Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2020 — Thousands Attend Hawai'i Rising [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Thousands Attend Hawai'i Rising
Thousands of Native Hawaiians and Aloha 'Āina advocates gathered at the Captiol to make their voices heard. - Photo: Kanai'a Nakamura, Courtesy Kanaeokana
By Kainoa Kaumeheiwa-Rego
On January 15th, the Hawai'i State Legislature convened the hrst session of 2020. While there was mueh pomp and circumstance in the House and Senate ehambers, the real action took plaee in the Capitol Rotunda and surrounding areas as thousands of Native Hawaiians and Aloha 'Āina advocates gathered to make their voices heard. A eoalūion of Native Hawaiian and grassroots organizations from across the pae 'āina eame together to help plan Hawai'i Rising, an event meant to take the aloha 'āina eoncept from our communities to the Capitol. The eoalhion worked to bring together highprofile and well-respected speakers, experts and teachers to cultivate participation in the legislative process from among the masses. "We understand aloha 'āina to involve a deeply rooted eonneehon and commitment to the physical and spiritual heahh of our lands, seas, and skies. It's an unwavering dedication to the well-being of our lāhui, and a devotion to protect and suppoi1 our cultural practices that take plaee whhin the embrace of our 'āina," said Malia Nobrega-Olivera from Kanaeokana, the Kula Hawai'i network. In the rotunda, thousands of people crowded as close as possible to the stage to hear speakers like Kaho'okahi Kanuha and
Kealoha Pisciotta talk about Maunakea. They stayed to hear the wisdom of Nā Wai 'Ehā and kūpuna panelists, and to participate in 'Aha Protocols at the beginning, middle and end of the event. Hundreds more participated in Pu'uhuluhulu University classes including "Organizing to Build People Power" by Aikea, "Protecting Salt Ponds on Kaua'i" with Malia Nobrega-Olivera and Ku'ulei Santos, and "Kū Ali'i: Patterns of Hawaiian Leadership" presented by Kēhaunani Abad. "The thousands of people that have turned out today share a deep desire to shift the political landscape and shape a new future for Hawai'i rooted in Aloha 'Āina," said Kaniela Ing from Hawai'i Community Bail Fund. "We know what we have to do to make it a reality. It starts with us being here and meaningfully participating in the legislative process - introducing bills, offering testimony and meeting with legislators throughout the session. And we intend to vote and organize our family and friends to vote." The Hawai'i State Legislature is scheduled to adjourn on May 7. Links: https://hawaiirising.org/about http://kanaeokana.net/ ■