Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2020 — HAO, [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Louis Nonpartisan Special AGE: 85 © Administration © louishaoG1G2@gmail.com none
1. Housing, Heahh and Eeonomie Development 2. I offer my OHA experience. Having served as trustee for the island of Moloka'i and Maui, respectively, until the US Supreme Court invalidated OHA
elections in 2000. I also offer my aeeomplishments as former trustee, creating the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund and many health and eeonomie programs. I offer my 38 years of government service as a civil servant to help bring accountability, transparency, and respectability back to OHA. 3. I will support the protection of our culture and our environmental concerns of Maunakea through a consultative and acceptable process. OHA's mandate is to better the conditions of Native Hawaiians and to improve the quality of life to the extent possible; through coordination, cooperation and partnerships.