Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 6, 1 Iune 2020 — MEA O LOKO [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu



mo'olelo nui i c0ver future Envisioning a New Normal mges u-15 BY PUANANI FERNANDEZ-AKAMINE Revisiting Tourism pages m BY ED KALAMA The lockdown and subsequent cessation of tourism to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus has provided both 'ōiwi conservationists and businesspeople a unique opportunity to reimagine a different future for our lāhui as we enjoy a cleaner, healthier, less crowded Hawa'i. Here are both perspectives on using this time to create a new normal for our lāhui. mauli ula | healīh Safe Families = Safe Communities pages 12-13 BY MARSHA HEU B0LS0N Domestic violence is on the rise in Hawai'i and worldwide as a direct result of the stressors brought on by the pandemic. The Domestic Violence Action Center offers hope and help.

lune June 2020 Vol. 37, No. 06 HO'OKAHUA WAIWAI | EOONOMIO 8ELF-8UFFICIENCY OHA Approves $3 Million for C0VID-19 Relief page 17 BY STERLING W0NG OHA more than doubles funding for beneficiary Emergency Relief Program and provides funds to promote community-based food security. mo'omeheu | culture Lessons from the Pandemic page 18 BYGHERYLCHEETSUTSUMI We have all been forced to pause and to learn to do things differently during the course of the lockdown. Four 'ōiwi reflect on what they've learned and what is truly important.