Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2019 — 'IMI 'OHANA - FAMILY SEARCH [ARTICLE]
CULLEN - Looking for genealogy records for my great grandmother on my father's side. Mary Cullen 1869-1920 married John Fernandez 18601939. Their daughter Madeline Fernandez Colburn. Please eall or text Pauahi Colburn at 722-8400. Mahalo nui. GRAMBERG - Searching for the descendants or any related 'ohana of Herman Gramberg and Rose Anakalea. Children of Herman and Rose are Herman "Waha", Theresa, George, Vivian, Henry "Heine", Darilynn, and Rosebud. Looking to update genealogical information. Please email gramberg ohanal@gmail.com. Any inforomation shared is greatly appreciated. Mahalo! HARBOTTLE - I am looking for information on my great-great grandmother. Her name is Talaimanomateata or Kua'analewa, she was Tahitian and married to or had a child with George Nahalelaau Harbottle. Born in 1815 on O'ahu and son of John Harbottle of England and Papapaunauapu daughter of Haninimakaohilani and Kauhiaimokuakama. I know from Edward
Hulihee Harbottle's (my great grandfather) Guardianship court case that when his father George died his mother was on Maui and the case was stopped until she could be in court. When she appeared in court she said it was fine if Edward H. Boyd became his guardian. There are family stories that she had eome from an ali'i family of Tahiti and was in Hawai'i as a ward of the court. I have not been able to substantiate this information. If anyone in the family knows where I might look it would be wonderful to know. Please contact me at waiakaphillips@yahoo.com or eall 808-936-3946. Mahalo, Noelani Willing Phillips. HANAWAHINE/KEAUMAU/KEAWE - Looking for the descendants/ancestors of Soloman Hanawahine( 1874- 1921) and Kane Keaumau Keawe of Ho'okena, South Kona. Kane later changed her name to Aliee Keawe. Together they had the following known children and (spouses); Joseph Hanawahine changed to Kanawahine (Koleka Paauhau), George H. K. Hanawahine Sr. (lst wife: Victoria Kaupu 2nd: Julia Keala), Samuel K. Hanawahine (lst wife: Julia Keauhou 2nd: Miriam Dela Cruz), Mary Hanawahine born Kane (Henry Kaioula), Eva Hanawahine (Henry John Silva), Sophie Hanawahine (Fabiano Kealoha), Katy Hanawahine (Yan Gen Pil), and Rachel Hanawahine (Albert Kamai). Any information on our 'ohana's mo'o kū='au'hau will be valued. Please contact Quiana Danielson-Vaielua by phone 808-371-9660 or email quianakdv@gmail.com. I am the great-great granddaughter of Soloman Hanawahine and Kane Keawe, great granddaughter of Samuel Hanawahine and Miriam, and grand of Naomi Hanawahine. HUSSEY - The Hussey family (Alexander & Kaaikaula Makanoe) is updating its genealogy book. Please go to husseyohana.org for more information. KAIWA - Looking for descendants or related 'Ohana Members of 'BILL KAIWA', aka 'SOLOMAN ANI. Please contact ROBERTA BOLLIG 320-248-3656 or flh63kb@yahoo.com MAHALO! KALAUPAPA - Are you looking for an ancestor at Kalaupapa? Ka 'Ohana 0 Kalaupapa, a nonprofit organization made up of Kalaupapa residents, family members and friends, might be able to help. We have information on more than 7,000 people sent to Kalaupapa. Contact 'Ohana Coordinator Valerie Monson at vmonson@kalaupapaohana.org or eall 808-573-2746. KAMAKAU - Looking for anyone with information on Abigaila Ellen Hakalaniponi (also known as Poni) Kamakau. Born at Kaopipa/ Kaupipa, Kipahulu, Maui on September 3, 1850 and died at Kahehuna (Honolulu) on January 20, 1884. Please contact 808-366-0847 or lruby@hawaii.edu. KAMEKONA/LOA/KAHAWAI Searching for genealogy, family members, foster or hānai records for my Great Grandmother, ROSE HIWA KAMEKONA, born June 15, 1909, lst marriage to George Loa 1927 (one child with/Rose Loa/now Rose Lani), 2nd marriage to Francis Kahawai 1928 - 1929 (three children with), deceased 1935. I am the grand-daugh-ter of Rose Loa/Lani, great grand daughter to ROSE HIWA KAMEKONA. Please call/leave message/text Luana @ (808) 450-0103 or email lkeliikoa3@gmail.com.
