Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 10, 1 October 2019 — Kū I Ke Aka O Nā Kūpuna [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Kū I Ke Aka O Nā Kūpuna


ur lahui has hosted mulM tiple eonventions over

Uthe last eouple of months. These eonventions have given us opportunities to kūkākūkā about issues important to our people. They have also provided us with the tools and skills to take formal aetion. Another convention is happening next month. The 2019 Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs convention will be held

from November 17-19, 2019. Nā Hono A'o Pi'ilani, also known as the Maui Council for the Association, is hosting this year's conferenee on Maui. The AHCC eonvention follows the 18th annual convention by the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, whieh was held in Honolulu in September, and the August convention of the Sovereign Council of Hawaiian Homesteads Association, also held in Honolulu at the Pagoda Hotel. Both of these events featured experienced

presenters and panelists, and were widely attended by community members from across Hawai'i. The theme of this year's Assoeiaīion of Hawaiian Civic Clubs Convention is "KŪ HIŌ! KŪ KANAKA! KŪ I KE AKA 0 NĀ KŪPUNA!" - "Stand with foresight! Beasakanaka! Stand in the reflection of our ancestors." The AHCC will formulate its positions for the year through a resolution process, as

well as recognize kupuna for their contributions and honor late 'ohana.

An exciting change this year is the pilot program for a convention mobile application. The AHCC's Committee on Information Technology, Kōmike 'Enehana, is piloting an electronic event applieahon as part of a commitment to mālama 'āina by reducing paper usage. This pilot program is also a great way for the Association to encourage our community to increase

our technological skills. This type of initiative is just one example of the innovation of our community. I find great value in my participation in these conventions. These events are significant opportunities to be able to hear from an array of experts and to engage in meaningful dialogue about important issues facing our lāhui. These meetings are also time to network and to build and strengthen relationships. These opportunities complement the ongoing and

often grassroots efforts by eommunity leaders across the pae 'āina, on eaeh island, and even within our individual communities. Although just a brief look at our advocacy and self-determination, it is a great example of how our people remain steadfast to do what is pono. Whether through grassroots advocacy or organized conferences, I am heartened to see our lāhui unite for the future of Hawai'i. KŪ HIŌ!B

Cūlette Y. Machado Chsir, īrustsB Mnlūka'i ard Lāna'i