Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 10, 1 October 2018 — OHA TRUSTEE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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THE QUESTIONS The Kai Wai Ola urges all voters to take part in the November 6 election. Kai Wai Ola surveyed the 6 candidates for the OHA At-Large Trustee seat.

®Question 1 How will your skillsandexperiencesenhancethe policymaking role of the OHA Board of Trustees?

®Question 2 As a trustee how would you fulfillyourfiduciarydutiesand defend 0HA's constitutional and statutory obligations to ensure 0HA's trust resources are specifically expended to benefit Native Hawaiians?

®Question 3 0HA's 2010-2018 Strategic Plan outlines six strategic priorities to improve the conditions of Native Hawaiians. As this plan comes to a close, what strategic priorities would you suggest be the focus of 0HA's next Strategic Plan and why?


AKAKA, KALEI NONPARTISAN AGE: 35 OCCUPATION: Office ofthe Kamehameha Schools Kapālama Middle School HOMETOWN: Born and raised in Kona, Hawai'i lsland, and also raised and currently residing in Honolulu, O'ahu E: akakaforohaiagmail.com P: None W: None

1. As an OHA Trustee, I will apply values learned, remembering the importance of doing thingswiththespirit of aloha, applying my educational foundation and experience working withinthecommunity, ineducation and at

the Hawai'i State Legislature in both the House and Senate, and in Senate Committees on Higher Education, and Judiciary and Government 0 p e r a t i o n s . With my dedication and commitment to meet the ehal-

lenges of a Trustee, III keep in mind the goodness of our traditions to blend with a fresh perspective to OHA, representing a new generation with a strong sense of being global citizens wanting to help Hawaiians succeed, making Hawai'i a better and productive plaee for all Hawai'i and continue my 'ohana's legacy of service to Hawaiians and the people of Hawai'i nei and beyond. 2. 1 have a strong interest in revisiting the policies and budgetary process within the context of the recent state auditor's report to rebuild OHA by making some course corrections and developing a new Strategic Plan and resetting priorities. 3. With Hawai'i in my heart, I believe in the need to maintain balance and resourcefulness in search of good and sound options and opportunities, so we don't just live, but we thrive. The Strategic Plan needs to focus on quality of life issues, such as healthcare, home ownership, education for our children, eeonomie opportunities and those fundamental things that every family and individual needs to succeed. The controversies that divide Hawaiians, such as self-determination, independence, or the status quo could be captured in a statewide dialogue, not exclusive to or the sole responsibility of OHA. This is the time in whieh we strive for the goal of unity, in whieh we stand, rise and move forward together as a unified voice.

KIA'AINA, ESTHER NONPARTISAN AGE: 54 OCCUPATION: Executive Director of Pacific Basin Development Council HOMETOWN: Nānākuli, O'ahu E: kiaaina4oha(ā>qmail.com P: (808) 782-0401 W: www.kiaaina4oha.com

1. I have 25 years of policy experience on Native Hawaiianand Pacificlslanderissues in Hawaii, the Pacific lslands, and Washington, D.C. This includes: Legislative Assistant for U.S. Senator ūaniel Akaka, Chiefof Stafffor

U.S. Congressman Robert Underwood of Guam, Chief of Staff for U.S. Congressman Ed Case, Land Assets Manager for the Kamehameha Schools, Chief Advocate for OHA, Eirst

Deputy at Hawaii's Department of Land and Natural Resources, Assistant Secretary for lnsular Areas at the U.S. Department of the lnterior, and Executive Director for the Pacific Basin Development Council, a regional non-profit organization that serves the Pacific lslands. 2. I would make sure that I was fully trained on my fiduciary duties under OHA's constitutional and statutory obligations, in general, and to ensure OHA's trust resources are specifically expended to benefit Native Hawaiians. I would continuously educate myself, get the appropriate legal and ethics counsel from internal (OHA) and external (non-OHA) experts, and ensure that my staff were also fully trained. Lastly, I would encourage that OHA better leverage its resources with other entities that service Native Hawaiians to avoid duplication of roles and be more efficient in its spending of trust resources. 3. OHA's constitutional and statutory obligations should take precedence over any strategic plan. Aina must continue to be OHA's highest strategic priority beyond its current land assets. We need to be vigilant to increase OHA's percentage of public land revenues and continue to fight for Native Hawaiian traditional and customary rights, kuleana land rights, and "ceded land" claims. I also believe strongly in helping to protect all of Hawaii's land and natural resources, and we need to kokua the entire archipelago on climate change adaptation, watershed protection, and invasive species management. Other strategic priorities would be Language and Culture, Housing, Workforce Development, and Native Hawaiian Well-Being.

