Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 04, 1 ʻApelila 2020 — 2020 [ARTICLE]
E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola News will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nāmamo a Hāloa!
COITO - Pienie on June 27, 2020 (Saturday), Zablan Beach Park (across Nānākuli Ranch), from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Potluck luneh. Luneheon on June 28, 2020 (Sunday), St. Louis Alumni Clubhouse. T-shirts and genealogy books available. Contact Jeanne M. Kahanaoi: 808-354-7365. CHARTRAND - Aloha John Francis Carson Chartrand is my Grandfather on my mother's side. He eame to Hawai'i in the 20s with the Calvary. He married four Hawaiian women in his life and had many children. Mary Keahi Kaohu, Edith Kapule Kalawaia, Margaret Keanalani Claesene and Helen Brown. My mother Isabelle Leina'ala Chartrand Kainoa and brother Harold Kalawaia Chartrand had eleven half siblings. In honor of all the Chartrand 'Ohana that have passed on, to meet Grandpa Chartrand. We want to plan a reunion. We need everyone to kokua with your current contact info to cousin Cami Chartrand 446-5098 email Chartrandreunion2020@gmail.com or John Kainoa 244-8428, johnkainoa61@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you. Mahalo John. DOLE - The descendants of William Patrick Dole and Emily Keli'iahonui Kekoa Dole are planning a family reunion on Saturday August 8, 2020 at the Waimānalo Beach Park, O'ahu , Hawai'i. William Dole and Emily K. Dole had 10 ehildren, most of whom have produced descendants who are the next generation of cousins. Their ehildren are named, Emily Ka'auwai, Henry Dole, Billy Dole, Simeon Dole, Henrietta Carter, Muriel Duvachelle, Benjamin Dole, Richard Dole Kaai, Eleanor Ka-Ne, and Loretta Kwoek. The organizers encourage all family descendants to attend and be a part of this family reunion and celebration. The morning will begin with a prayer of blessings as we celebrate the 126th birthday of our tutu Emily K. Dole. There will be talk story sessions, a Pa'ina Hawaiian Luneheon, family entertainment, games, and in the afternoon family genealogy workshops. Camping will be allowed by permit. Don't miss out on this opportunity to get to meet cousins that you have not met. For more information, please contact: Camie Apau 808-852-9880, Holly Kwoek Kaleohano 808-348-0077, Peewee Ka-Ne 808-990-5242. HANAPI - The descendants of Lucy Hanapi Bungo, Lily Hanapi Kawelo, and Edward Kawaihoa Hanapi will be holding a family reunion on O'ahu, Hawai'i on July 24, 25, and 26, 2020. For more information email Lisa Jaber at ljab3@ aol.com or eall (808) 220-5404 and leave a message. Mahalo. KAHELE 'OHANA MILOLI'I - The descendants of John Halena Kahele and Maria Malaea Nunuha and their children Ellen Kalawae'a, John Halena, Hannah Koanohano, William Kalilipio Keomaka, Peter Kahuaka'e, Henry Nahinu and Abel Pepe Kaliliaku are planning a gathering in Miloli'i, Hawai'i Island on July 3, 2020 - July 6, 2020. For more information please contact Renee 01ivera at (808) 640-5959, Gloria Wagner at (808) 436-5074 or Sharon "Malama" Faalele at (808) 485-2861. KAI 'OHANA - The descendants of John Kai Akina m. Kane'aloha both born in 1840 and their children Mary Kai m. Kahana; John Makia Kai m. Hattie Wilkins had children Maria Kai m. Charles Minor, John Makia Kai Jr. m. Myra Kainupau, William Kai m. Bessie, Helen Kai m. Daniel Shendeling, David Kai m. Silvana Luis;
Kalamaikai m . Ulii had children Henry Tai Kalamaikai Kai m. Mundon, Herbert Ulii Kai m. Kane, Mary Ailau Kai m. Kamahele, Maria Kai m. Lovell, Annie Kai m. James Low; and John Keliikahi Kai m. Annie Akamu had children Ernest Kai m. Peggy Hockely, Herbert Kai m. Regina Aiu, John Keliikahi Kai m .Ivy Demello, Albert Kai m. Ellen Stephenson, Paul Kai m. Edna Fergerstrom, George Kai m. Beatrice Carter. 