Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 6, 1 June 2019 — OHA on the road [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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OHA on the road



1 he OHA Board of Trustees is on-the-go this summer. In May we held

our Maui Community Meeting

and Maui Board of Trustees meeting. Through September, we will eontinue our visits to neighbor islands with neighbor island meetings eaeh month. These meetings are vital opportunities for the OHA Trustees to hear firsthand from our beneficiaries who reside in these communities. Often at these meetings.

we have the opportunity to receive updates from OHA grant recipients to see the difference that OHA has been able to make in the community. In addition to receiving updates from OHA, any member of the public has the opportunity to sign-up and address the Board of Trustees with their mana'o. Hearing first-hand accounts from the community is important for us to know to be able to do the advocacy work that OHA does. In addition to our May meetings on Maui, the following agenda eomprises the remaining neighbor island meetings: >June 19: Lāna'i Community Meeting and Board of Trustees Meeting >July 10: Kaua'i Community Meeting > July 11: Kaua'i Board of Trustees Meeting > August 7: Moloka'i Community Meeting > August 8: Moloka'i Board of

Trustees Meeting > September 18: Hawai'i Island Community Meeting

> September 19: Hawai'i Island Board of Trustees Meeting Exact locations and times are being finalized for all meetings, but please eheek https://www.oha. org/bot for the latest information. We look forward to connecting with our neighbor island 'ohana and hearing your mana'o. In addition to these meetings, the Board of Tmstees

has also scheduled a trip to Washington, D.C. as an effort to strengthen our relationships with Hawai'i's Congressional delegation as well as with nahonal leaders in the Asian Ameiiean and Paeihe Islander communities, and Ameiiean Indian and Alaska Native communities. This trip coincides with a lei draping ceremony for King Kamehameha, whieh is held annually in the footprint of the U.S. Capitol complex. OHA was able to schedule meetings with U.S. Senator Mazie Hirono, U.S Senator Brian Schatz, and U.S. Congressman Ed Case. As part of this trip, OHA also hosted an inaugural Congressional reception to meet with Congressional leaders from both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. OHA was also a participant in the Chamber of Commerce Hawai'i on the Hill and Taste of Hawai'i, showcasing OHA's programs to nahonal leaders. Both locally and on the continent, the Board is on-the-move and is strengthening its advocacy for our lāhui. ■

Cūlette Y. Machado Chsir, īrustsB Mūlnka'i ard Lāna'i

Your trustees are attentive to your concerns. - Photo: Courtesy