Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 7, 1 July 2019 — #IManaKaLeo: Legislative Session Tutorial Video Series [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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#IManaKaLeo: Legislative Session Tutorial Video Series

lnterested in learning more about our legislative process and how you ean get involved? Whether you're a seasoned session veteran, or newly inspired to engage, our new video series ean help prepare you for the next legislative session.

Legislation 101: How a Bill Becomes Law Figuring out the legislative process ean be a headache, but we're here to help! In this short video, we break down Hawai'i's policy-making process and legislative session hmeline so you ean understand how bills move through the Capitol and eventually become law.

Legislation 102: Kauleo "Give your voice." Many are intimidated by the thought of participating in the legislative process - but you don't have to be! In this brief tutorial, we explain how to track bills, submit written testimony, present oral testimony and engage your friends and family on the issues you care about.

^ 1 You ean find these videos at www.oha.org/imanakaleo. If you like them, feel free to share them with your family and friends! Would you l— + like to see video tutorials on other parts of the process or topics? We're all ears - let us know what you want to see in the comments.