Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2018 — STATE HOUSE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Wa/'0/asurveyedthe legislative candidatesand asked five multiple ehoiee questions. The lettersinthe grid correspond withthe lettered responses for eaeh multiple ehoiee question.


OUINLAN, SEAN DEMOCRATIC AGE: 36 OCCUPATION: State Representative HOMETOWN: Haleiwa, O'ahu E: sean@quinlan88.com P: (808) 388-2823 W: None


THIELENr CYNTHIA REPUBLICAN AGE: 84 OCCUPATION: Attorney (retired); State Legislator HOMETOWN: Kailua, O'ahu E: cthielen@aloha.net P: (808) 261-5608 W: www.cynthiathielen.com


PREGITZERr MICAH KALAMA DEMOCRATIC AGE: 42 OCCUPATION: High school science teacher HOMETOWN: Kailua, O'ahu E: vote4micahkalamapregitzer@gmail.com P: (808) 262-5949 W: None


GALEA'lr NOE REPUBLICAN AGE: 46 OCCUPATION: Revenue Cycle Training Coordinator HOMETOWN: Waimānalo, O'ahu E: ngaleai4hawaii@gmail.com P: (808) 782-2471 W: None

Candidates that did not respond. DISTRICT #37 SMARTr MARY REPUBLICAN E: mghsmart@yahoo.com P: (808) 741-2358 W: None DISTRICT #37 YAMANEr RYAN I. DEMOCRATIC E: friendsyamane@hawaii.rr.com P: (808) 551-2093 W: None DISTRICT #40 MCDERMOTTr BOB REPUBLICAN E: representativemcdermott@gmail.com P: (808) 371-4605 W: www.votemcdermott.com

®Feral Cats Recent news reports have highlighted the threats that Hawai'i's feral cat population and the diseases they carry pose to endangered native wildlife, including native waterbirds, seabirds, and even marine mammals such as the critically endangered Hawaiian monk seal. Meanwhile, concerns have also been raised about the impacts that cat-specific parasites may have on humans who inadvertently consume soil, water, or raw seafood containing long-lived parasite "eggs" or oocytes. While well-intended Trap-Neuter-Return ("TNR") programs are meant to humanely and gradually reduce feral cat populations, numerous long-term studies suggest that they are ineffective in reducing feral cat numbers on their own, and TNR-managed cat colonies may actually encourage more cat abandonment. Would you support legislation that will meaningfully address the proliferation of feral cats beyond just TNR, and will you oppose legislation that threatens to increase the number of cat colonies in the islands? A. Yes, feral cats endanger native species facing extinction, and their proliferation presents an increasing risk to public health that must be addressed in a timely manner. B. Yes, legislation should not encourage more cat colonies or the abandonment of cats, but Trap-Neuter-Return programs are the only humane approach to reducing cats on the landscape. C. No, feral cats do not pose a meaningful threat to native wildlife or public health, and TNR programs will humanely reduce feral cat populations over the long-term.

®Charter School Funding Hawai'i's puhlie charter schools, half of whieh are Hawaiian language immersion or Hawaiian-focused charter schools, receive per-pupil operational funds at the same base perpupil rate as Department of Education (DOE) schools. However, unlike DOE schools, whieh have their own facilities, most public charter schools have been forced to use their per-pupil funds or raise extra funds to pay for facilities such as office space and classrooms. Do you believe that the state should address the funding disparity created by public charter schools' need to use per-pupil funds (or otherwise find extra funds) for theirfacilities costs? A. Yes, a reasonable amount of facilities funding should be provided to public charter schools unless another solution is found. B. Yes, the state should search for alternative solutions to address the funding disparity created by public charter schools' facilities costs, but should not provide puhlie charter schools with additional facilitiesfunding. C. No, public charter schools should be responsible for finding their own facilities funding, or use their per-pupil funds if necessary.

Candidates that did not respond.

DISTRICT #40 MARTINEZr ROSE DEMOCRATIC E: rosebella.martinez@icloud.com P: (808) 224-1261 W: None DISTRICT #41 CABANILLA ARAKAWA, RIDA DEMOCRATIC E: majorcabanilla@aol.com P: (808) 779-3655 W: None DISTRICT #41 FIDELIBUSr CHRIS REPUBLICAN E: cfidelibus@gmail.com P: (808) 393-8788 W: None

DISTRICT #47 FALEr RICHARD LEE REPUBLICAN E: richard.fale@gmail.com P: None W: None DISTRICT #51 LEEr CHRIS DEMOCRATIC E: chrisleeforhawaii@gmail.com P: None W: www.chrisleeforhawaii.com

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