Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 04, 1 April 2020 — Assault on Hawai'i's Reef Wildlife [ARTICLE]

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Assault on Hawai'i's Reef Wildlife


By Office of Hawaiian Affairs Staff Acoalition of Native Hawaiians and conservation groups filed a lawsuit in late January against the state Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) for allowing the unregulated extraction of fish and other aquatic wildlife from Hawai'i's reefs by the aquarium pet trade without any environmental review. A landmark decision from the Hawai'i Supreme Court and subsequent circuit court injunction in 2017 required DLNR to stop issuing permits for commercial aquarium collection until the agency examined the environmental impacts. Instead, according to Earthjustice, the agency created a loophole to allow the acquarium industry to sidestep the court ralings and carry on without permits, resulting in the extraction of more than half a million marine animals from Hawai'i reefs over the past two years. "We're going to court to safeguard Hawai'i's treasured manne life against an absentee agency that insists on giving the aquarium industry free rein to strip our reefs and export our marine life to mainland hobbyists," said Earthjustice attorney Mahesh Cleveland. "Half a million marine animals in two years is devastating for our reefs, and scandalous in light of the courts' instractions to halt aquarium collection until the agency and industry fully eome to grips with the environmental impacts of what they're doing." Earthjustice represents a coalition of eommunity groups and Native Hawaiian cultural practitioners including For the Fishes, Willie and Ka'imi Kaupiko, Mike Nakaehi, and the Center for Biological Diversity. Their lawsuit against DLNR is for violations of the environmental review law (called the Hawai'i Environmental Policy Act or HEPA), state aquarium eolleehon laws, and the public trast doctrine under the Hawai'i Constitution. The lawsuit comes just weeks after the coalition warned DLNR that they would go to court if the agency did not comply with the 2017 injunction. "We were shocked to learn that under the agency's watch, the industry has continued ravaging Hawai'i's reefs without any assessment of environmental harm, despite the courts' rulings," said Rene Umberger, Executive Director of For the Fishes. "Taking hundreds of thousands of marine animals for private

profits obviously requires public scrutiny and accountability under the environmental review process." Ka'imi Kaupiko, who regularly fishes with his family in Miloli'i, the state's last traditional Hawaiian fishing village said, "The state has a duty to ensure our reefs ean feed us for generations to eome, not to line the aquarium pet trade's pockets. These collectors are taking food off of our tables, and the state is doing nothing to ensure the industry's practices are sustainable." "Hawai'i's reefs are the lifeblood of Kānaka Maoli and our communities," adds Mike Nakaehi, a Native Hawaiian cultural practitioner. "We can't afford to allow the aquarium trade to continue lawlessly, putting private profits over the heahh and protection of our public trust resources." The Hawai'i Supreme Court ruled in 2017 that commercial aquarium collection under permits is subject to environmental review under the Hawai'i Environmental Policy Act, and the Circuit Court then voided all permits and ordered a moratorium on renewing or issuing new aquarium eolleeīion permits pending the environmental review process. In response, DLNR effectively deregulated the aquarium pet trade by continuing to issue and renew eommercial marine licenses to aquarium collectors without first requiring aquarium collection permits or environmental review, as long as collectors say they don't use fine-meshed gear. DLNR's loophole has enabled the aquarium trade to harvest more than half a million marine animals without any environmental review over the past two years, continuing business as usual for the industry and sidestepping the courts' ralings. "The agency's decision to deregulate the aquarium trade threatens Hawai'i's precious reef ecosystems, whieh are already at risk due to climate change," said Maxx Phillips, Hawai'i Director of the Center for Biological Diversity. The collected animals are primarily herbivorous reef-dwellers that serve important functions in the coral reef ecosystem, such as helping to control algae growth. Studies have shown that reducing the abundance and diversity of reef fish and important invertebrates affects a reef s ability to respond to stresses or disturbances. ■