Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2019 — KAWAI OLA CROSSWORD PUZZLE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
By Kawena Lei Carvalho-Mattos & Kuualohapauole Lau Ua maka'ala? Have you been paying attention? Answers for this crossword puzzle ean be found through out the pages of this issue of Ka Wai Ola. Please do not include any spaces, special characters, or diacriticals ('okina and kahakō) in your answers.
ACROSS 4 Hawai'i Tourism Authority's program for funding 43 programs in 2020. 8 Plaee of birth for OHA CE0. 9 Founder of Partners in Development. 11 The lifeline for feeding kalo. 14 Flavor that launched 808Cheesecake. 15 Husband and wife-owned clothing store in Hilo. 17 Kaua'i farmers grow % of the kalo that ends up in our homes. 19 Diagnosable condition for those who experience trauma. 20 Street in Kalihi used as a dump for meehanieal or contruction waste. 22 Purple dessert made by Unele Lani. 23 Fish species that eat trash off the Kona coast. 24 Northern Kaua'i kalo farming community.
25 Month in 2018 that brought flooding to Kaua'i's northshore. 26 Family featured on the cover. 28 Hawaiian word for thoughtfulness. 29 The moon on December 25th.
DOWN 1 Fish species killed by the hundreds in Wailuku River. 2 DHHL pilot project for subsistence agicultural lots. 3 lsland Council. 4 A thin and crispy shareable snack. 5 Hawaiian word for December. 6 President of East Hawai'i Hl HOPES Youth Leadership Board. 7 Recent reports of that are ruining Hawai'i's sea life, reefs and fishing grounds. 10 Wailuku retail store that showcases loeal artisans and creatives who strive to protect and evolve culture. 12 East O'ahu location for Native Hawaiian pop-up mākeke. 13 Hawaiian word for Christmas. 16 OHA's new Chief Executive Officer. 18 Native Hawaiian small
business owner based on Maui. 21 OHA Loans. 27 Adopted daughter of Jon and Mary Osorio.