Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 5, 1 May 2019 — CULTURE [ARTICLE]
0HA received a total of 81 applications with 51 eligible for review. The applications were reviewed by a team of external Native Hawaiian grant reviewers and scored on organizational capacity, scope of services, experience, project plan, service delivery and budget. The OHA Board of Trustees approved the following 10 non-profit organizations for funding through the Kūlia Grants Program for Fiscal Year 2018:
> Hawaiian Kamali'i, ine. (Maui) Project: Hawaiian Kamali'i Summer Program The program provides a seven | week cultural education explora- ! tion program centered on huaka'i i (field trips), including a voyage to ; Kaho'olawe. Goal is for 60 Native | Hawaiian children to develop a | strong identity through Hawaiian ! culture. ($25,110) > Pa'a Pono Miloli'i (Hawai'i) : Project: Certifled Kitchen forthe Miloli'i Community Enrichment and Historical Center (Community Center) The project will provide a DHS- ! certified kitchen at the Miloli'i i Community Center so that Miloli'i ; ean have its own charter school and ! to allow the community to prepare ! food for the communityand to cater ! food. ($74,000)
EDUCATION > Partners in Development Foundation (Hawai'i) | Prqject: Ka Pa'alana Family Edu- | cation and Homeless 0utreach The program will provide family ! education programming and out- ! reach to homeless and at-risk Native ! Hawaiian families with young ehil- ! dren (age 0-5) to improve heahh ! and school readiness. The program will also equip caregivers to be ! their child's first and most impor- ! tant teacher, empower adults toward better heahh and self-sufficiency. | ($100,000) > Hāna Arts (Maui) ! Project: lnspiring East Maui Youth ! through Arts & Culture Education The project seeks to inspire ! youth of East Maui through arts ! and culture by hosting classroom ! teachings, workshops & events that ! stimulate and broaden eaeh youth's ! potential. ($25,000)
HEALĪH ! > Moloka'i General Hospital (Moloka'i) ! Project: Expansion of services ! at Moloka'i General Hospital's | Wound Care Clinic The project will support the ! expansion and improvement of ser- ! vices that are offered at Moloka'i ! General Hospital's Wound Care ! Clinic by providing non-invasive ! upper and lower extremity vascular ! assessments. This will allow people ! on island to receive a service that is ! currently not available and impor- ! tant in assessing and determining ! the best treatment plan for a wound. | ($41,150) > Project Vision Hawai'i (Hawai'i, Moloka'i, O'ahu) ; Project: Better Vision for Keiki ! -VisionCareforChildrenin ! Native Hawaiian Charter Schools The project will provide vision ! screenings, exams, and glasses to ! Native Hawaiian children through- ! out the state and will provide
! school-wide vision care services to ! ! children in Native Hawaiian charter ! ! schools. ($26,515) ; > Five Mountains Hawai'i, DBA Klpuka o ke Ola (Hawai'i) | Project: Ho'ulu ke Ola The project will enhanee Kīpuka ! ! o ke 01a's ability to serve the lāhui ! ! of North Hawai'i by helping sus- ! ! tain elinieal facility, add essential | ! elinieal staff and increase Native ! ! Hawaiians on the patient panel. ! It will also provide substantially | ! more high-quality primary care ! ! and behavioral heahh services to ! ; the lāhui. ($51,000) ! HOUSING > Honolulu Habitat for Humanity (O'ahu) ! Project: Home 0wnership | 0utreach to Native Hawaiians The project will provide edu- ! ! cation on home ownership and | ! home restoration programs to low- ! ! ineome Native Hawaiian families ! ! to improve housing stability and !
conditions, and increase home ownership among this populahon. I ($40,717) ! INCOME > Marimed Foundation I (O'ahu) i Project: Maritime Careers Explo- ! ration and Placement Program The project will provide mari- ! time training, education and job ! placement services for unemployed ! and underemployed Native Hawai- ! ian men and women. ($41,508) ! LAND/WATER > Mālama Loko Ea Foundation (O'ahu) ! Project: 'Amapō Ea The project will return the Loko ! ea to original intention as a sustain- ! able food source for the Waialua ! Moku. ($75,000)