat © www.facebook.com/RepSeanQuinlan READY, BOYD | Republican ® none
PRATT-AQU INO, KAU'I ©www.kauiprattaquino.com Democrat Q1:ED Q2:E3 Q3:B3 Q4:|33 Q5:B3 NO RESPONSE KITAGAWA, LISA C. | Democrat $ www.lisakitagawa.com
NO RESPONSE DANNER, KILOMANA | Republican © kilomana.com MATAYOSHI, SCOT | Democrat © www.scotmatayoshi.com
BRANCO, PATRICK PIHANA ©www.patrickpihanabranco.com Democrat Q1:ED U2:E3 (1(1: 03 (J4: D3 (15: 03 PREGITZER, MICAH KALAMA ©www.micahpregitzer.com Democrat Q1:ED 03: 00 03: 00 Q4: 03 (15: ED SOUZA, KANANI ©www.kananisouza.com Republican Q1: 03 Q2:ED Q3:ED Q4:B3 (15: 133 NO RESPONSE NAKANELUA, LAURA | Republican © www.votenakanelua.com
AKAO, ALAN ©www.alanakao.com Democrat Q1: 03 (12: 133 Q3: 03 Q4:ED Q5: na CHOCK, COBY K.K. © www.cobychock.com Democrat Q1:ED 02: GO 03: 03 Q4: (33 (15: 03 CHONG, DONI LEINA'ALA ©www.donichong.com Republican Q1: 03 Q2:E3 Q3:B3 Q4:|33 Q5:B3 GRIMMER, SCOTT ©www.scottgrimmer.com Democrat Q1: 03 02: 03 Q3:ED Q4:|33 Q5: 03 HO, ERIK K. ©www.erikhohawaii.com Aloha 'Aina Q1:ED 02: 03 Q3:ED Q4:|33 Q5: 03 KAMA-TOTH, KUKANA K.K. ©www.votekukana.com Republican Q1: 03 Q2:E3 Q3:B3 Q4: 03 Q5: 130 MARTEN, LISA ©wwwdisamarten.com Democrat Q1: 03 Q2: 03 Q3:flD 24: 133 Q5: 03
AUNA, JARED KAMAKAKULANI ©none Nonpartisan Special Q1:ED Q2:ED 53: B3 (14: ED 55: 133 WALTJEN, KELDEN BRAUN AKONI © www.keldenforprosecutor.org Nonpartisan Special Q1: 03 Q2:flD Q3:ED Q4:|33 Q5: d NO RESPONSE BRIDGES, CHRISTOPHER R. | Nonpartisan Special © none
KOLLAR, JUSTIN F. ©justinkollar.org Nonpartisan Special Q1:ED 52: ED 53: ED Q4:ED 55: ED
ALM, STEVE ©www.stevealmforprosecutor.com Nonpartisan Special Q1:ED Q2:ED 53: ED 34: ED Q5:ED BROWN, ROBERT [RJ] ©www.voterjbrown.com Nonpartisan Special Q1:ED 32: ED Q3:ED 24: ED Q5:ED ESSER, JACQUIE ©www.esserforjustice.com Nonpartisan Special Q1:ED Q2:ED 23: ED Q4;ED Q5;ED KAU, MEGAN ©www.friendsofmegankau.com Nonpartisan Special Q1:ED Q2:ED 23: ED Q4;ED Q5:ED KIM, TAE ©www.votetkim.com Nonpartisan Special Q1:ED Q2:ED 33: ED Q4;ED Q5:ED NADAMOTO, DWIGHT K. © www.nadamotoforprosecutor.com Nonpartisan Special Q1:ED 32: ED Q3;ED 24: ED Q5:ED YAQOOB, ANOSH H. ©www.facebook.com/anoshyaqoob.prosecutor Nonpartisan Special Q1:ED 22: ED Q3:ED 24: ED Q5:ED