Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2018 — Award recognizes efforts to revitolize ond normolize 'ōlelo Hawai'i [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Award recognizes efforts to revitolize ond normolize 'ōlelo Hawai'i


'Aha Pūnana Leo is one of three organizations being honored with a tourism legacy award at Hawai'i's Global Tourism Summit. 'Aha Pūnana Leo, a network of Hawaiian language immersion preschools, along with Hawaiian Airlines and Aulani, a Disney Resort and Spa, will be honored on Oct. 3. "'Aha Pūnana Leo is being honored for its dedication to the teaching and advocacy of 'ōlelo Hawai'i (Hawaiian language) in Hawaiian medium education schools. Hawaiian Airlines and Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa are being recognized for the commitment of their respective business practices and employees to the implementation of 'ōlelo Hawai'i within their operations," according to a Hawai'i Tourism Authority news release. Notive Howaiian Educotion receives $7.5 million in federol funds The U.S. Department of Education will be awarding Hawai'i $7,502,520 to support Native Hawaiian Education. "Over the past few decades, the Native Hawaiian community has developed innovative ways to revitalize the Hawaiian language and integrate culture with education," said Senator Brian Schatz, a member of the Appropriations Committee. "This investment will give us more resources to help children reach their full potential in school and beyond." The funds will be split among several organizations that serve Native Hawaiian students: Partners in Development Foundation, Maui Family Support Services, Bishop Museum, Laiopua 2020, Friends of the Future, Ho'okako'o Corporation, state Department of Education's Nanakuli-Wai'anae Complex Area and the University of Hawai'i. First Howaiian woman elected to City Council Heidi Tsuneyoshi will be the first Native Hawaiian to serve on

Honolulu's City Council after winning outright in the primary, garnering 53 percent of the vote. T suneyoshi will represent Honolulu City Council District

2 (Mililani Mauka to Kahalu'u). The Wahiawā-native, who holds psychology and counseling degrees from the University of Hawai'i and Chaminade, has worked at the Women's Community Correctional Center, the Leilehua High School Counseling Department, homeless and transitional shelters, and also served as the statewide coordinator for a childhood prevention program. Most recently, Tsuneyoshi served as community liaison and senior advisor for Council Chair Emie Martin, who is vacating the District 2 seat after reaching the city's term limit. "I'm truly humbled and honored to be elected the first Native Hawaiian woman to the Honolulu City Council," Tsuneyoshi said. "But I do wish we as a county had reached this milestone long before I ever decided to run because representation is so important. With two daughters, both graduates of

Kamehameha Schools, it's always been impressed upon me to be a good role model and show them that anything is possible." Hawai'i Rise holds community day Hawai'i Rise Foundation hopes to bring the loeal and Native Hawaiian community together to engage and increase awareness, knowledge and experiences in cultural activities and resources available to support education, development, heahh and wellness. Hawai'i Rise Community Day will be held on Sunday Nov. 4 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Keaukaha Elementary School Cafeteria & Gymnasium (Kawananakoa Gym). The community is invited to eome together to participate in cultural activity workshops to gain new skills and experiences; enjoy music, dance, and speeches from loeal keiki, musicians, and educators; and leam more about programs, services, and resources available from organizations across the community. This event will be free and attendees will have the opportunity to work with loeal experts who will guide participants through activities such as poi pounding, creating lei po'o, lauhala weaving, "Hawaiian Music

through Art," "Hawaiian Art on Canvas," natural healing remedies, and more. Participants will also be encouraged to visit education and resource booths at throughout the day to engage with organizations and services that provide information, support, and opportunities for personal, educational, professional and cultural growth and development. In addition, "Kako'o Loeal" booths will provide loeal and Native Hawaiian entrepreneurs and small businesses opportunities to connect and share their products with the community. Hawai 'i Rise Foundation believes that the Big Island is full of hardworking and dedicated individuals with vast potential sometimes overlooked or unfulfilled due to socio-economic circumstances, laek of accessibility or support to develop that potential. Through the generous support of the OHA, County of Hawai'i, Arnott's Lodge but most of all the Community of Keaukaha, Hawai'i Rise Community Day will bring the community together for a day hlled with opportunities for engagement, learning, development and growth. - Submitted by the Hawai 'i Rise Foundation

Maui homestead summit scheduled for November KULA — Forms, flavors and spiritual aspects of kalo, or taro, is a staple of the inaugural Maui Homestead Summit this November. Organizers invite the public, especially Hawaiian homesteaders, to the free event highlighting farming and ranching topics. The summit unfolds starting 9 a.m. Nov. 3 at He Piko No Waiohuli community center and eulminates with, for daylong attendees, an 'aha 'aina (feast) featuring a Maui hālau and live music. Waikapu kalo farmer Bobby Pahia keynotes the summit luneheon with kalo varieties, tastings and huli, or shoots, to take home and plant. As the traditional Makahiki season of peaee begins, Pahia also discusses the spirituality of growing and eating kalo, the staple of Hawaiian cuisine. Other presenters include a Kaua'i community organizer of nahonal stature, and Ke'anae natives on heahng la'au Ilapa'au teas. Garden Isle leader Puanani Danner, who chairs the Sovereign Council of Hawaiian Homestead Associations (SCHHA), speaks at 10 a.m. on what the 1921 Hawaiian Homes Commission Act federal tmst means to Hawai'i and native Hawaiians. Danner serves on the 1 l-member board of First Nations Oweesta, the only naūonal Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) dehvering capital to American Indian, Alaska Native and Nahve Hawaiian CDFIs. Currently the capital totals $8 mihion in loan funds. Then at 2 p.m., Marc Aquino and Ku'ulei Anakalea DeRego speak on "La'au Lapa'au Teas at Makahiki." They present their Ke'anae knowledge of backyard herbal infusions that address health conditions — a gift marking the start of Makahiki season. The summit offers free registration, luneh and dinner. Event reservations are required at website paupena.org. He Piko No Waiohuli community center is located at the bottom of Lau'ie Drive at Mile Marker 15 of Kula Highway. For more event information, see webpage www.paupena.org/summit, email paupena.kekoa@gmail.com orcall/text (808) 276-2713. - Submitted by Pā'upena CDC I

Heieli Tsuneyoshi