Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 7, 1 July 2020 — PAU, [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Louis Nonpartisan Special AGE: 57 © Medical ūoctor © ljkpau@yahoo.com ® none
1. • We have poor 1 access to stable affordable housing, meaningful employment, health issues, and food security. • Waiting for others to do something for us instead of making and j taking it upon ourselves making the opportunity
to improve the situation for us. • We need to ensure the improvement of useful education and job skills to become productive in society and to help others. 2. • Like most of the loeal people here, I grew up in a scarce resource environment. I used this experience to help the eommunity in community service occupations. I have been a Hawaii County Poliee Officer, Hawaii County Firefighter and paramedic, a registered nurse, and now a physician. These experiences have allowed me the opportunity to provide essential helpful services to the community and in turn, learn from the community. • As a successful small business owner, I learned to manage, develop resources, and provide vital services to others in need. I have learned about accounting, budgeting, thinking "outside of the box", problemsolving, and leadership. 3. • TMT and Mauna Kea have been a volatile issue. Prior to 2020, the Hawaii island poverty rate was 17.4%. This recent Covid-19 crisis has crippled the touristdependent Hawaii economy and there has been a huge job loss, business closings, increased stress, and life uncertainty. • I support the creation of higher-paying jobs and employment stability with a diversified eeonomie base. What I don't support is the mismanagement by the state in the management of Mauna Kea. • Let's look at feasible ways to improve ineome generation (ie: lease negotiation) from the entities that use Mauna Kea and utilize a portion of the funds to protect Mauna Kea for everyone.