Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 04, 1 April 2020 — KAWAIOLA CROSSWORD PUZZLE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
By Ku'ualohapau'ole Lau
Ua maka'ala? Have you been paying attention? Answers for this crossword puzzle ean be found through out the pages of this issue of Ka Wai Ola. Please do not include any spaces, special characters, or diacriticals ( 'okina and kahakō) in your answers.
ACROSS 1 will have a major exhibition exploring the conteporary history of Nā Pōhaku Ola Kapaemahu. 5 Perhaps, after 30 years, the time has eome to transfer the program to OHA? 6 Turning the poi up against the side of the bowl repeatedly until the poi is propper consistency and all the water is absorbed. 10 The goal of is to ehampion cultural traditions, craftsmanship, and designs while perpetuating Hawaiian values. 12 OHA and a hui of cultural practicioners recieved iwi kūpuna that were housed for over a century at the University of Cambridge. 14 Recognized by the House of Representatives for their contemporary Hawaiian Music. 16 Na'alehu Anthony recently passed the mantle of leadership to who now serves as Executive Director of 'ŌiwiTV. 18 A video company established by Joan Lander and Puhipau in 1981. 19 Neither male norfemale but a mixture both in mind, heart and spirit. 25 Helm and Mitchell, both were members (also known as PKO). 26 Hawai'i's first moving image archive (The Henry Ku'ualoha Giugni Moving lmage Archive of Hawai'i.) 27 Hawaiian word for story, tale, myth etc. 29 A nonprofit responsible for addressing Native Hawaiian health and well-being. 30 Joined theatre at UH Mānoa and eventually landed a professional gig with the Honolulu Theatre for Youth.
DOWN 2 The new rules allow for smaller lots of up to three acres in size. 3 Hawaiian word for older sibling. 4 is a Kapaemahu producer, calls this a passion project. 7 Movie script creator of new short film about the life of George Helm. 8 Hawaiian for "a patriot." 9 1 ka lā 'apōpō 11 Over 2,700 people participated in the survey with % self-identi1ying as Native Hawaiian or Part Hawaiian. 13 Area on Moloka'i where homesteaders cultivate kalo and other crops to be self-sustaining. 15 A biopic on the life of George Helm, whieh 'Āina Paikai hopes to premiere on Moloka'i next month. 17 Nearly years later, the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands has plans to begin offering new agricultural lots for homesteading. 20 OHA series that's main goal is to hear directly from the community. 21 An animated short film that was selected to premier at the 19th Annual Tribeca Film Festival. 22 Hawaiian folk hero, member of PKO. 23 A minister, an orator, a patriot. 24 Singer/songwritter from Ha'ikū, He'eia O'ahu who is a founder of Keauhou. 28 The first human being and the younger brother of kalo.