Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 2, 1 February 2020 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
OHA has selected the UH Mānoa Native Hawaiian Science and Engineering Mentorship Program to administer a $1.1 million grant to be used for higher education scholarships for Native Hawaiian students. The purpose of this grant is to increase the number of Native Hawaiian students who graduate from college, or who earn a vocational education certificate. The Mentorship Program has two
priority areas: 1) support scholarships for Native Hawaiians who want to pursue vocational certificates, undergraduate and graduate degrees; and 2) provide wrap-around services for non-tra-ditional Native Hawaiian students to help them complete a post-sec-ondary degree, or vocational or technical education. As the grant administrator, the Mentorship Program will provide OHA Higher Education Scholarships to Native Hawaiian students across UH's ten-campus system. Eaeh scholarship recipient will be matched with an on-campus coordinator and attend a scholarship orientation at their respective campus. The Program will provide scholarship recipients with advising and mentoring, professional and leadership development, and culture-based workshops. Between 2010 and 2018, OHA provided more than 2,000 postsecondary education scholarships totaling more than $5.6 million. For more information about OHA' s Higher Education Scholarship, contact the Mentorship Program at ohastem@hawaii.edu. ■