Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 1, 1 January 2020 — Hale'iwa and Waialua: 'Āina Momona [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Hale'iwa and Waialua: 'Āina Momona


By Claire Ku'uleilani Hughes, Dr. PH.,R.D. In 1860, Christian missionaries built their first seminary in Waialua, O'ahu. They named it "Hale 'lwa," meaning "beautiful home." The 'iwa is a large native bird that builds very beautiful nests; henee their translation for Hale 'Iwa. Soon the eommunity surrounding the seminary was called Hale'iwa. This seminary was abandoned in 1912. The 'iwa is primarily black in color, with a few grey and white feathers. 'Iwa eat only fish. In early morning hours they take flight, skimming low over the ocean's surface to fish. The 'iwa dive straight down into the oeean to catch fish; then rise straight out of the oeean into flight. Because of its fishing

skill, the 'iwa is known as the chief among fishing birds. 'Iwa are beautiful and graceful in flight, as they soar very, very high; nearly three miles into the sky, where they float aloft on the wind. At night, 'iwa return to the land. Historically, Waialua was a travel hub; many ancient trails and pathways crossed there, connecting all areas of O'ahu. Later, trains and automobiles would trace similar paths. In ancient times, the large native population was supported by abundant water, farming and fishing resources, and densely forested areas. Waialua "'āina momona" (fertile land), was endowed with water that generously supported numerous area lo'i kalo (taro terraces). Two large loko i'a (fishponds) were area resources as well. These freshwater fishponds were prominent features of the coastal landscape in old Waialua. Hawaiian historian Samuel Kamakau writes that during Chief Kākuhihewa's early childhood he was fed the kingdom's choicest of foods. Sweet mullet from Waialua's Loko 'Uko'a and Loko Ea, were among those select foods. "Waialua" has several possible trans-

lations. Most agree it refers to the mixing of the two streams that form Waialua river. Others say the name eame from a lo'i by that name. Another translation points to Chief Waia, a cruel ancient chief driven away by the people there. Near Pua'ena Point lays a curative stone

that, occasionally, is covered by sand. O'ahu natives traveled many miles to visit Pua'ena for its curative powers. The smooth, ovalshaped stone represented Pua'ena, a woman who followed Pele from Tahiti. Healing began by placing seaweed on the stone, then a petition for help was addressed to Pua'ena. Finally, the injured body part was touched to the stone. A properly performed ceremony brought certain cure. People also asked Pua'ena about prosperity. Her answers eame through their dreams. Memories of Queen Lili'uokalani's visits to Hale'iwa's celebrated hotel still stirs warm memories among community residents. One memory was her relaxing of a protocol - one of the strictest - permitting area natives to fish from her personal loko i'a in Waialua. All appreciated her overwhelming generosity and were very discreet. Today her name eontinues to grace Hale'iwa town's Lili'uokalani Protestant Church. This Waialua moku (district) church continues to possess vibrant significance today. ■

Queen Lili'uokalani Protestant Church - Photo: Kawena Lei Carvalho-Mattos