Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 12, 1 December 2019 — Applicants Sought for 2020 Lei Court [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Applicants Sought for 2020 Lei Court
The Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation is seeking applicants to heeome part of the prestigious lei court 'ohana!
Photo: Courtesy of Deportment of Parks and Recreation Applications are available online at www.honoluluparks.com in the "Lei Day Celebration" section. Forinformation on the Lei Court Selection Event and applications contact Samantha Sun at (808) 768-3032. Applications must be received or postmarked by Friday, January 3, 2020. In accordance with the rotating age groups, applicants must be 3 1-45 years of age by Saturday, March 7, 2020, to qualify. The theme for the 2020 Lei Day Celebration is Lei 'Ili, lei of speeial places. Applicants will be judged on their lei-making abilities, hula performance, poise, personality, and public speaking in English and Hawaiian. The selection will determine the Lei Queen and King
and their princes and princesses to rep- ; resent the City and County of Honolulu I in an honorary capacity during select I events throughout the year. Of those ; events, the Lei Day Celebration is one ; of the most prominent. The 93rd Annual Lei Day Celebra- | tion will be on Friday, May 1, 2020, | at the Kapi'olani Park, from 9 a.m. to | 5:30 p.m. For more information on the | Lei Day Celebration, contact Kaiulani ; Kauahi, Lei Day Celebration Chairper- | son,at (808) 768-3041.