Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 7, 1 July 2019 — OHA Board Actions [ARTICLE]

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OHA Board Actions

The following actions were taken by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees, and are summarized here. For more information on board actions, please see the complete meeting minutes posted online at http://www.oha.org/BOT.

- LEGEND • 'Ae (Yes) • 'A'ole(No) 4 Kānalua (Abstain) 4 Excused

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Motion to approve the formation of a Permitted Interaction Group (PIG) to investigate the incorporation of completed and approved work products of the Board Governance Framework PIG, L-Lahui Level Policies PIG, Board of Trustees By-Laws PIG, T-Trustee Level Policies PIG, and C-CEO Level Policies; and alignment and update of existing Board governance documents. As the implementation of the Board Governance Framework progresses, it is necessary to incorporate the completed and approved work products from each of the PIGs. Permitted Interaction Group - Purview. Via this Action Item, approval is sought to form a second new PIG to continue the implementation of the Board Governance Framework elements. The purview of the new PIG is for the Board of Trustees (B 01), BOT staff and OHA Administration staff to work together to: (1) Establish consistent format, review and update parameters, mechanisms and processes for each of the completed and approved work products of the Board Governance Framework from the Board Governance Framework PIG, L-Lahui Level Policies PIG, Board of Trustees By-Laws PIG, T-Trustee Level Policies PIG, and C-CEO Level Policies PIG; (2) Maintain the Board Governance Framework elements and integrate each final approved work product; Motion passes with eight (3) Create and define on going Board Governance framework maintenance roles and responsibilities; and AYES and one EXCUSED. (4) Align and update related Board governance documents (e.g., policies, procedures, handbooks, manuals). Permitted Interaction Group — Members. The membership of the Permitted Interaction Group is as follows: 1. Trustee Colette Maohado, BOT Chairperson 2. Trustee Brendon Kalei'aina Lee, BOT Vice Chairperson 3. Trustee Robert K. Lindsey, Jr, Resource Management Vice Chairperson 4. Trustee Carmen FHulu Lindsey 5. Kamana'opono M. Crabbe, Ka Pouhana 6. Sylvia M. Flussey, Ka Pou Nui Trustee Lee will serve as the Chair of the Permitted Interaction Group and Trustee Maohado will serve as its Vice Chair. Permitted Interaction Group - Term/Duration. The term of the Permitted Interaction Group expires at the completion of the assigned tasks or at the discretion of the Chair of the Board of Trustees, subject to later adjustment, but in no event later than December 3 1, 2019. Motion to move to: A. Approve the Economic Development Policy, noting that Administration will return with the implementation procedures for Board action; B. Approve the Debt Management Policy, noting that Administration will return with the implementation procedures for Board action; Motion passes with eight AYES C. Acknowledge the Spending Policy language and the existing Native FHawaiian Trust Fund (NHTF) Spending policy, and one ABSTENTION. as Amended, noting Administration will return with consolidated policy document for Board action; and D. Acknowledge the Investment and Real Estate Policy language and the existing NHTF Investment and Real Estate Vision, Mission, and Strategy policies, noting Administration will return with consolidated policy document(s) for Board action. 1

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