Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2020 — 2019 SPONSORSHIPS [ARTICLE]
The Office of Hawaiian Aff ai rs' sponsorships provide funding support to organizations whose programs and events benefit the Native Hawaiian community. In FY2019, OHA provided more than $170,000 in sponsorships.
ORGANIZATION AWARD PURPOSE LOCATION City and County of Honolulu $3,000 Mangojam Honolulu 2019 O'ahu Hawai'i Council for the Humanities $457.44 Hawai'i History Day State Fair, 'Olelo Hawai'i Category, Junior and Senior level awards O'ahu Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu $8,000 100th Anniversary Celebration of the founding of the Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu O'ahu Hui Aloha 'Aina Momona $6,000 KU'1 2019 - Ku'i kalo at the State Capitol O'ahu Ka'onohi Foundation $1,000 8th Annual Sacramento Aloha Festival Continent Malama Kakanilua $1,000 Support advocacy and education efforts for protection of iwi kupuna Maui Meleku Foundation $3,500 Cultural opening for Year of the Hawaiian Festival O'ahu Moanalua Gardens Foundation, Inc. $10,000 42nd Annual Prince Lot Hula Festival O'ahu Na Kalai Wa'a $25,000 Voyaging canoe Makali'i sailed to Mokumanamana using traditional navigation Mokumanamana, to assist with cultural research on the island Papahanaumokuakea Na'alehu Theatre $500 12th Annual Gabby Pahinui Kanikapila O'ahu PA'I FOUNDATION $15,000 Na Mamo Makamae o ka Po'e Hawai'i: Living Treasures of the Hawaiian People event O'ahu PA'I FOUNDATION $2,000 'llio'ulaokalani Coalition educational, cultural and community organizing workshops Continent Smithsonian/NMIA $10,000 Annual Asian Pacific Heritage Month Festival (June 2019) Continent Wai'anae Coast Community Foundation $2,000 Nanakuli Prince Kuhio Festival O'ahu
ORGANIZATION AWARD PURPOSE LOCATION Hawaiian Community Assets, Inc. $1,100 Housing Coalition Building Program Statewide Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce $5,500 2019 Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce 'O'o Awards O'ahu Red Lightening $5,000 Kaua'ula Community Empowerment and Rebuilding Maui
ORGANIZATION AWARD PURPOSE LOCATION Hawai'i Academy of Science $400 2019 Hawai'i State Science & Engineering Fair, 'olelo Hawai'i entries scholarship awards O'ahu Moloka'i Community Service Council $1,000 Ho'omana Hou High School Educational Excursion Moloka'i Moloka'i Island Foundation $500 Annual Malamalama STEM Program Fundraiser Moloka'i Native Hawaiian Education Association $1,000 'Ekolu Mea Nui Community Event - benefit to support organizations working to help Native O'ahu Hawaiians transitioning ouf of the prison system Wai'anae High School $2,500 Natural Resource Academy Hawaiian Studies Huaka'i O'ahu Waimanalo Elementary and Intermediate School $1,000 Hawaiian Studies Kapa Program O'ahu
ORGANIZATION AWARD PURPOSE LOCATION Alaska Federation of Natives $5,000 AFN annual convention (October 2019) Continent Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund $5,000 10th annual Higher Education Summit (June 2019) Continent Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs $5,000 59th Annual Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs Convention Kaua'i Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement $10,000 17th Annual Native Hawaiian Convention O'ahu Daniel K. Akaka Congressional Fellowships $30,070.90 Funding to support OHA Congressional Fellows Continent National Congress of American Indians $5,000 76th annual NCAI Convention and Marketplace (October 2019) Continent National Indian Education Association $5,000 49th annual NIEA Convention and Trade Show (October 2019) Continent