Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2019 — OLA I KA WAI MAUI SUMMIT [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
0r November 7th OHA facilitated a panel discussion, E Ola I Ka Wai: Elevating Advocacy to Protect Our Precious Waters, and premiered a new short documentary Ho'i Ka Wai I Kahi Kūpono ot UH Moui College. As monogement of Moui's woter resources becomes more urgent, community-bosed odvococy is criticol to ensure proper stewordsbip. Maui residents hove engoged in legal battles to restore stream flow in their communities for 30 yeors. OHA bos been o stoundi supporter, odvocate, ond plaintiff in tbe ongoing battles in Eost Moui ond Nō Wai 'Ehō. The event provided on opportunity for the community to sbore mona'o on mointoining our constitutionally-protected woter rights. Panelists included (L-R) Ke'eoumoku Kapu, Hōkūoo Pellegrino, Summer Sylvo, Ed Wendt, Koa Hewohewo ond Keoni Rawlins-Fernandez os the moderator,- Photo: Aliee Sllbanuz