Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 10, 1 October 2019 — ULU O KA LA: Navigating The Way Forward [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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ULU O KA LA: Navigating The Way Forward

The 18th Annual Native Hawaiian Convention honored 1 1 leaders in our community, recognizing eaeh for their amazing work and their impact in advancing the well-being of Native Hawaiians. Ho'omaika'i to the awardees: Education Award - Dawn Kau'i Sang - Homestead Award - Miehael Kahikina - Health Award - Keaweaimoku Kaholokula, Ph.D. - Housing Award - Scotty Moniz and Uilani Fonoti - Mo'o Award - Johnathan Osorio, Ph.D. and Jamaica Osorio, Ph.D. - Native Hawaiian Advocate Award - Kamana'opono Crabbe, Ph.D. - Pacific lsland Award - Nikolao Pula - Small Business Award - Mark Hee - Native Hawaiian Advancement Award - Marcus Iwane, M.D. - Native Hawaiian Advancement Award - Claren Kealoha-Beaudet, PsyD - Native Hawaiian Advancement Award - Reni Soon, M.D., MPH -

This year at the Native Hawaiian Convention, panel discussions covered a number of hot topics. The Mana Maunakea panel featured kia'i Kaho'okahi Kanuha, Dr. Noe Noe Wong Wilson and Lanakila Mangauil. - Photo: Kawena Lei Carvalho Mattos

An all-kanaka panel of influential leaders and advocates discussing water rights included Summer Sylva, Kaleookalani Manuel, Jocelyn Doane, Hawai'i State Sen. Kaiali'i Kahele, Tiare Lawrence and Kapua Sproat. - Photo: Kealoha Pox

Leaders from the Ali'i Trusts shared updates from their organization and mana'o on working together and with the community to grow and expand on the vision set forth by our ali'i. The panel was moderated by Dr. Kamana'opono Crabbe, and included Jack Wong, Kamehameha Schools; William Aila, Department of Hawaiian Home Lands; Kaui Nakanishi, Queen's Medical Center, Sylvia Hussey, Office of Hawaiian Affairs; LeeAnn Silva, Lili'uokalani Trust; and Diane Paloma, Lunalilo Home. - Photo: Kawena Lei Carvalho Mattos

left photo: Kealoha Fox / above photos: Pake Salmon