Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 5, 1 Mei 2020 — COVID-19 Mortgage Relief for Homesteaders [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
COVID-19 Mortgage Relief for Homesteaders
By Cedric Duarte
DEPARTMENTOF HAWAIIAN HOME lANOS Amid the C0VID-19 outbreak, the Hawaiian Homes Commission took swift action to deliver hnaneial relief to many of its lessees. At an emergency meeting on March 24, the Commission approved the postponement of mortgage payments for Department of Hawaiian Home Lands direct loans. The meeting was held via teleconference due to travel restrictions and social distancing measures, in accordance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. With the approval, all applieahle payments may be deferred for up to six months, effective with the April 2020 payment. Loans qualified under the deferment include DHHL Direct Loans or loans assigned to the Department. An easy way to determine if a lessee qualifies for
this program is if the loan payment is made payable directly to DHHL. There is no application process to enroll in the deferment period and borrowers will eonhnue to receive their monthly loan statements from the Department. In a statement, Hawaiian Homes Commission Chairman William J. Ailā, Jr. noted that the agency could already foresee long-term eeonomie impacts on the homelands resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak and stressed the need to act quickly. The Commission's action affects over 1,200 direct loans with the Department. DHHL beneficiaries who are experiencing Ananeial hardship due to the COVID-19 outbreak, but have mortgages from a private institution should contact their lender as soon as possible. A DHHL private mortgage could be with HomeStreet Bank, Bank of Hawai'i, VA, a loeal credit union, or other lenders. Through the United States Government's Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Eeonomie Security Act, also known as the CARES Act, homeowners with government-guaranteed mortgages are eligible for loan forbearance for up to one year without fees, penalties, or additional interest. Private mortgages on Hawaiian Home Lands would qualify for this assistance. For information about DHHL loan deferrals, lessees should eall (808) 620-9500. If a
beneficiary has a loan with an outside lender, the Department encourages you to contact your provider as soon as possible. Learn about COVID19 impacts on DHHL activities by visiting dhhl.hawaii.gov/covidI 19. ■