Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 6, 1 June 2019 — STUDENT VOICES [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Ku'uhiwahiwa Arakaki My mentors helped me to feel more confident to express what is in my na'au, share my mana'o out loud, stand for what I believe in, and justify myself. Mahalo to all of our mentors at OHA for dedicating your time to helping us grow and become strong advocators.
Kahiwalani Kyle I testified in support of HB402 related to the Public LandTrustbecause I believe it's only fair for us (Hawaiians) to get the money that is owed to us and that is rightfully ours. One thing I learned is that although people may have differing opinions from my own I won't let their opinion change the way I feel when I believe in something.
Kamālie Robello One thing that I learned from my experience testifying at the State Capitol is that everyone does have a voice.
Keoni Reverio-Dietz One thing I learned is that our voice matters. Every Legislator's office we visited (on Advocacy Day) was open to hearing what we had to say about HB402. This experience helped me grow by showing me that I have a voice in the decisions that are made at our Capitol and I feel that I ean do whatever I put my mind to.
'Onipa'a Ah Hee The legislative process helped me grow by making my voice stronger. I want to better Hawai'i in as many ways as possible so ean we grow as a people.
Ka'oli MeAloon My legislative work helped me as a growing adult to understand how bills move through eaeh committee for it to be considered a law. It also showed me why it is important for me to vote. I now understand my purpose, whieh is to stand as a proud Hawaiian for what's best for our people and our 'āina.
Kiiha'o PohanoChong The legislative process taught me about the importance of connecting with my Hawaiian community. This experience helped me grow and understand my responsibility to be a strong advocate for my country (Hawai'i).