Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 6, 1 June 2020 — Kamehameha Schools Participates in Buy One, Feed One Movement [ARTICLE]
Kamehameha Schools Participates in Buy One, Feed One Movement
Kamehameha Schools is pledging a monetary donation for eaeh meal purchased at a participating eatery as part of the Buy One, Feed One Hawai'i (BOFO Hawai'i) movement with proceeds benefitting the Hawai'i Food Bank to ensure that no one will go hungry during the coronaviras pandemic. BOFO Hawai'i encourages individuals who eat out to purchase a second meal for someone who has been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. The goal of the initiative is to reinforce goodwill and spread the aloha spirit. The viral movement first appeared on social media on May 1 and has reached over 60,000 people after Hawai'i-born actress and KS alumna Kelly Hu shared her experience. KS will make its donation of up to $50,000 to the loeal food bank network as individuals visit a participating restaurant - a list is posted at BuyOneFeedOne.com - and simply post a picture of the meals purchased along with the hashtag #BOFOHawaii. "We're encouraging individuals, businesses, friends and 'ohana to pay it forward," said KS CEO Jack Wong. "Our participation in this movement is another way that Kamehameha Schools is able to support our community. Additional information is available at buyonefeedone.com. Join the challenge and help feed someone in need. ■