Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 6, 1 Iune 2020 — Ho'ohui 'ia... we are in this together ... and Ho'omaika'i and mahalo, Kurt Klein, Esq. [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Ho'ohui 'ia... we are in this together ... and Ho'omaika'i and mahalo, Kurt Klein, Esq.
Life after Coronavirus... We've been in lockdown since March, and many of us are feeling restless for change. And the world is changing so rapidly that this time last week feels like years in the past. Over the last few weeks alone, we have seen unprecedented changes to every part of our lives. But how could these changes impact us in the long term? Could temporary laws lead to bigger cultural shifts
further down the road? And are any of our new habits here to stay? I'll mention briefly workplace culture and the economy in order to better understand the possible long-term implications of this coronavirus pandemic.
Life after eoronavirus: workplace culture For most people in professional jobs, social distancing has meant a total shift to working from home - something many employees would have liked the opportunity to do pre-coronavirus, but hadn't been allowed to. Businesses may then shift to having smaller, flexible office spaces, or sections of co-working spaces. The implieations of office workers no longer needing to flood into the center of cities like New York and Los Angeles every day could be huge. Adam Steel, a senior strategic foresight writer at The Future Laboratory, says that it could even be an opportunity to "reboot suburbia, rural villages and the countryside." "Big city offices would be used less, and could become more like flagship stores or flagship offices, whieh employees might visit a few times a year for whole-company events," he says. Life after coronavirus: the economy What will the effect of widespread business closures and lay-offs be? What happens when more people than ever are forced to elaim benefits? Are we heading for another recession like the 2008 finaneial crisis? Coronavirus: this is the reality of being forced to self-isolate in Hawai'i. The coronavirus tips us further into a recession, so we will definitely have a recession or an eeonomie downturn of some form, most eeonomie experts believe. "The question is whether it's just a dip and then
On May 5, 2020, the Supreme Court of the United States rejected the "Makekau" Plaintiffs' Petition for Certiorari thereby putting an end to this case... and thereby SAVING OUR BENEFICIARIES over $350,000 in fees. Congratulations, Kurt! You saved a ton of beneficiary trust funds by successfully defending this. This is from the Court Order calendar and is all that the US Supreme Court ever says on a particular case where cert is denied. As you may recall, after losing their (Akina/Makekau) case to halt the Native Hawaiian elections in the U.S. District Court for the District of Hawai'i, the Plaintiffs were able to freeze the process by obtaining an "All Writs" Order from the Supreme Court. A hui hou, Trustee Leina'ala Ahu Isa ■
you eome out of it quite rapidly, or whether it's something mueh longer." This depends on how long it is before things go "slightly more back to normal," adds Dave Innes, head of economics at the Rowntree Foundation. He says that if businesses choose to take up the government's salary retention plan (Paycheck Protection Program), this could be a massive factor in helping to maintain stability for workers. "There's a role for businesses to make sure
they actually keep people in work and help people out, instead of laying more people off and increasing their eeonomie insecurity." Ho'omaika'i and MAHALO, Kurt Klein, Esq.!
Leina'ala Ahu lsa, Ph.D. TrustBE, At-lsrgE
Kurt Klein, Esq. - Photo: Courtesy