Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 6, 1 Iune 2020 — Aloha Rising and Voting by Mail [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Aloha Rising and Voting by Mail

By Kainoa Kaumeheiwa-Rego OHA recently kicked off its Aloha Rising Civic Engagement campaign. The goal is to increase civic engagement and voter participation within our lāhui to ensure our voices are heard at the ballot box and in the halls of government. These monthly articles will mn through the General Election in November. In addition, OHA is hosting a new online engagement workshop series similarly called Aloha Rising every Thursday at 2:00 p.m. The weekly one-hour program features Kumu Hina sharing mele, and community experts discussing the history of civic engagement within the Native Hawaiian community. You ean join the weekly workshop live via Zoom, Facebook Live or YouTube. You ean also find the videos from this series, as well as voter information, at www. oha.org/vote. The Voting Process In August and November of every even-num-bered year, the State' s registered voters head to the polls to fulfill their kuleana of voting for leaders to serve in various elected positions across our pae 'āina. Well, we used to... This year, Hawai'i will be managing all eleetions entirely through the mail. Following in the footsteps of Colorado, Oregon and Washington, voters no longer need to visit their usual neighborhood polling plaee and ean now wait for a mail ballot packet to arrive at their homes as early as July 2 1 st and October 16th, respectively. To this end, the Office of Elections has already sent signature update cards to every registered voter on the roll. These signatures will be used by election officials to validate our ballots. If, for some reason, the signature on the ballot does not match the signature the Office of Elections has on file, you will have five (5) business days after the election to address the issue or voter fraud may be assumed and legal action taken. If your signature has changed or if you just want to make sure it's updated - be sure to turn in your card as soon as possible ! The final day to register to receive your ballot by mail is Thursday, July 9th. To register online visit olvr.hawaii.gov. ■