Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 9, 1 September 2018 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's website has a number of resources and recommendations related to rising suicide rates at https://www.cdc. gov/vitalsigns/suicide. Below are the CDC's recommendations on how communities ean help prevent suicide: > Provide financial support to individuals in need. • States ean help ease unemployment and housin§ stress bY pr«viding temporary support. > Strengthen aecess to and delivery of care. • Healthcare systems ean offer treatment options by phone or online where services are not widely available. > Create protective environments. • Employers ean apply policies that create a healthy environment and reduce stigma about seeking help.
> Connect people within their communities. • Communities ean offer programs and events to increase a sense of belonging among residents. > Teach coping and problemsolving skills. • Schools ean teach students skills to manage challenges like relationship and school problems. > Prevent future risk. • Media ean describe helping resources and avoid headlines or details that increase risk. > Identify and support people at risk. • Everyone ean learn the signs of suicide, how to respond, and where to access help. ■ Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Preventing Suicide: A īeehnieal Package of Policy, Programs, and Practices, " https://go. usa.gov/xQBGc