Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 6, 1 June 2019 — lune [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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\U. IM I CALENDAR LISTINGS 1 Tohavealocaleventlistedinour I monthly calendar, email kwo@oha. I I org at least six weeks in advance. I Make sure to include the loeaīion, I price, date and time. If available, I please attach a high-resolution (300 I I dpi) photograph with your email. Larii

The Annual King Kamehameha Celebration Floral Parade takes participants from 'lolani Plaee to Kapi'olani park to celebrate history, music, hula, and traditional crafts in honor of Hawai'i's first Ali'i, Kamehameha I. ■ Photo:Alice Silbanuz

LA'AU LAPA'AU WORKSHOP June 1, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Hui Mālama Ola Na 'Ōiwi is hosting its 2019 series of Lā'au Lapa'au Workshops for Hawai'i island. The workshops provide the opportunity to learn about the ancient Hawaiian healing practices of Lā'au Lapa'au, Ho'oponopono, Lomilomi Ha Ha, and Lā'au Kahea. The workshops are led by Po'okela Ikaika Dombrigues who emphasizes the importance of empowering people to learn to improve their heahh with a focus on mind, body, and spirit. Free. Light refreshments are provided, participants are encouraged to bring their luneh. Ka'ū District Gym. To learn more, contact the Hui Mālama at (808) 969-9220 or visit www.hmono.org. KAHALAWAI CONCERT June 2, 3 p.m. Join Kahalawai for this very speeial CD release concert. Nā Hoa with Ikaika Blackburn, Halehaku Seabury-Akaka, & Keone Souza, plus kumu hula Kamaka Kukona and Hālau 0 Ka Hanu Lehua Joshua Kahula and Pi'ilani Arias, as Kahalawai, blend vocal harmonies with a unique approach to instrumentation that lends itself well to the duo's incredible sound. Josh

and Pi'ilani draw on their many years of playing together, as well as the rich history

of their musical families. Tickets: $25, $35 (plus applicable fees). Maui Arts & Cultural Center McCoy Studio Theater. KAPA MAKING WITH LISA & LEI June 8, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. In this in-depth, hands-on workshop, students will learn special techniques regarding the cultivation and maintenance of wauke plants, the harvesting and processing of the fiber, proper tool design and use, and traditional practices for making cloth with skilled kapa makers, Lisa Schattenburg-Raymond & Lei Ishikawa. Workshop fee includes all materials. Cost: $125, or $100 for current garden members. Maui Nui Botanical Gardens. Email info@mnbg.org for reservations. ALI'I SUNDAY - KAMEHAMEHA 'EKAHI (I) June 9, 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Ali'i Sundays are among the many long and honored traditions of Kawaiaha'o Church, whieh

beganabout 1914. The Reverend Dr. Abraham Akaka rejuvenated these services as part of the larger cultural awakening already taking plaee. We celebrate nine Ali'i Sundays

whieh are held as part of a larger series of celebrations recognized by the Benevolent Royal Societies, Ali'i Trusts and the Hawaiian Civic Clubs of whieh always occurs on Sundays or the Sunday just before the birthday of the Ali'i. Free. Kawaiaha'o Church.

NA KAMEHAMEHA COMMEMORATIVE PĀ'Ū PARADE & HO'OLAULEA June 15. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We invite you to commemorate our Ali'i Nui Kamehameha I and his illustrious 'ohana. Ho'olaulea opens at 9 a.m. under the Banyan Tree and will feature hula, Hawaiian music, food, keiki activities, exhibits and Maui made crafters and artisans. Pā'ū Parade begins at 9:45 a.m. View the parade at one of our commentary stations along Front Street: Longhi's, Kimo's, Cheeseburger In Paradise, Lahaina Pizza Co., Baldwin House Museum and the Wharf Center. Free. Lahaina Banyan Tree Park. KAPU'UOLA HULA EESTTVAL June 22, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Kapu'uola is an outdoor hula festival held at the pa hula at Pu'uokapolei, a cultural and historic site. Performances by 12 halau hula and music enter-

tainment by Josh Tatofi and Nā Palapalai will delight the stage. Loeal crafters, food booths and a silent auction will provide a stimulating array of products and cuisine. On Friday, June 21, a Ke Ala Polohiwa A Kane summer solstice celebration will take plaee at 6 p.m. 'Awa will be available for all in attendance. Bring your 'apu if you have one. If not, no worries. Small cups will be provided. On Saturday, June 22, the festival will open at 10 a.m. and will close with a sunset performance by Nā Palapalai. This festival is an eco-friendly event. Free refillable water stations will be located throughout the festival grounds so visitors ean refill their water bottles. Commemorative cups will be available for purchase. Free. Pu'uokapolei is located at the top of Kapolei Regional Park. WAIMEA VALLEY SUMMER CONCERT SERIES June 29 through August 31, 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The 7th annual Summer Concert Series Hoi Hou Mai i Waimea Retiun to the Valley is back and kicks off June 30th Saturday and is the last Saturday of July (7/27) and August (8/31. Tickets are available to buy now! Visit www.waimeavalley.net and get your concert series pass ($40/adults; $32 child/senior) for all 3 days or single day tickets ($17 adults; $13 senior/child). Returning to emeee the show is the one and only Hawaiian 105 Kine's Mele Apana from "Da Kolohe Krew." June 29: Sean Na'auao, Maunalua, Jeff Rasmussen, Robi Kahakalau, Sudden Rush, Hālau

Nā Mamo O Pu'uanahulu; July 27 : Bruddah Waltah, Darren Benitez, Malia Gibson and Ben Vegas, Ekolu;August31: KalaniPe'a,Natalie Ai Kamauu, Brother Noland, Kapena and Hālau Hula Olana. HAWAIIAN CULTURAL FESTIVAL AND 58TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION June 29 through June 30. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. On June 29th and 30th, 2019, Pu'uhonua o Honaunau Nahonal Historical Park will host its annual Hawaiian Cultural Festival and celebrate the park's 58th anniversary as a unit of the National Park Service. On Saturday, June 29th, activities will include eanoe rides in Honaunau Bay, lauhala and coconut frond weaving, kapa beating, traditional lei making, and more. On Sunday, June 30th, the celebration continues with traditional Hawaiian foods tasting, hula, and hukilau (traditional fishing) demonstration. This year's festival theme is I ka wa mua, ka wā ma hope, The future is in the past. ■

KING KAMEHAMEHA CELEBRATION LEI DRAPING CEREMONY June 7, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Fronting the Ali'iōlani Hale with performances by the Royal Hawaiian Band. 103RD ANNUAL KING KAMEHAMEHA CELEBRATION FLORAL PARADE June 8, 9am The parade will take route beginning at King Street fronting 'Iolani Palaee and eome to a finish at Queen Kapi'olani Park. This

year's parade celebrates Hawaiian marching band music with the theme: Ku'upau a Kanile'a Nā Mele Kūpuna - Play Without Restraint Until the Songs of our ancestors Resounds Joyously! KING KAMEHAMEHA CELEBRATION HO'OLAULE'A June 8. 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Celebration will be held at Aloha Tower featuring hula, live entertainment, Hawai'i made products, and food. Free admission. Hosted by Hawai'i Pacific University ■

Waimea Valley Summer Concert Series eelebrates Hawaiian music and dance. - Photo: Courtesy