Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 6, 1 June 2019 — ISLAND-TO-ISLAND [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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On Wednesday, May 8, 20 1 9, a delegation from īaiwan mel wilh OHA officials to discuss, on behalf of the Oouneil of lndigenous Peoples (CIP) of īaiwan, the polenlial of the agency co-hosting the "Austronesian Forum" during the 2020 Festival of Pacific Arts & Culture in Hawai'i, as well as the possibilities of connecting current Polynesian regional issues wilh Ihal of the indigenous peoples in Taiwan. Our guests included Dr. Da-Wei Kuan, Associate Professor of the Department of Ethnology, Nalional Chengchi University, īaiwan; Li Cheng-Cheng, UH-Manoa Graduate Student and former student of Dr. Da-Wei Kuan; and Mr. James Huang, Division Director at the īaipei Eeonomie & Cultural Office in Honolulu. - Photo: Nelson Gaspar