Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 9, 1 September 2019 — 2019 KOHO PONO LEGISLATIVE REPORT CARD [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
IKOHO PONO means to Elect or Choose Wisely by making an informed decision when voting for an elected offīcial to represent your voice in the coming 2020 Election. It's important that HawaPi residents know how our elected officials voted on key issues impacting our community, whieh is reflected in this report card.
THE LEASE PUBLIC SCH00L LANDS - ŪPPŪSE S.B. 1303 1 PASSED Allows the DOE to lease public school lands for a term of 99 years, increasing the maximum allowable lease period from 55 years to 99 years. These lands are primarily Kanaka Maoli lands or "ceded lands" (former Hawaiian Kingdom Crown and government) to whieh Kanaka Maoli never relinquished their rights. LEASE LIBRARY LANDS - 0PP0SE S.B. 976 1 PASSED Establishes a pilot program to generate revenue through the lease of public library lands (whieh are"public lands") for a term of 99 years to meet the mission of the public libraries. Utilizing public educational facilities like libraries for corporate development could set a dangerous precedent. PUBLIC LANŪ LEASE EXTENSION - 0PP0SE H.B. 1025 1 FAILED Authorizes the extension of certain leases of public lands for commercial, industrial, resort, or government use. OHA testified that by authorizing the extension of commercial, industrial, resort, and government public land leases - many of whieh have already been held by their respective lessees for the better part of a century - this bill may invite century-long leases that substantially inhibit the Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) and future generations from ensuring the best and most appropriate uses of public trust lands. SELECTIVE SERVICE - 0PP0SE S.B. 1343 1 FAILEB Requires eomplianee with the federal Military Selective Service Act to be eligible for enrollment in a state-supported post-secondary institution, qualify for state hnaneial assistance for post-secondary education, or be eligible for state or county employment or service. It is already a Federal requirement for all men ages 18 to 26 to sign upforthe Military Selective Service.There is no need for the State to duplicate this. OHA PR0 RATA SHARE - SUPP0RT H.B. 402 1 FAILED lncrease the pro rata share of public land trust revenues due annually to OHA as a means of updating the amount set aside for native Hawaiians as their constitutional shareofthe incomeand proceedsfrom the Public LandTrust. WATER RIGHTS - 0PP0SED H.B. 1326 1 FAILED Allows holdovers of revocable water permits to continue until the pending application for a lease is resolved. The State ean no longer afford to support multi-million dollar private corporations like Alexander & Baldwin at the expense of our environment and sustainablefood production. KULEANA LANO - SUPP0RT S.B. 1495 1 FAILED Helps Kanaka Maoli families on their lands by alleviating the eeonomie stress of defending themselves against Quiet title actions. Kuleana lands were granted to Kanaka Maoli tenant farmers between 1850 and 1855 and include gathering, access, and agricultural rights as well as the right to build a dwelling. Only 8,205 Kanaka Maoli received Kuleana lands thataccountforlessthan 1%of Hawaiian Kingdom lands. Manyofthese awards were adversely possessed by corporations but a precious few are still in the same families today keeping their ancestral tie to their lands.
REPORT CARD MARKS A = Voted pro-Hawaiian. C = Voted against the interests of Hawaiians with reservations. F = Voted against the interest of Hawaiians. N/A = Not available for vote. lntroduced Measure
KOHO PONO isan initiativeof KaLāhui Hawai'i.
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