Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 6, 1 Iune 2019 — KŌ'ELEPĀLAU [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
| INGREDIENTS | 4 large Okinawan sweet potatos | 12 oz. Coconut milk | 1/2 eup 0rganic loeal honey I | DIRECTIONS I Steam potatoes for I approximately 1/2 hour. I Use a fork to determine that ' it's soft and cooked all the I ] way through. Peel potatoes | onee they are eool enough I to handle, I typically use ■ a butter knife. Mash the 1 peeled potatoes preferably | while hot. I reheat potatoes | by either quick steaming or I putting in the microwave i for a few minutes. If the I ; potatoes are steaming hot, i they'll be easier to mash. I
You ean use either a hand masher or electric mixer if you have one. Mash all lumps then gradually add the coconut milk and hone^ till desired consistency and sweetness. My preference is for it to be thick enough to cling to a spoon and not dry or clumpy in texture, It is important to properly eool the ko'elepālau as it ean spoil quickly if left warm for too long. I recom mend spreading out thin on baking sheets and allowing to eool in the refrigerator. Onee thoroughly cooled, you ean recombine into a bowl or sealable container. I prefer to serve cold. ■
Ko'elepōlau wilh a small iee cream scooper onlo pre- i made tart crust, added a drizzle of haupia sauce and I toasted coconut flakes. ■ Photo: Courtesy I i