Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2020 — Mahi to be Honored [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Mahi to be Honored

The Hawai'i Arts Allianee will honor Aaron Mahi with the 2019

Alfred Preis Award at the Alliance's annual fundraising event at the Halekulani on Saturday, February 1, 2020. Perhaps best known as the Bandmaster and Conductor of the Royal Hawaiian Band, Mahi is a also a composer, arranger, educator,

pastor and chef. As Bandmaster, Mahi toured Europe, and performed at Carnegie I Hall and at the Peaee Park in Hiroshima. Mahi

has also conducted the Honolulu Symphony Orchestra, been a pastor at the Community of Christ Church, served on the O'ahu Burial Council and currently serves as a Hawaiian cultural specialist with Mālama 'Āina Foundation and the Partners in Development Foundation. A bass player and slack key guitarist, Mahi has played with the likes of George Kuo, Martin Pahinui and Eddie Kamae. Now Conductor of Sovereign Strings, Aaron is recontextualizing the musical soundscapes of Nā Lani 'Ehā: Leleiōhoku, Likelike, Kalākaua, and Lili'uokalani — through arrangements and voicing. Tickets for the award ceremony and the annual fundraising event l are $300. To purchase tickets with i PayPal visit https://www.hawai- : iartsalliance.org/, or eall (808) ■ 533-2787.

Ir: Aaron Mahi