Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 10, 1 October 2019 — 2019 [ARTICLE]
E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nāmamo a Hāloa!
COITO - Reunion on July 18, 2020. Plaee and time (to be announced at a later time), "Catered Lū'au". Ti shirts, tank tops and genealogy books available. Contact Jeanne Kahanaoi, 89-475 Mokiawe St., Wai'anae, Hawai'i 96792. Phone: (808) 354-7365. CHARTRAND - Aloha John Francis Carson Chartrand is my Grandfather on my mother's side. He eame to Hawai'i in the 20's with the Calvary. He married four Hawaiian women in his life and had many children. Mary Keahi Kaohu, Edith Kapule Kalawaia, Margaret Keanalani Claesene and Helen Brown. My mother Isabelle Leina'ala Chartrand Kainoa and brother Harold Kalawaia Chartrand had eleven half siblings. In honor of all the Chartrand 'Ohana that have passed on, to meet Grandpa Chartrand. We want to plan this a reunion. We need everyone to kokua with your current contact info to cuzin Cami Chartrand 446-5098 email Chartrandreunion2020@gmail.com or John Kainoa 244-8428, johnkainoa61@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you. Mahalo John. HANAPI - The descendants of Lucy Hanapi Bungo, Lily Hanapi Kawelo, and Edward Kawaihoa Hanapi will be holding a family reunion on O'ahu, Hawaii on July 24, 25, and 26, 2020. For more information email Lisa Jaber at ljab3@ aol.com or eall (808) 220-5404 and leave a message. Mahalo. HATORI - The descendants of Kantaro Hatori (Hattori) and Lahapa Halana are planning a family reunion on October 12, 2019 on Oahu. Kentaro and Lahapa Hattori had ten children, all of whom have produced descendants: Henry, Susan, Philip, Albert, John, Anna Jennie, Josephine, Carrie, Pio, and Manasey. Please join us to renew relationships, meet new additions, talk story, play games, eat, and to ensure that our keiki know their 'ohana. The committee is also in the process of updating our genealogy and want it to be ready by our reunion date. For more information contact your 'ohana rep or Bobbie-Lynn Molina (808) 754-8564 hatorireunion@gmail.com or Lena Abordo hatoriohana.20 1 6 @ yahoo.com HEEN/MEHEULA - Calling all descendants of Chung Mook Heen, known in Hawai'i as Harry A. HEEN married Mary (Mele) Helemika Keaukahalani MEHEULA. Known Children: William Ha'eha'e Heen, Afong Waianuenue, Phoebe Kaenaokalani, Moses Keli'iolono Heen, Eliza (Lulu) Lulukamakani, Ernest Nalanielua; Robert Kanehailua Kekuaiwahia, Edward Kahakelehua, and George Keawe-a-meheula. Harry may have had other wife's, we are hoping to connect with that 'Ohana as well. We are in the planning stages but are looking to do a family reunion sometime in 2020 on O'ahu. Please contact Teave Heen 808-870-7656 teavehee@gmail.com or Curtsi Heen curtis.heen@yahoo.com. KAAA REUNION - Saturday, November 9th, 2019, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Zablan Beach, Nānākuli (across from Nānākuli Ranch). This is a potluck affair. Everyone eome and meet your 'ohana. This is the last Kaaa Reunion I'll be having due to heahh reasons. Ti shirts and tank tops will be available as well as genealogy books. Please contact me - Jeanne Kaaa Kahanoi at 808-354-7365. HUI O ZABLAN - The Hui 0 Zablan Luneheon will be from 10:30am-2:00pm on Sunday, 3 Nov
2019 at Ewa Thomas Gentry Community Center Clubhouse, 1795 Keaunui Drive, Ewa Beach, Hawaii 96706. It is a Potluck. $5.00 per family will cover costs. Please bring a Grab Bag and donations for Hawaii Food Bank. The Hui 0 Zablan Reunion T-Shirts: Goldenrod yellow shirt with a red Family Crest design again features Cousin Kimo Zablan's art work. Cousins Jimbo and Tammy Correa Beaumont have produced the shirts at a very resonable price. Remaining shirts will be available for purchase at the Lunneheon. Bring your kala. The Hui 0 Zablan hope to see all Joaquin and Ane Nahaku Keaweamahi and Joaquin and Maria Bothelo descendants and our Extended Families. Come be with your cousins! KAMILA/CAZIMERO - We are updating our Kamila and Manuel Family Tree and planning our next Family Reunion. Please eheek out our Facebookpage; Hui 'o Manuel a me Kamila Reunion or email Kamila.ManuelCazimeroFR2021@gmail. eom. You ean