Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2018 — 2018 [ARTICLE]
E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nāmamo a Hāloa!
KANALOA-KOLII - The descendants of Moses Kanaloa Sr and Emma Keola Kolii(Kaili) will be gathering on Oahu at Nanakuli Ranch on September 15 and at Nanakuli Ranch on Saturday activities will begin at 8:30 am with late registration, check-ins, purchase and/or distribution of preordered T-Shirts and continental breakfast. Pupu's and pa'ina throughout the day, with Bento luneh, and dinner. For most of us, we will be meeting Ohana members for the first time. To perpetuate our Ohana legacy, an E-book will be created from submissions of family photos, and any sharing of memories of our Kupuna and Keiki. There will be iee breaker games, opportunities for family sharing/speakers, and activities for the keiki. On Sunday September 18, 2018 we will continue our family gathering at Tutu Emma's church, Ka Makua Mau Loa Church with a service and special talk story time with the Pastor and luneh to follow. For early registration/more information email KoliiOhana@yahoo.com; or Request Msg Kolii Reunion on FB for: Aprilin Kolii; Kellyman Kolii; or Mele Tu'ifua. KEOHOKAPU - "KEOHOKAPU Reunion (Na Mamo 0 Keoua ame Kelekia Keohokapu)" Planning for our Ohana to gather in North Kohala from Aug. 9 -12, 2018. For details, questions & number attending, please eall Faye @ (808)225-3666. We also want to update our family's genealogy, so please complete your immediate family's info & mail to PO Box 190683 Hawi, HI 96719 POE - 'Ohana Poe reunion, Aug. 31 to September 3, 2018, Nanakuli Ranch. Inviting Descendants of Harry Wallaee George Poe, Sr. (Poe Nui) to our reunion. Poe Nui had three wives, Nauhane Kawelo (Wife 1) Keiki - Kaimi Moo Poe and Harry Wallaee George Poe, Jr. (Keoki Nui) who married Luka Pule (Spouse 1): Keiki - Uilama Poe; Elizabeth Kalauoka'ae'a (Spouse 2): Keiki - Harry George Poe (Tutu Man) married Elisa Kahumoku (Spouse 1): Keiki - Emily Poe, Jennie Palau (Spouse 2): Keiki - Solomon Poe and Emily Dung (Spouse 3): Keiki - Isaac, Kapua, Keoki, Kuhi, Kalakapu, David, Ah Ching, Harry George and Edward; Hemolele Ka'aha'aina (Spouse 3): Keiki - Emma Poe married Frederick Meyer, Jr., Annie Poe married Alana Anana, George Poe (Li'ili'i) married Ana Kamaka, Milia Poe married Hihilani Kapela: Keiki - Edna, Victoria, Eleanor, May, Nona and Myrtle; Kahau Kawelo (Wife 2): Keiki - George/Keoki Poe, Emma Kalipo Poe (Spouse 1) Lineoln McCandless: Keiki - Annie Kalipo Poe McCandless married Manuel Stanley Silva, Sr. (Spouse 2) Dung Sing Akana: Keiki - Albert Akana, Helen Akana,
I Katherine Akana and Alfred Akana; Mary ^ Kananimauloa Poe married (Spouse 1) Albert Kauaua Kalama; (Spouse 2) Samuel Mana ' Kahoano. Akalapine Kupihea (Wife 3): Keiki 1 - Daniel and James Wallaee Palea Poe (Tutu 1 Palea). Contact Adrian Silva at 216-4241 or 1 email kaohanapoe@gmail.com. PUA - The descendants of David Kaluahi Pua and Maria Kini are planning a family reunion r on August 31 - September 2, 2018, at Punalu'u Black Sand Beach, Ka'u, Hawai'i. We have i secured the pavillion area for the 3 days. David and Maria had eight children, all of whom proy duced descendants. They were Violet (Pua) ; Waltjen, Caroline (Pua) Kauwe, Samuel Pua, r David Pua Jr., Abigail aka Pake (Pua) Kaupu, i Mary Mae aka Fat (Pua) Kaupu, Donald Pua 1 and Eugene Pua. For more information, please 5 contact Ala Kawaauhau at 808-345-5440 or by email at kawaauhauedward@yahoo.com. r Please write "Pua Reunion" in the subject line. ; You may also visit the David Kaluahi Pua a me r Maria Kini 'ohana facebook page for updates. 