Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2019 — UA MAU KE EA: SOVEREIGNTY ENDURES [ARTICLE]
Po'aono, July 27, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. k Lunalilo Hale, Kamehameha Schools, Kea 'Au & Lāpule, ■ July 28, Yano Hall, Kealakekua Ua Mau Ke Ea, Sovereignty Endures : 2 Free Educational Seminars by Dr. Keanu Sai, Dr. Lorenz Gorschar, Pi'otessor Kaleikoa Ka'eo, Maui, Councilwoman Tamara Palhn. f Contact: ahakanaka.eventbrite. eom LĀ HO'IHO'I EA HAWAI'I Po'akolu, July 31, 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Pu 'ukoholā Heiau, Kawaihae In collaboration with the Nahonal Park, this annual eelebration educates kama'āina 6 malihini alike on the history of July 31st as Hawaiian Restoration Day from 1843, Gov. Waihe'e's Proclamation of Hawaiian Flag day, to the present. Want to hear how the Hawaiian Kingdom was established? Want to leam the meaning and history of our Hawaiian flag & our Nahonal Anthem Hawai'i Pono'ī? Want to learn the significance of Pu'ukoholā Heiau to Hawaiian Restoration Day? This father and son dual presentation will enhanee your understanding of Hawaiian history in relation to Lā Ho'iho'i Ea Hawai'i. Kaoha Wilson of Nāwahīokalani'ōpu'u will present a segment of his Senior Project. Prepare your own pū'ohe to use at 'Aha Hae (flag ceremony) that begins at 12pm with Hawaiian entertainment to follow by Royal Order of Kamehameha Kohala Chapter. Light refreshments are provided and light pūpū are welcomed. E MAU KE EA O KA 'ĀINA I KA PONO Po'akolu, July 31, 4 p.m, Unele Roberts 'Awa Bar,