also contact Stacy Hanohano at (808) 520-4212 for more information. KULIOHOLANI-KONAWAHINE-'Ohana Reunion Save the Date - Saturday June 20, 2020, Waimanalo Hawaiian Homes Hale, 41-253 Hauhole St. Waimanalo. Descendants are from the following 'Ohana: Henry AhChoy Apua, Amoe Aki Yam, Edward Kau, Harry Aki, Samuel Aki, Alexander Aki, Josephine DeLauraCrow, Ramona Teves, Veronica Samera, Dorothy Kekuewa, Shirley Hering and Lorna Akiona-Terry. For more information: https://sites.google.com/ site/kauakiohana/; https://www.facebook.com/ groups/ 1 7065 67 22289 1 054/; rosejuly.y am @ gmail . eom. NAGAI/CASTOR/KAMA/MAU/KAUPU - Nagai's, Castor's, Kama's, Mau's and Kaupu's are planning a reunion of all first cousins and 'ohana on October 10-13, 2019 to be held at Pilila'au Army Recreational Center in Wai'anae. Please contact Nani Castor-Peck at 206-612-0636 or Tavia Santiago at 808-590-4005 or email Ellen Schaff at chevyxtreme2@yahoo.com. MANU/KAWELO - Descendants of John Manu-Kawelo and Kaohuaaionaalii Kapapaheenalu of North Kohala will all be together for the first time in 30 years beginning next year Wednesday, July 29 through Sunday August 2nd, 2020. We will start with an Oahu gathering and then meet in North Kohala. Our descendants include Pa, Stewart, Rodenhurst, , Hussey, Moku, Manu, and many more. There will be many exciting events that you don't want to miss! ! For more information follow us on Facebook, Manu - Kawelo Reunion. PIO -The descendants of Kepio aka Kaawalauole/ Kaawalauloa/Keliipio/Pio and wife Keoahu of Kaupo, Maui, will be having a family reunion on Maui island, Labor Day Weekend, Sept. 4-7, 2020 at Kihei Community Center. Kepio and Keoahu had six children who used the surname Kepio or Pio at some point in their lives: Kahaleuahi (k), Nakoaelua (w), Malaea (w), Kaukani (k), Ipoaloha (w) and Kaleohano (k). Reunion meetings are held on Maui and Oahu. Next Maui meeting is Sat. 10/19/19, llam-lpm at 11 S. Puunene Ave. (behind 0'Reilly's Auto), Kahului; potluck luneh. Next Oahu meeting is Sun. 10/20/19, lpm at Kalanianaole (Nanakuli) Beach Park, potluck luneh. Contact: Ka'apuni PetersWong 808-375-4321, Toni Kowalski 808-436-
1845, Donna HueSing Curimao 808-264-3178, Valda "Sweetheart" Baisa Andaya 808-572-9245, Kapi'olani Adams 808-778-6383 or email pioohana@gmail.com. VICTOR - Victor 'Ohana reunion for descendants of Kamukai Wikoli and Amelia Akoi will be held on O'ahu from Friday 21 through Sunday 23 August 2020. For details please see the 'ohana website at www.victor-ohana.org or the ©hana Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ The.Victor.Ohana. For more information contact Dwight Victor at dwight@victor-ohana.org, (808) 688-2349, or PO Box 970700 Waipahu HI 96797. WAI PA - The descendants of Waiaha (Kahaipo) Waipa and Pilialoha Kahilihiwa are planning a family reunion on October 11, 12 and 13 at the Haili Tent at Panaewa, Hilo on the Big Island. The following of their 12 children had off-springs: Waiaha Waipa (m. Napua Kaukini, aka Aliee Waipa); Leialoha Waipa (m. Kook Fai Akaka; m. Li Tai Ta Ah Hee); Kaamoku Waipa (m. Loke "Rose" Purdy); Limaloa Waipa (m. Kahikini "Lucy" Kaukini); Hanakahi Waipa (m. Margaret Moku); Kanani "aka Puakomela" Waipa (m. Benjamin Ili); Abraham "Apela" Waipa, Sr. (m. Cecilia Kupihe; m. Elizabeth Kainoamakua "Makalia" Kapea). Times and events planned are October 11, 5:00pm - Pot Luek Pupus and Sharing of family trees; October 12, 12:00pm - Workshops, Late LunehEarly Dinner; October 13, ll:00am - Talk story and light luneh. Contact Krissy Santa Maria 808-756-4951 or Leona Leialoha 808-315-9977 for more information. WOOLSEY - The descendants of George Lewis Woolsey and Annie Kamakakaulani Akana are planning a family reunion on July 2-5, 2020 at He Piko No Waiohuli, Kula, Maui, Hawaii . George Lewis Woolsey and Annie Kamakakaulani Akana had four children, all of whom have produced descendants: Matilda Woolsey Norton, George Woolsey, James Woolsey and Miriam Woolsey Jay Reed. We will talk story, have music, games, enjoy eaeh other's company and have genealogy updates during the reunion. Camping is allowed. For more information, please emailHope: woolseyohana@gmail.com.