Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 6, 1 June 2020 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HO'OULU PILINA 'ĀINA! OHA presents a series of online interactive activities intended to strengthen connection to aina while stuck indoors. ACTIVITY #3: HULI KA LEPO This month's Ho'oulu Pilina 'Aina online activity allows us to get down and dirty without physica I ly getting dirty! The purpose of Huli Ka Lepo is to further ground our connection to plaee by researching the different types of soils within the ahupua'a where you live. Using the online Hawai'i Soil Atlas (https://gis.ctahr.hawaii.edu/SoilAtlas), answer the following guestions: • What types of soils are found within your ahupua'a? • Provide the following descriptions for eaeh soil ° Soil Climate ° Water Characteristics ° Fertility ° Phosophorus Reactivity ° pH and Acidity Levels ° Physical Structure •Given the dato gathered above, what types of plants might grow well in your ahupua'a? What types of plants might grow well in your yard? BONUS HA'AWINAi Using OHA's Papakilo Database (papakilodatabase.com) see if you ean find any mo'olelo (stories) and information about the different soils within your ahupua'a. Share your answers and photos of your 'āina on Facebook or lnstagram and tag us! #ehoopilinaaina ^^/officeofhawaiianaffairs /oha_hawaii i I I I I I I