Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2020 — 2019 GRANTS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The Office of Hawaiian Affairs' Grants Program is a cornerstone of the agency's community giving. In FY2019, OHA awarded over $8 million statewide to programs that are as diverse as the community needs they serve. Total grants includes money from OHA's core operating budget combined with other funding sources.


PROGRAMMATIC GRANTS Awaiaulu (Year 2 of 2) $176,800 | Statewide Train Hawaiian language translators and editors. Research, translate and re-present Hawaiian language texts from the past for modern audiences. Generate Hawaiian language books and other educational materials to bridge Hawaiian knowledge from the past to the present and future. Hawaiian Kamali'i, lnc. $25,110 | Maui Provide a seven-week cultural education exploration program centered on huaka'i that includes a voyage to Kaho'olawe to help Native Hawaiian ehildren develop a strong Hawaiian cultural identity. Hui Mālama O Ke Kai Foundation (Year 2 of 2) $71,158 | O'ahu Perpetuate Hawaiian cultural practices and educational methods while strengthening bonds within and between 'ohana for Hawaiians in the Waimōnalo community. Contribute to the vision of "a board and stone in every home" and "a wa'a for every family." Kōkua Kalihi Valley Comprehensive Family Services (Year2of2) $94,860 | O'ahu lncrease and perpetuate traditional knowledge and cultural practices around childbirth. Native Hawaiian wāhine hāpai and their kāne, cultural practitioners, and health professionals will learn cultural birthing practices, empowering families to give their child a strong foundation in life while strengthening the lāhui. KUPA Friends of Ho'okena Beach Park (Year 2 of 2) $50,300 | Hawai'i Preserve and perpetuate traditional Hawaiian eultural practices for opelu fishing as handed down to the fishermen of Ho'okena and the greater South Kona region. Reintroduce seasonal closures to allow time for regeneration of fish stocks and increased fish catch. Train a new generation of 'ōpelu fishers. Pa'a Pono Miloli'i $74,000 | Hawai'i Provide a certified kitchen for the Miloli'i Community Enrichment and Historical Center whieh will allow the community to prepare and cater food so that Miloli'i ean have its own charter school. PAC Foundation (Year 2 of 2) $36,580 | O'ahu lncrease the number of cultural practitioners in the area of 'ie'ie basketry by providing culture-based experiences through lectures, resource gathering, workshops, and by promoting opportunities for the Hawaiian community to connect with their heritage. PA'I Foundation (Year 2 of 2) $93,532 | O'ahu Perpetuate hula by providing instruction and cre-

|ative spaces to Native Hawaiian kumu hula and hālau hula to continue to share and teach hula, to increase the number of Native Hawaiian 'ōlapa, ho'opa'a and kumu hula, and to develop access to and interest in hula for future generations of Native Hawaiians to ensure these practices continue. 'AHAHUI GRANTS 'Aha Pūnana Leo, ine. $8,000 | O'ahu 10th Annual Makahiki Maoli Festival East Maui Taro Festival $7,000 | Maui 27th Annual East Maui Taro Festival Edith Kanaka'ole Foundation $1,000 | Hawai'i Kai Momona Spearfishing Tournament Hale Mua Cultural Group, ine. $5,000 | Hawai'i Ha'a Koa Conference: Today's lnnovations - Tomorrow's Traditions Hawai'i Pono'ī Foundation $6,000 | O'ahu 2018 12th Annual 'Onipa'a Celebration Hawai'i Book and Music Festival $9,648 | O'ahu ALANA Hawaiian Culture Program Hawai'i Rise Foundation $6,000 | Hawai'i Hawai'i Rise Community Day Hui o Hau'ula $5,000 | O'ahu Hau'ula Ho'olaule'a Huliauapa'a $8,000| O'ahu Kali'uokapa'akai Collective Think Tank - A Conference with Kuleana Kai Loa ine. $8,000| O'ahu Makahiki Kuilima 2019 Kānaka o Puna $5,000| Hawai'i Hui Kalo: Lo'i to 'Opū Kualoa-He'eia Eeumenieal Youth Project $6,000| O'ahu 2019 Ku'i Festival Moloka'i Homestead Farmers Allianee $5,332 | Moloka'i EHuiPū Moloka'i Makahiki, ine. $6,000| Moloka'i Ka Moloka'i Makahiki 2019 Nā Kālai Wa'a $5,000| Hawai'i E Ola Mau Loa lsland-wide Sail PA'I Foundation $4,000| O'ahu Ho'oulu Hawai'i: A Cultural lnterpretation of the Kalākaua Era Pōhāhā i ka Lani $3,400| Hawai'i Mālama iā Nāpō'opo'o

