Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 5, 1 Mei 2020 — KAWAIOLA CROSSWORD PUZZLE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


By Ku'ualohapau'ole Lau

ACROSS 1 Hawaiian set of words meaning spirituality; believe in a "higher power." 7 In the midst of this pandemic, increasing incidents of violence is a frightening world-wide trend. 8 is a program that connects qualified lndigenous families with a variety of emergency services. 9 This means "the disease that deprives one of relatives and friends," as translated by Tūtū Pukui. 12 They established Hui Mālama I Nā Kūpuna 0 Hawai'i Nei in 1988. 15 Keali'i Reichel calls C0VID-19 the " ." 17 We live in a time of so mueh , especially during the C0VID-19 pandemic. 21 The first program on radio to interview native speakers of the Hawaiian language. 23 Hawai'i's leading conservation and youth education non-profit. 25 took swift action to deliver Ananeial relief to many of its lessees. 26 lmproving the healīh of Native Hawaiians is the mission of . 27 Families that live next to the (Nānākuli) have the second and third lowest life expectancies in the entire state. 28 The first cable program in Hawai'i that was produced at 'Ōlelo Community Television. 29 A partnership between OHA and a statewide network of community organizations to deliver 12 weeks of locally-sourced food to nearly 1,500 kūpuna in need. 30 Over the past decade long-liners operating in the Pacific Oeean have killed an estimated 20,000

Ua maka'ala? Have you been paying attention? Answers for this crossword puzzle ean be found through out the pages of this issue of Ka Wai Ola. Please do not include any spaces, special characters, or diacriticals ( 'okina and kahakō) in your answers.

oeeanie whitetip sharks as . DOWN 2 One of the most notable problems is the reality of overcrowded and families on the homesteads. 3 Hawaiian female scientist who made efforts to preserve Hawaiian cultural traditions. 4 The Nā Hōkū Hanohano awards has been postponed to 5 United States Government's Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Eeonomie Security Act, also known as the . 6 An OHA-funded emergency Hnaneial assistance program. 10 The Hawaiian word for "funerary possessions." 11 Through the Howaka program also distributes boxed food and gift cards to families in need during the holidays and in emergencies like the current COVID-19 pandemic. 13 A framework for Native Hawaiian wellbeing, developed by Kānaka Maoli and others for the lāhui and all who live in Hawai'i. 14 Earned a medical degree from UH's John A. Burns School of Medicine and is the vice president of 'Ahahui o nā Kauka. 16 Only visit websites with clearly URL addresses. 18 data will be used to determine where billions of dollars offederalfundinggoes. i 19 are initiated online, or by telephone and text messaging. 20 Has the highest per capita population of Native Hawaiians in the state at 72%. Ll lu OLULU CIL I /U.

22 The Dietary Manager at Lunalilo Home and second generation owner of Hale i Kealoha restaurant in Kailua. 24 Kamehameha IV signed into law a bill that would allow for a hospital for sick and needy Hawaiians.