Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 5, 1 May 2020 — Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HO'OULU PILINA 'ĀINA! ; OHA presents a series of online interaetive aetivities intended to strengthen ; conneetion to aina while stuck indoors. ACTIVITY #1: HO' OKAHUA 'AlNA i Understanding the landscape and area that you live in is extremely important in establishing your 1 foundation and spatia I understanding of 'āina. The purpose of this activity is to help you identify the | names associated with your plaee of residence, as well as the surrounding landscape features that make | the plaee special and significant. Using OHA's Kipuka Database (kipukadatacase.com), start to build I your foundation by answering the guestions below: i • What mokupuni do you live on? | • What moku do you live in? i • What ahupua'a do you live in? | • ldentify three inoa 'āina, or features, within your ahupua'a (e.g., hill, bay, valley, i stream, ridge, gulch, cultural site, etc.) : i) | 2) : 3)
i BONUS HA'AWINA: Do additional research for those inoa 'aina using OHA's Papakilo Database 1 (papakilodatabase.com) to see if you ean find any mo'olelo (stories) associated with those places. | Share your answers and photos of your 'āina on Facebook or lnstagram and tag us! ! #ehoopilinaaina i _ ! /officeofhawaiianaffairs /oha_hawaii