services, in partnership with University of Hawai'i Community Colleges, to eligible Native Hawaiians to improve their ability to obtain higher-wage employment, thereby increasing their eeonomie self-sufficiency. Young Women's Christian Association ofO'ahu (Year 2 of 2) $140,000 | O'ahu Help Native Hawaiian ex-offenders and other low-ineome women establish eeonomie security by providing experiential learning opportunities related to employment, financial literacy and work/life balance. Department of Hawaiian Home Lands $3,000,000 | Statewide Cover debt service on bonds issued by DHHL that will be used to establish infrastructure support for Native Hawaiian affordable housing opportunities. 'AHAHUI GRANTS Young Women's Christian Association $5,700 | O'ahu Make lt! Hawai'i - Celebrating Hawai'i's Cultural Makers PROGRAMMATIC GRANTS After-School All-Stars Hawai'i (Year 2 of 2) $245,405 | Hawai'i, O'ahu Provide comprehensive after-school programs in five Title I middle schools to improve Native Hawaiian student proficiency in reading and math. Boys b Girls Club of the Big lsland Mohala 'lke Project (Year 2 of 2) $125,319 | Hawai'i Strengthen academic success for Native Hawaiian and other Club members by instilling lifelong learning habits through culturally responsive, experiential academic support delivered by Club mentors. Educational Services Hawai'i Foundation dba EPIC Foundation (Year 2 of 2) $129,276 | O'ahu Provide comprehensive instruction utilizing eul-ture-based pedagogy, combined with a variety of educationally enriching activities, designed to help more Native Hawaiian students in foster, kith and kinship care, to meet and exceed Reading and Math Standards, achieve yearly grade promotion, and graduate. Hāna Arts $25,000 | Maui lnspire East Maui youth by hosting classroom teachings, workshops and events that stimulate and broaden eaeh youth's potential. Partners in Development Foundation $100,000 | Hawai'i Through Ka Pa'alana Family Education and Homeless Outreach provide family education pro-

Pu'uhonua Society $5,000| O'ahu CONTACT 2019 Ulu A'e Learning Center $7,000| O'ahu Kapu'uola Hula Festival Wai'anae Coast Community Foundation $7,700| O'ahu Rediscover the Wai'anae Sunset on the Beach Wai'anae Coast Comprehensive Health Center $5,000| O'ahu Mauka to Makai PROGRAMMATIC GRANTS Hawaiian Community Assets (Year 2 of 2) $235,000 | Statewide Provide culturally-relevant, place-based financial literacy education, HUD-certified housing counseling, and asset building products to low- and mod-erate-income Native Hawaiians to improve their capacity to own or rent homes. Effective Planning and lnnovative Communication ine. dba EPIC 'Ohana (Year 2 of 2) ' $46,000 | Statewide Provide financial literacy training and matching funds for asset purchases for Native Hawaiians ages 14-26 who are or were in foster care. Eligible asset purchases include obtaining stable rental housing (e.g., security deposit/first month's rent). Habitat for Humanity Maui (Year 2 of 2) $60,000 | Maui, Lāna'i Educate Native Hawaiians on Maui and Lōna'i in effective financial literacy strategies with the goals of long-term eeonomie self-sufficiency and successful homeownership. Honolulu Habitat for Humanity $40,717 | O'ahu Provide education about home ownership and home restoration programs to low-ineome Native Hawaiian families to improve housing stability and conditions, and increase home-ownership. Marimed Foundation $41,508 | O'ahu Provide maritime training, education and job plaeement services for unemployed and under-employed Native Hawaiian men and women. Nānākuli Housing Corporation (Year 2 of 2) $159,000 | O'ahu Provide financial and homeownership training to Native Hawaiian households with low to moderate ineome to increase their eeonomie self-sufficiency. Goodwill lndustries of Hawai'i, ine. (Year 2 of 2) $360,000 | Hawai'i, Kaua'i, O'ahu Provide education and training and career support

