Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 12, 1 December 2019 — OHA seeks nominations to the lsland Burial Councils [ARTICLE]

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OHA seeks nominations to the lsland Burial Councils


By Office of Hawaiian Affairs Staff OHA is seeking applicants for nomination to the Island Burial Councils. The deadline to submit applications for immediate nomination is December 16, 2019. OHA will consider late applications on a rolling basis. OHA is currently focusing on filling critical vacancies on the councils so that they may uphold their important kuleana of protecting iwi and wahi kūpuna. OHA seeks candidates for every regional representative seat who have a passion for historic preservation and are willing to 'auamo this kuleana. If you are interested in applying for a nominahon to your Island Burial Council, please visit www.oha.org/burialcouncils. If you have any questions, please email kamailem@oha.org. ■

BURIAL NOTICE: 'O'OMA 2ND AHUPUA'A, NORTH KONA DISTRICT, ISLAND OF HAWAI'I All persons having information concerning unmarked burials on TMK: (3) 7-3-007:038 and (3) 7-3-009:007 in 'O'oma 2nd Ahupua'a, North Kona District, Island of Hawai'i are hereby requested to contact Ms. Lokelani Brandt, ASM Affiliates, ine. (808) 969-6066, 507 A E. Lanikaula St„ Hilo, HI 96720, and/or Mr. Kea Calpito, DLNR-SHPD Burial Sites Program (808) 933-7653, 40 Po'okela St„ Hilo, HI 96720. Names historically associated with the general area include: Kahelekahi, Kamehau, Kaakau, Kuhaiki, Kinoulu, Kainuku, Broad, Paiwa, and Holokahiki. Appropriate treatment of the remains will occur in accordance with HRS, Chapter 6E, respective to this burial site. The landowner intends to preserve the burial in plaee, following the preparation of a Burial Treatment Plan in consultation with any identified descendants and with the approval of the Hawai'i Island Burial Council. All interested parties should respond within thirty (30) days of this notice and provide information to DLNR-SHPD adequately demonstrating lineal descent from these specific Native Hawaiian remains, or eultural descent from ancestors onee residing or buried in the same ahupua 'a or moku. KEALAKEHE AHUPUA'A, NORTH KONA DISTRICT, ISLAND OF HAWAI'I. ASM Affiliates is preparing a Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) for the proposed Kealakehe Regional Park development on TMK: (3) 7-4-020:007 located in Kealakehe Ahupua'a, North Kona District, Island of Hawai'i. We are seeking consultation with any community members that might have knowledge of traditional cultural uses of the proposed project area; or who are involved in any ongoing cultural practices that may be occurring on or in the general vicinity of the subject properties, whieh may be impacted by the proposed project. If you have and ean share any such information please contact Lokelani Brandt, lbrandt@asmaffiliates.com, phone (808) 9696066, mailing address ASM Affiliates 507A E. Lanikaula Street, Hilo, HI 96720. HŌLUALOA Information requested by Scientific Consultant Services, ine. of past and ongoing cultural

practices on 76.122 acres of land in Holualoa lst Ahupua'a, North Kona District, Island of Hawai'i, TMK: (3) 7-6-021:016, 017, 018 and 019. Please respond within 30 days to Glenn Escott at (808) 938-0968 or at ggescott@ yahoo.com. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INSTRUCTION (DODI) 4710.03: CONSULTATION WITH NATIVE HAWAIIAN ORGANIZATIONS (UPDATE PLANNED) The Department of Defense (DoD) is in the beginning stages of updating its consultation policy titled, Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 47 10.03: Consultation With Native Hawaiian Organizations, by October 2021. DoD looks forward to hearing ideas from Native Hawaiian Organizations (NHOs) about how the Department ean improve this consultation policy and help ensure pre-decisional, meaningful, and respectful consultation with the Native Hawaiian community. DoD invites all NHOs to submit written comments about the policy. The current DoD policy is available to download at www.denix. osd.mil/na/Hawaii. Please submit comments to DoD_NativeAffairs @keresnm.com by January 31, 2020. WATER CONSERVATION NOTICE ISSUED FOR KALAPANA Due to unexpected equipment failure, a water conservation request is issued for all Department of Water Supply customers in Kalapana until further notice. DWS is currently hauling drinking water to meet customers' water needs. Updates will be issued as necessary and may be viewed at www.hawaiidws.org. Water Conservation calls for a voluntary 10% usage by washing only full loads of laundry/dishes, checking faucets/pipes for leaks, reducing showering times and not letting water run when washing hands, etc. Additional ways to conserve water ean be found at www. hawaiidws.org. All Kalapana-area agricultural customers should limit water use for dust control and irrigate only at night or during non-peak hours of 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. The Department of Water Supply thanks affected customers for their patience and understanding. For more information, please eall 961-8790. ■