'Ohana will be holding a family reunion on July 17, 2020 at 6:30 pm at Inspire Church Hall in Waikele on O'ahu. For more information contact Johnny Kai at kai4307@msn.com or eall 971-533-6881; Patricia Talbert at 808-388-9168 or Corrina Luna at 808-551-2432. KAMAHELE - Calling on Descendants of Kamahelenui and his wife, Ann Nuu Kapahu of Kahuwai and their children, S.W. Kuamoo Kamahele, John Keoni Kalau Kamahele, Kahaoheo Kaimana Kuula Kamahele, Mose Kamahele, Aupeleki M. Kamahele, John W.K. Kamahele, Alfred S.F. Kamahoe Kamahele, Clement J.I. Kaolulo Kamahele, Jack Kamahele, Elisabeth Kikainei Kamahele, H.K. Kamahele and Gregory Kamahele Kuamoo. We will be holding a family reunion on Hawai'i island in Hilo, September 5 and 6, 2020. For more information please eheek out out Facebook page, Kamahele 2020 Family Reunion . You may also email questions to kamahele2020@gmail.com. KAMILA/CAZIMERO - We are updating our Kamila and Manuel Family Tree and planning our next Family Reunion. Please eheek out our Facebookpage; Hui 'oManuel ame KamilaReunion or email Kamila.ManuelCazimeroFR2021@gmail. eom. You ean also contact Stacy Hanohano at (808) 520-4212 for more information. KIPI-KAHELE - Save the date: Friday, May 22,2020, to May 24,2020, descendants of Katherine Kaahea & Samuel Kipi and Katherine Kaahea & William Miliona Kahele, will be gathering for an 'Ohana Reunion on O'ahu at Mā'ili Beach Park in Mā'ili. Camp set up on Friday night, and main 'Ohana gathering on Saturday, break eamp Sunday. Please bring a pot-blessing dish to share on Saturday (BYOB) registration @ 0900, Pā'ina to start at 1000, luneh at Noon and pā'ina throughout the day. Saturday's agenda: 'Ohana introductions, cultural activities, scavenger hunt, entertainment, games, and fellowship. T-shirts will be on sale, designed by John Kahele Jr. Please eall Aldora Kahele (808) 782-0359, e-mail Airleen Lucero @ airlucero@yahoo.com, 853-8503. To register, please eall Aldora or Kapua Kahele (808) 259-9456 or go to our Kipi-Kahele Facebook page, join the group, where you ean get all of our information. Let's eome and celebrate our Kūpuna and continue their legacy of Aloha. We'll see you in May. A hui hou. Mālama pono. Aloha Ke Akua! KUAKAHELA/KALIMAON AON A Descendants of Kuakahela and Keaka Kalimaonaona. Children: Naiheauhau, Kaaihue, Kealohapauole, Kamau, Kaunahi, Kimona, Wahinelawaia and Keau. The reunion is set for July 25 and 26, 2020 at Makaeo Events Pavilion, 01d Airport Beach Park, Kailua-Kona, Hawai'i. Need head count by June 1, 2020. Call Agnes at 808-987-1884. If you have any questions contact President, Apo Aquino or on Facebook (Kaukahela 'Ohana). KULIOHOLANI-KONAWAHINE- 'OHANA REUNION "CANCELLED" Due to recent developments of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and
heeding the guidance of our government officials, we are CANCELLING our family reunion that was scheduled for Saturday June 20, 2020. A refund will be provided to those who have already registered. Please contact your family representatives for more information and coordination of your refunds. We will discuss planning another Kulioholani-Konawahine reunion soon. Questions: johnakijr@hotmail.com MANU/KAWELO - Descendants of John Manu-Kawelo and Kaohuaaionaalii Kapapaheenalu of North Kohala will all be together for the first time in 30 years on Wednesday, July 29 through Sunday, August 2, 2020. We will start with an O'ahu gathering and then meet in North Kohala. Our descendants include Pa, Stewart, Rodenhurst, Hussey, Moku, Manu, and many more. There will be many exciting events that you don't want to miss. For more information follow us on Facebook, Manu - Kawelo Reunion. NĀ'EHU-SAFFERY - Descendants of Captain/ Judge Edmund Saffery (1806-1874) and wives Kupuna Naehu and Waiki Kawaawaaiki Naehu (1828-1900) of Olowalu, Maui, are planning a reunion. Their combined 14 children include: Fanny (John Kaiaokamalie); Edmund Jr. (Emalia Wallaee); Henry (Kahua Kaanaana); Caroline (Frank Rose); William (Emily Cockett and Jennie Makekau); John (Lucy Kahaulelio and Rebecca Nahooikaika); Thomas (Mary Luna Kina); Mary (Daniel Palena); Emma (Wiliiam Pogue); Anna (Joseph Kealoha and Daniel Nahaku); Julianna (Antoine Freitas); Charles (Emily Hawele and Catherine Kauwahi); Helen (George Tripp); Emalia Nellie (Louis Ernestberg, George