gramming and outreach to homeless/at-risk Native Hawaiian families with young children (0-5) to improve health and school readiness. The program will also equip caregivers to be their child's first and most important teacher and empower adults to better health and self-sufficiency. NATIVE HAWAIIAN FOCUSED CHARTER SCHOOLS Hakipu'u Learning Center (Year 2 of 2) $55,000 | O'ahu lmplement culture-based public charter school education. Hālau Kū Māna Public Charter School (Year 2 of 2) $123,763 | O'ahu lmplement culture-based public charter school education. Ka 'Umeke Kā'eo (Year 2 of 2) $116,255 | Hawai'i lmplement culture-based public charter school education. Ka Waihona o ka Na'auao Public Charter School (Year 2 of 2) $156,599 | O'ahu lmplement culture-based public charter school education. Kamaile Academy Public Charter School (Year 2 of 2) $112,501 | O'ahu lmplement culture-based public charter school education. Kanu o ka 'Āina New Century Public Charter School (Year 2 of 2) $128,436 | Hawai'i lmplement culture-based public charter school education. Kanuikapono Public Charter School (Year 2 of 2) $65,992 | Kaua'i lmplement culture-based public charter school education. Kawaikini New Century Public Charter School (Year 2 of 2) $81,941 | Kaua'i lmplement culture-based public charter school education. Ke Ana La'ahana Public Charter School (Year 2 of 2) $55,000 | Hawai'i lmplement culture-based public charter school education. Ke Kula Ni'ihau O Kekaha Learning Center (Year 2 of 2) $55,000 | Kaua'i lmplement culture-based public charter school education. Ke Kula 'o Nāwahīokalani'ōpu'u Iki Lab Public Charter School (Year 2 of 2) $144,608 | Hawai'i lmplement culture-based public charter school education. Ke Kula 'o Samuel M. Kamakau Laboratory PCS (Year 2 of 2) $75,920 | O'ahu lmplement culture-based public charter school education. Kua O Ka Lā New Century Public Charter School (Year 2 of 2) $62,354 | Hawai'i lmplement culture-based public charter school education.

Kualapu'u School: A Public Conversion Charter (Year 2 of 2) $99,632 | Moloka'i lmplement culture-based public charter school education. Kula Aupuni Ni'ihau a Kahelelani Aloha (Year 2 of 2) $55,000 | Kaua'i lmplement culture-based public charter school education. Mālama Honua (Year 2 of 2) $55,000 | O'ahu lmplement culture-based public charter school education. Waimea Middle Public Conversion Charter School (Year 2 of 2) $57,000 | Hawai'i lmplement culture-based public charter school education. University of Hawai'i - Office of Research Services $550,000 | Statewide Support OHA's Higher Education Scholarships program. 'AHAHUI GRANTS Friends of Moloka'i High b Middle Schools Foundation $3,000 | Moloka'i Future Fest and Resource Fair 2018 PROGRAMMATIC GRANTS Five Mountains Hawai'i, dba Kīpuka o ke Ola $51,000 | Hawai'i The Ho'ulu ke Ola project will enhanee Kīpuka o ke Ola's ability to serve the lōhui of North Hawai'i by helping to sustain the elinieal facility, add essential elinieal staff, and increase Native Hawaiians on the patient panel. It will also provide substantially more high-quality primary care and behavioral health services to the lōhui. Kualapu'u Public Conversion Charter School (Year 2 of 2) $135,005 | Moloka'i Project empowers students and families to improve their overall health to address the disproportionate burden of obesity and associated negative health outcomes. The evidence-based approach builds on the success of a two-year pilot project in engaging students and families to increase physical activity and nutrition knowledge. Mālama Kaua'i (Year 2 of 2) $85,000 | Kaua'i Project will deliver a nutritious, consistent, and eulturally relevant school meal program and strengthen health-related education within two Hawaiian public charter schools to improve the health and lifestyle choices of students and families. Moloka'i General Hospital $41,150 | Moloka'i The project will support the expansion and improvement of services that are offered at Moloka'i General Hospital's Wound Care Clinic and allow people on the island to receive services not currently available. Project Vision Hawai'i $26,515 | Hawai'i, Moloka'i, O'ahu

