Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 8, 1 Malaki 2019 — CONVERGING OF CULTURES [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
A small contingent of the Hawai'i State Commission on the 1 3th Festival of Pacific Arts & Culture (FestPac 2020) traveled to Aotearoa during the Kapa Haka nahonal competition Te Matatini to share information about the upcoming festival hosted here in Honolulu June 1 1-27, 2020. 2/ countries will bring thousands of delegates to 0'ahu's shores to celebrate our amazing Pacific island cultures. During the 1 5 days of the festival, countries will present world-class performances, arts demonstrations, and their goods to share with our loeal community. Go to www.festivalofpacificarts.com to keep updated on the latest news on this exciting festival! Festival of Pacific Arts & Culture 2020 Commission delegation to Aotearoa members: Miehael Pili Pang, Misty Kela'i, Kahōkū Lindsey-Asing, Jacob Aki along with Maori TV Anchorman Piripi Taylor (center) and fellow Hawaiian Ikaika Bantolina (rightend). - Photo: Courtesy of Honey Maltin-Wisot