KEAWE - Looking for genealogy records or family members for my grandmother Hannah Keawe born 1875 in North Kohala, HI. Married my grandfather Henry K. Iaea born 1880 in Ka'u, HI. Married 1901 Hon. Territory of Hawai'i birth 18961909. Index by name of mother Keawe Hannah, father Henry K. Iaea - child Elizabeth Kalua born 7/19/1898 in North Kohala. Please eall Ned Iaea 808-979- 1 800 or 808-426- 1 06 1 . Mahalo ! KEANU - Would like to locate genealogical information for my deceased paternal grandmother named Josephine Keanu born either in Ka'u or Kaohe (Big Island) on 8/12/1912 or 1911. Supposedly, her birth record was destroyed during a fire at St. Benedict Church in Honaunau. I was told this church kept birth records of nearby families during that period. I would greatly appreciate any kokua in locating her 'ohana and details of her birth. Please contact ssylva4@hotmail.com. KEKUKU APUAKEHAU - Looking for lineage from Joseph Kekukupena Apuakehau, 18571936, and Miliama "Miriam" Kaopua, 1857-1919, to Kalaimanokaho'owaha also known as Kana'ina nui (Big Island Ali'i), circa 1778, to Alapa'i Nui (Big Island King, 1725-1754). Any and all information will be greatly appreciated. Mahalo! Please send email to Miriam: matar02@Hawaiiantel.net. KAUKA - Looking for descendants or related 'ohana members of Deborah Chan Loy (DOB: about 1885) Please contact Glenn Ventura at gdventura44@gmail.com. Mainly trying to locate sisters of my mother Irene Loy (DOB: 1914) Married John Ventura of Kihei. Sisters: Lillian, Saddie (Sadie), Warma (Velma) and Agnes Kauka. MAKUA - Looking for descendants or related 'ohana members of Henry K. Makua (year of birth: 1907, Honolulu) Father: Joseph K. Makua, Mother: Mary Aukai, Sisters: Malia and Mele, Sons: Henery and Donald Makua. Joseph and Mary may have orginated from Kaua'i. Looking for genealogical information. Please contact - emakua.makua@gmail.com. Mahalo! TITCOMB - For all descendants of Charles Titcomb and Kanikele - it's time to update the family information for another family reunion. Anyone that would be interested to be on the planning eommittee, contact: K. Nani Kawaa at titcombfamilyreunion @ gmail.com. WAIOLAMA - Searching for family members and genealogical records of George ('Ainaahiahi/ Kaaniaahiahi) Waiolama born about June 5, 1892 in Kahakuloa, Maui. Mother: Kawao Kaainaahiahi Kahakuloa, Maui. Father: (George Sr.) Waiolama ^ of Wailuku, Maui. George Jr. is a half brother of my grandmother Elizabeth "Lizzie" Leialoha Cook. Also, family members of Waiolama on O'ahu, Helemano area, who was a brother in law of 3x great unele Konohiki Namahana (Mahoe) (if this is the one and same Waiolama family?). Please contact Sissy Akui at kealohamaiole@gmail.com. Mahalo! YONG/KUKAHIKO - Kalei Keahi / Ah Foon Yong and John Mahele Kukahiko / Daisy Nahaku Up dating genealogy information on these 2 ohana. Please send to Janelle Kanekoa ( granddaughter of Samuel Apo Young/ Yong and Daisybelle Kukahiko) email me @ nehaukanekoa@gmail. com.Please list on top right whieh ohana you belong to. Yong or Kukahiko. ■