Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 3, 1 March 2020 — KA WAI OLA CROSSWORD PUZZLE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
By Ku'ualohapauole Lau
ACROSS 3 4th largest island in the world. 4 Leo Falsetto Contest. 5 increase, exceeding the family's ability to pay. 7 Makena native who attended 'Ulupalakua School as achild. 9 Kumu hula of hālau Ke 'Olu Makani o Mauna Loa. 12 My connection to this plaee is that it's our and it's all we know. 13 Burial ground of Native Hawaiian 'iwi on Hawai'i lsland. 14 The largest Native Llawaiian and Other Pacific lslander population besides Hawai'i. 15 A volunteer program run by the U.S. aimed to provide assistance to diverse countries. 17 According to OFIA's online survey, the most important issue facing Hawaiians is affordable 20 Only about 26,800 acres was actually distributed under the . 22 Native Flawaiian family being affected by high property taxes on Maui. 23 Graduate student from UH Mānoa who journeyed to Madagascar for a life changing experience.
25 DHHL acquired property in district to — deploy as affordable rentals. 27 Ahupua'a of Ka'eo on Maui where Kukahiko 'Ohana resides. 28 A non-profit created out of the need to support
Ua maka'ala? Have you been paying attention? Answers for this crossword puzzle ean be found through out the pages of this issue of Ka Wai Ola. Please do not include any spaces, special characters, or diacriticals ( 'okina and kahakō) in your answers.
houseless communities. DOWN 1 Most Hawai'i residents are away from slipping through the cracks. 2 Sunset on the Beach celebrated the "Legacy of Prince Kūhiō. 3 Largest hula competition in the world. 6 has increased from 27% to 50.1% in twenty years. 8 Kūpuna like Elizabeth Kauahipaula got water from the sea! 10 Executive director of Hawaiian Community Assets advocating for affordable housing and more. 11 Elawaiian word referring to the round and fullness ofthe moon. 16 The deliberate act of denying access to financial services and capital to certain neighborhoods. 18 The eool breeze that comes down from Mauna Loa. 19 The moon phase of Friday the 13th. 21 million dollars held from OHA beneficiaries because of state audit. 24 Flawaiian word referring to moon cycle that's divided into three (10-day periods). 26 The Prince Festival will be celebrated across the pae 'āina March 14 through April 5.