Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2019 — Page 20 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

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He mākau kupanaha 'o Waihona no ka huli 'ana aku i nā mana'o a'o me nā waiwai kumu e ho'opili i ke a'o me ka 'āina. He alahele 'o Waihona no nā kumu no ka hō'ike 'ana aku i kā lākou hana ma ka lumi papa a he waihona ia e hō'ike mai ana i ka hana kelakela o ko kākou lāhui. No'ono'o au, ke haku nā kumu i ka ha'awina, 'a'ole i mahalo nui 'ia kēia hana nui a lākou akā, me Waihona, he wahi ia e laulaha aku ai ia mau kālena a nā kumu. Waihona is an amazing tool that kumu ean look to for ideas and resources that connect to plaee. Waihona provides a way that teachers ean showcase what they are doing in the classroom and provides a repository that speaks to the talent of our lāhui. To me, kumu who are creating curriculum are not given enough credit for their hard work. With Waihona, the talents of our kumu are made known.