Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2020 — Page 35 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Classified ads only $12.50 - Type or clearly write your ad of no more than 1 75 characters (including spaces and punctuation) and mail, along with a eheek for $12.50, to: Ka Wai Ola Classifieds, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 560 N. Nimitz Hwy., Suite 200, Honolulu, Hl 96817. Make eheek payable to OHA. (We cannot accept credit cards.) Ads and payment must be received by the 1 5th for the next month's edition of Ka Wai Ola. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@oha.org with the subject "Makeke/Classified." OHA reserves the right to refuse any advertisement, for any reason, at our discretion.

60 MINUTES EVERY SUNDAY AT 1PM 60 MINUTES EVERY FRIDAY AT 1PM lnformation Sessions for 2 vitamin supplements and hydrogen water from Japan. Reserveyourseatand sampleat 808-548-9461 ARE Y0U PREPARED F0R THE MEDICARE ANNUAL ENR0LLMENT PERI0D?? Call to find a plan to fit your needs! Kamaka Jingao 808.286.0022 Hi Lie #433187 D0 Y0U 0R A L0VED 0NE NEE0 L0NG TERM CARE, FINAL EXPENSE, 0R LIFE INSURANCE ?? Let's see what fits your needs! ! Call Kamaka Jingao 808-286-0022 HiLie #433187 HAWAIIAN MEM0RIAL PARK CEMETERY. Garden of Central. Lot 21, Section-D, Site #3 Double lnternment Plot. View of K. Bay close to road, walkway on Hill, not far from Chapel. Sell for $3,000.00 cash. Contact Harold at 808-597-7710 anytime. H0MES WITH ALOHA-Coming soon Panaewa / Hilo 3 bedroom, 3 bath 15,195 sf. lot Leasehold - Charmaine I. Quilit Poki(R) (RB-15998) Keller Williams Honolulu (RB-21303) (808) 295-4474. H0MES WIĪH ALOHA-Kapolei / Kanehili 5 bedroom, 3 baths w/ 1 bdrm, 1 full bath downstairs. Leasehold - Charmaine I. Quilit Poki(R) (RB-15998) Keller Williams Honolulu (RB-21303) (808) 295-4474. H0MES WIĪH ALOHA-Nanakuli Ave. 3 bedrooms/2.5 baths 2 story, 8,194 sq.ft. corner lot. Built in 2010 $435,000. Leasehold-Charmaine I. Quilit Poki(R) (RB-1 5998) Keller Williams Honolulu (RB-21303) (808) 295-4474. H0MES WIĪH ALOHA-Waianae 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, Fixer upper Leasehold-Charmaine I. Quilit Poki(R) (RB-1 5998) Keller Williams Honolulu (RB-21303) (808) 295-4474.

HOMESWITH ALOHA-Waianae/ Kaupuni 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath Energy-efficient homes subdivision PV, Central A/C Leasehold-Charmaine I. Quilit Poki(R) (RB-1 5998) Keller Williams Honolulu (RB-21303) (808) 295-4474. L0MIL0MI MASSAGE LICENSE CLASSES start March 15th. Free consultation. Call this week! Lucky 808-988-4440. www.quantuminstituteintl.org MEDICARE 0PEN ENR0LLMENT PERI0D (OEP) Jan. lst- Mar. 31st.Let's Compare Your Options! No Cost! No Obligations! Call Kamaka Jingao 808.286. 0022Hi Lie #433187 PANAEWA H0ME- Hilo. 3 bedrooms/3 baths/2 car garage. 1,444 sq ft on 10,008 Lot. Convenient location, partially fenced, auto gate 20x40 covered area; shed, garden offered at $450k Ls. Call 808-895-1841 or email eskdegrood@gmail.com. PR0DUCTS MAŪE IN JAPAN. Want more information eome to Ohana Hale Marketplace booth 62. Call to reserve your sample at 808-548-9461. R0YAL FLAGS ALS0 CALLED R0YAL ENSIGN ($15), kānaka maoli flags ($10) and traditional Hawaiian flags ($10), all 3' x 5' size, made of strong nylon to fly on your truck, boat or house or at protests to show respect to the Hawaiian Kingdom and its laws. Also patches, T-shirts and tanktops. Order online. www.kanakamaolipower.org or phone 808-332-5220 THINKING 0F BUYING 0R SELLING A H0ME? Call Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R) 295- 4474 RB-15998. Keller Williams Honolulu RB-21303. To view current listings, go to my website HomeswithAloha.com. Call or email me at Charmaine.QuilitPoki@gmail.com to learn more about homeownership. Mahalo nui. Specialize in Fee Simple & Homestead Properties, 33 years.B

Homes:'/vi Aloha Your Kamaaina Iieal Estate Professional CHARMAINE QUILIT POKI REALTOR, ABR. C.RS. CDPE. CRI. SRES c 1 808.29S.4474 \Y I Homes\Vith Alolia.com R I Charmr»ioe.Qiiilit Poki@ginail.coni


Honolulu, Hawaii 96814

WaWaiOla EMAIL kwo@OHA.org WEBSITES https://kawaiola.news @@kawaiolanews 1i@kawaiolanews B/kawaiolanews

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