AHU ISA LEI (LEINA'ALA) NONPARTISAN AGE: 74 OCCUPATION: Principal Broker/ Adjunct Professor HOMETOWN: Honolulu, O'ahu E: lahuisa@qmail.com P: (808) 537-4880 W: None

1. Growing up in Kalihi, and being privileged to be raised by such strong women (my Mom was a devoted Christian), I excelled in school...went on to get my PhD all while raising two children (both graduatedfrom

Kamehameha Schools) as a single parent. Being a State Representative( Chrof Eeonomie Development Committee), State Board of Education member, Business Professor, Exec Direc-

tor of UH Small Business Management and PKF Hawai'i's Center for Professional Development, Principal Broker for major hotels, etc... I think it's about time I go back to my roots and give back in whatever way I ean help our Hawaiian people. As a Vice Chair of the State Board of Education, I had opportunities to experience the harsh environment our Hawaiian children grow up in. i.e. I'd witness homeless children go to school to eat breakfast ,.then run back to the beach after being teased, bullied, shamed! It broke my heart and brought back memories of my childhood at Kalihi Kai School and Kalakaua lnter when I was bullied, teased.... Education is my forte. So as change comes, and it is making itself known more today than yesterday, as the "Huliau" begins, "Life Will Be Better for our people." Onipa'a! E Ala E! 2. Being a Trustee for the past 3 years, I have tried as Ad Hoe Chair of the Eeonomie lnnovations Committee to INCREASE OUR REVENUE and not depend on the lawmakers who see us as ENTITLEMENTS... E Ala E! Rise UP! ONIPA'A! 3. The 'new' Strategic Plan will MAP out the details of how we get the "HIGHEST AND BEST USE" of our lands and investments..as we strive forth to create HOUSING for our people. Ever heard of Abraham Maslow's HIERARCHY 0F NEEDS? This says that he Basic Needs must be met first..the Basic (Food) need of Survival. Only then ean we progress on the fulfill the Physiological Needs of our people such as shelter, and then SAFETY before we ean even bring about Self-Actualiza-tion....understanding, exploration, curiosity and knowledge..which Equals Solving our Own PROBLEMS! Aloha Ha'ala'a!

AILA, WILLIAM J., JR. NONPARTISAN AGE 60 OCCUPATION: Deputy Director, Department of Hawaiian Homelands HOMETOWN Wai'anae, O'ahu E: aila4oha@qmail.com P: (808) 330-0376 W: None

1. Having served as the I Deputy Director of DHHL and the Chairman of BLNR and I DLNR, I have more than seven and a half years of executive experience in executing fiduciary duties. As Chairman of BLNR,loperated

the Boardasan openconsensus drivenboard.As Deputy Director of DHHL, I worked with staff to present information to the DHHL Commission in an objective and transparent manner. DHHL

and OHA share the same set of beneficiaries and I am familiar with the purposes of both Trusts. I would be ready from day one to proceed. At DLNR I was responsible for managing all of the ceded lands in the State, these are the lands with whieh OHA derives its ineome. During my tenure, DLNR cooperated with OHA and its consultants in reviewing potential additional sources of revenue on ceded lands. As an individual I assisted in advocating for OHA to be made a Co-Trustee to manage Papahanaumokuakea. 2. First, I would work with the other Trustees to agree on what our fiduciary duties and constitutional duties are. Then verify that decision with OHA legal Council. Onee complete we would work with legal Council to create a legal, political, and communications strategy. Concurrently working with beneficiaries to build and then demonstrate support. Then implement the strategy as a plan. Anything that OHA does requires funding. I would make it a priority to work with the Legislature and Governor to increase OHA's share of the ceded lands revenue to a level that is fair and just. 3. 1 would continue to improve upon the existing six strategic plan priorities. They are critical to OHA's mission to the betterment of Native Hawaiians. In addition I would advocate for a seventh, restoring trust in OHA. This would include a review of spending policies and making the policies transparent.