Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2019 — OHA Board Actions [ARTICLE]
OHA Board Actions
The following actions were taken by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees, and are summarized here. For more information on board actions, please see the complete meeting minutes posted online at http://www.oha.org/BOT.
- LEGEND • 'Ae (Yes) • 'A'ole(No) 4 Kānalua (Abstain) • Excused
, , . Motion passes with six AYES to move to approve : an(j three excuse(j Trustee Kalei Akaka moves to approve Ms. Liane Khim and Mr. Alvin Tanaka, both as Island of O'ahu representatives, on the NHRLF Board of Directors. Trustee Dan Ahuna seconds the motion. Motion to move to approve : Motion passes with six AYES Trustee Kalei Akaka moves to approve Administration's recommendations on: an<t three excused • OHA FED 4: S. 126 / H.R. 558; • OHA FED 5: S. 1413 / H.R. 3588; •OHA FED 6: S. 2165 /H.R. 3846; • OHA FED 7: S. 2191; and • OHA FED 8: S. 2037; all as SUPPORT, while excluding OHA FED 3: S. 804 / H.R. 1806 from the vote, on the Federal Legislative Matrix dated 08/21/19. Trustee Dan Ahuna seconds the motion. Motion to move to approve : Motlon « with six.AYES Trustee Dan Ahuna moves to approve of a Board of Trustees (BOT) Policy Second Amendment to the Kaka'ako Makai excused Policy, Section 3.A.2, originally adopted on September 20, 2012, and amended on August 1, 2017, to state: Allocate 20% of gross revenue for grants and 50% of net revenue for OHA Legacy Land Program (net revenue equals gross revenue minus direct operating expenses, excluding Kaka'ako Makai planning and development-related costs) (The 50% allocation of net revenues to LLP shall terminate at the end of FY 2021) Trustee Carmen Hulu Lindsey seconds the motion. ...... * Motion passes with six AYES to move approve : ^ Trustee Dan Ahuna moves to 1) Approve the selection of the Habitat for Humanity Maui organization to distribute the previously approved $35,000 of emergency disaster relief for Kaua'ula Maui; and 2) Authorize and approve the transfer and use of funds available in OHA's FY20 Core Operating Budget and needs to be reallocated from Program 2100-CEO, Object Code 57110-Fee for Service to Program 3800-Grants, Object Code 56530-Grants in Aid. Trustee Carmen Hulu Lindsey seconds the motion. Motion to move to approve : Mot!°n f with four AYES, three Trustee Dan Ahuna moves to approve the private placement investment in Kalona Brand Company LLC, in an amount votes, and two excused not to exceed $2.7MM, from the Hawaii Direct Investment (HDI) portfolio. Trustee Brendon Kalei'aina Lee second the vote. Motion to move to approve : Motion passes with seven Trustee Brendon Kalei'aina Lee moves to extend the time for the Permitted Interaction Group, approved on May 30, AYES and two excused 2019, to investigate the alignment and update of the existing Board of Trustees By-Laws for OHA's Board Governance Framework from July 31, 2019 to no later than September 30, 2019. Trustee Carmen Hulu Lindsey seconds the motion. Motion to move to approve : Motion passes with seven Trustee Dan Ahuna moves to approve of a Board of Trustees (BOT) Policy Second Amendment to the Kaka'ako Makai AYES and two excused Policy, Section 3.A.2, originally adopted on September 20, 2012, and amended on August 1, 2017, to state: Allocate 20% of gross revenue for grants and 50% of net revenue for OHA Legacy Land Program (net revenue equals gross revenue minus direct operating expenses, excluding Kaka'ako Makai planning and development-related costs) (The 50% allocation of net revenues to LLP shall terminate at the end of FY 2021) Trustee John Waihe'e IV seconds the motion. Motion to move to approve : M°Eon Passas with seven Trustee Dan Ahuna moves to approve the amendments to the Native Hawaiian Trust Fund Investment Policy Statement AYIzS and two excused as described in Exhibit A. Trustee John Waihe'e IV seconds the motion. Motion to move to approve : Motion passes with eight Trustee Dan Ahuna moves to approve Administrations' recommendations to the Board of Trustees (BOT): AYES and one excused 1) Approve the new Fiscal Stabilization Policy, including Withdrawal Guidelines as detailed in Attachment A; and 2) Eliminate the Fiscal Reserve Withdrawal Guidelines contained within the Native Hawaiian Trust Fund Spending Policy as detailed in Attachment B. Trustee John Waihe'e IV seconds the motion.