Conrad, and Nelson Kaloa). If you're interested in attending the reunion (postponed to 2021 due to COVID -19), please visit www.SafferyOhana.org or eontact Naomi Losch, (808) 261-9038, nlosch@ hawaii.rr.com or Lāhela Perry, 808-366-7936, safferyohana@gmail.com PIO - The descendants of Pio/Kepio aka Kaawalauole/Kaawalauloa/Keliipio/Pio and first wife Keoahu of Kaupo, Maui, will be having a family reunion on Maui island, Sept. 4-7, 2020 at Kihei Community Center. $5 registration per person. Kepio and Keoahu had six ehildren who used the surname Kepio or Pio at some point in their lives: Kahaleuahi (k), Nakoaelua (w), Malaea (w), Kaukani (k), Ipoaloha (w) and Kaleohano (k). Sampson Kahaleuahi married Anadasia Kealoha, children : Andrew Kaawa Sr., Anna (Kapaona), Domitila Namahana (Hui Sing), Poni, Kahalepaahao, Cecilia Kupu aka Tupu (Kaaihue), Kanoho, Kaawaliilii, Mahana, Kamaka, Joseph Iukewe aka Teve and Margaret. Victoria Nakoaelua we are still searching for her descendants, she married Kahaleauki and had possibly 1-2 other marriages, children: Kalahiki, Louisiana Helela (married Joseph Keawe; their hanai children are Andrew "Analu" Almeida married Victoria Reinhardt, and Martha Smith married Chang) and another daughter possibly named Nakoa (Henry Stuart). Julia Malaea "Maria" first relationship with Keahinuuanu and marriage to Sam Akahi Sr., children:Paul Keahi Adams Sr., Kaaialii, Kalahele, Paahao, Kalei, Kamuela, Lika S., Liilii aka Sam Jr., Agnes Kawai and Andrew Taki. Samuel Kaukani married first Mele Kakaio and second Rebecca Malulu, children: Joseph Kaaialii, Annie (Peters), Samuel Jr., Paul. Ipoaloha married Theodore George Kalalani Kekiwi, children: Agnes Kamilanui (Kailewa), Mary Melia (Aiona, Cuarisma), Henry Kamaelehua aka Hua, Benjamin
Keliikalahale, James Kalalani, Manuel Piimauna aka Mauna, Jessie Kamilaliilii, Agnes Akaneki (Yap, Palafox, Pimental, Perry), Julia Melia, Rachael Lahela (Baisa) and Boniface. Joseph Kaleohano married first Mele Kanakaokekai and second Minnie Aloiau, children: Nani Choy, Minnie (Lancaster), Violet Mauloa (Kowalski). Genealogy updates and photo for Genealogy Book due 4/12/20 to email below. Contact: Ka'apuni Peters-Wong 808-375-432 l,Toni Kowalski 808-436-1845, Donna HueSing Curimao 808-264-3178, Valda "Sweetheart" Baisa Andaya 808-572-9245, Kapi'olani Adams 808-778-6383 or email pioohana@gmail.com. Website will be given when ready. For meeting date info please eontact Ka'apuni. PUKANA O KANIALAMA - family reunion July 10-12, 2020 in Hilo. Descendants of Kinikahikiainoa and Pooui Pahane, Kanialama and Kaohuaino (their 3 keiki Keliikuaaina, Kaniakaio and Pooui), Kai'anui and Nakahili ( parents of Pooui Pahane), Kelupaka Kona and Pila Kauahiokona (parents of Kai'anui). Main branches from the previous mentioned are Kahanu, Gooman, Long, Kona, Kai'anui. Please send contact information or questions to pukanahilo@gmail.com STEWARD - Looking for descendants or 'ohana of James and Mea-alani Steward of Kahalu'u, O'ahu. Please contact William Steward: wsteward52@yahoo.com if you are interested in a family reunion. VICTOR - Victor 'Ohana reunion for descendants of Kamukai Wikoli and Amelia Akoi will be held on O'ahu from Friday 21 through Sunday 23 August 2020. For details please see the 'ohana website at www.victor-ohana.org or the 'ohana Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ The.Victor.Ohana. For more information contact Dwight Victor at dwight@victor-ohana.org, (808) 688-2349, or PO Box 970700 Waipahu HI 96797. WOOLSEY - The descendants of George Lewis Woolsey and Annie Kamakakaulani Akana are planning a family reunion on July 2-5, 2020 at He Piko No Waiohuli, Kula, Maui, Hawai'i. George Lewis Woolsey and Annie Kamakakaulani Akana had four children, all of whom have produced descendants: Matilda Woolsey Norton, George Woolsey, James Woolsey and Miriam Woolsey Jay Reed. We will talk story, have music, games, enjoy eaeh other's company and have genealogy updates during the reunion. Camping is allowed. For more information, please emailHope: woolseyohana@gmail.com.