The project will provide vision screenings, exams and glasses to Native Hawaiian children throughout the state and will provide school-wide vision care services to children in Native Hawaiian charter schools. The Salvation Army Family Treatment Services (Year 2 of 2) $90,000 | O'ahu Project aims to improve the health of Hawaiian women recovering from substance abuse and addiction, and to prevent obesity and reduce weight gain related to cessation of tobacco, methamphetamines and other drugs, by engaging women in Hawaiian cultural practices that support health and by providing information and skills to live a healthy lifestyle. The Queen's Meelieal Center (Year 2 of 2) $189,995 | Maui The purpose of this project is to implement a culturally relevant, community-based program utilizing both direct (physical activity, elinieal assessment) and prevention (education, research) services to reduce the rate and severity of obesity among Native Hawaiians, to improve well-being and reduce the burden of cardiovascular risk factors. 'AHAHUI GRANTS Big lsland Substance Abuse Council $1,700 | Hawai'i Summerjam 2018 - Health &. Fitness Fair Hawai'i Public Health lnstitute $2,020 | O'ahu Community Health Worker Training on Trauma lnformed Care Honolulu Habitat for Humanity $2,800 | O'ahu Keiki Build Day at site of new Waimōnalo Village playground Hui Mālama Ola Nā 'Ōiwi $6,500 | Hawai'i Second Annual Mōlama Nā Keiki Festival Hui No Ke Ola Pono $6,700 | Maui 'Aha Mauli - A Native Hawaiian Wellness Hō'ike 2018 Ka Hale Pono, ine. $5,000 | Kaua'i 9th Annual Anahola Prince Kūhiō Day Celebration Kula No Nā Po'e Hawai'i $8,000 | O'ahu Nō Hulu Kahu o Papakōlea - Papakōlea 'Ohana Health Fair 2019 La'i'ōpua 2020 $4,000 | Hawai'i 10th Prince Kūhiō Ho'olaule'a Maui Family Support Services, ine. $3,500 | Maui Maui Family Support Services, ine. (MFSS) Kūno Kamali'i (Stand for Children) Rally and Celebration Nā Pu'uwai, Native Hawaiian Health Care System $3,000 | Lāna'i, Moloka'i Wahine Hōpai Project Vision Hawai'i $9,000 | Moloka'i Hui for Health - Moloka'i

Youth In Motion $3,000 | Moloka'i Moloka'i Holokai Festival PROGRAMMATIC GRANTS Hālau Ke'alaokamaile (Year 2 of 2) $110,639 | Maui Plant and maintain a six-acre native habitat kīpuka, for use by Native Hawaiian cultural practitioners and their students. Restore native flora and fauna, enhanee the watershed, perpetuate cultural practices, and create a template for sustainable restoration. Hawai'i Forest lnstitute (Year 2 of 2) $86,131 | Hawai'i Tend, honor and grow a plaee of peaee and safety for the native dryland lama forest of Ka'ūpūlehu within a regional homeland context. Foster restorative kinship relationships between the community and the 'ōina, utiliziing educational stewardship, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, and contemporary and institutional scientific methods. KHM lnternational (Year 2 of 2) $250,000 | Kaua'i, Moloka'i Collaboration between Ka Honua Momona of Moloka'i and Waipō Foundation of Kaua'i to grow environmental resources, cultural practices, and financial sustainability, ultimately ensuring abundance for Native Hawaiians and future generations. Mālama Loko Ea Foundation $75,000 | O'ahu The 'Amapō Ea project will return the loko ea to its original intention as a sustainable food source for the Waialua moku. Pacific American Foundation (Year 2 of 2) $30,000 | O'ahu Restore, revitalize and preserve the Waikalua Loko Fishpond. Inspire, educate, and practice the art and engineering of Hawaiian fishponds as a catalyst to restore Kōne'ohe Bay and the nearshore fisheries environment, and to help reconnect mauka to makai in the ahupua'a of Kōne'ohe. 'AHAHLN GRANTS Kailapa Community Association $6,000 | Hawai'i Annual Nō Kilo 'Aina Camp Kua'āina Ulu Auamo $4,000 | O'ahu Ka'a i ka Lawa: For ample aina resources today and in the future Mālama Learning Center $3,000 | O'ahu Ola nō Kini - Our 'Aina, Our Community TOTAL GRANTS AWARDED $8,750,001