1 VICTOR - The descendants of Kamukai Wikoli and Amelia Akoi, collectively known i as the Victor 'Ohana, will be holding its 2018 ' reunion at the Nani Mau Gardens in Hilo i from 17-19 August. Information and registration forms will be available online at ; www.victor-ohana.org or www.facebook. r com/the.victor.ohana. Email dwight@ r victor-ohana.org with questions. Mahalo! ZABLAN - 80th Year of the founding of our HUI 0 ZABLAN. The Hui 0 Zablan Pienie > will be from 9:00am-4:00pm on Sat., 4 Aug l 2018 at Magic Island, Ala Moana Park, Section 30, the mauka section closest to the street. It is i a Potluck. Bring your own chairs. The Hui 0 ) Zablan Reunion T-Shirts: Deep red shirt with 5 a gold Hawaiian shirt design, and a goldeni rod yellow shirt with a red Family Crest design ; again features Cousin Kimo Zablan's art work. Cousins Jimbo and Tammy Correa Beaumont 1 are producing the shirts at a very resonable price. Shirts will be available for purchase for 5 a reasonable price at the Pienie, Bring your kala. Call Cousin Susan Victor 988-1272, if 1 you have any late additions to Family Album. 5 Annual Family Reunion Luneheon will be held 5 in the fall. Date and time to be announced. The Hui 0 Zablan hope to see all you Joaquin and Ane Nahaku Keaweamahi and Joaquin and i Maria Bothelo descendants and our Extended Families. Come help us celebrate our 80th! I CULLEN - Looking for genealogy records y for my great grandmother on my father's side. Mary Cullen 1869-1920 married John Fernandez 1860-1939. Their daughter Madeline
Fernandez Colburn. Please eall or text Pauahi Colburn at 722-8400. Mahalo nui. ESTR E LLA/SO E I RO - My G-Grandparents Arsenio de Sousa Estrella & wife Carolina de Jesus Soeiro eame from Ribeira Grande, Sao Miguel, Azores. They arrived on O'ahu in 1883 on the ship "Albergeldie" with their two ehildren Manuel & Maria.They then went to work on the plantation in North Kohala, Hawai'i and had Joseph, Wilhelmina, John & Antone. Somehow Arsenio left the family and where is unknown. Carolina then went to Wailuku, Maui and married Christino Lorenzo (Lawrence) and one son named Frank. I have known G-Uncles John & Antone since they lived on Maui where we grew up. The only G-Uncle we did know is Joseph who lived on O'ahu. I cannot find any information on Maria and Manuel, unless they passed away on the Albergeldie coming here. My G-Grandmother Wilhelmina married Antone Lopes and had Henry, Louis, Sonny, Peter & William then remarried my Grandfather Antone Haleakala and had: Manuel, Evelyn & Frank (my father). So this is the line I am trying to research. E-mail: annette913@yahoo. eom. Mahalo. HANAWAHINE/ KEAUMAU/KEAWE - Looking for the descendants/ancestors of Soloman Hanawahine( 1874- 1921) and Kane Keaumau Keawe of Ho'okena, South Kona. Kane later changed her name to Aliee Keawe. Together they had the following known children and (spouses); Joseph Hanawahine changed to Kanawahine (Koleka Paauhau), George H. K. Hanawahine Sr.(lst wife: Victoria Kaupu 2nd: Julia Keala), Samuel K. Hanawahine (lst wife: Julia Keauhou 2nd: Miriam Dela Cruz), Mary Hanawahine born Kane (Henry Kaioula ), Eva Hanawahine (Henry John Silva), Sophie Hanawahine (Fabiano Kealoha), Katy Hanawahine (Yan Gen Pil), and Rachel Hanawahine (Albert Kamai). Any information on our ohana's moku'au'hau will be valued. Please contact Quiana Danielson-Vaielua by phone 808-371-9660 or email quianakdv@ gmail.com. I am the great-great granddaughter of Soloman Hanawahine and Kane Keawe, great granddaughter of Samuel Hanawahine and Miriam, and grand of Naomi Hanawahine. KAIWA - Looking for descendants or related 'Ohana Members of 'BILL KAIWA', aka 'SOLOMAN ANI. Please contact ROBERTA BOLLIG320-248-3656orflh63kb@yahoo.com MAHALO! KALAUPAPA - Are you looking for an ancestor at Kalaupapa? Ka 'Ohana 0 Kalaupapa, a nonprofit organization made up of Kalaupapa residents, family members and friends, might be able to help. We have information on more than 7.000 peo-
ple sent to Kalaupapa. Contact 'Ohana Coordinator Valerie Monson at vmonson@ kalaupapa ohana.org or eall 808-573-2746. KAMAKAU - Looking for descendants or related family members of Ellen P. Kamakau. Born at Kaopipa/Kaupipa, Maui on September 3, 1850. Since, deceased. Please contact 808-366-0847 or lruby@hawaii.edu. KAM E KO N A/LOA/KAH AWAI -Searching for genealogy, family members, foster or hanai records for my Great Grandmother, ROSE HIWA KAMEKONA, born June 15, 1909, lst marriage to George Loa 1927 (one child with/Rose Loa/now Rose Lani) , 2nd marriage to Francis Kahawai 1928 - 1929 (three children with), deceased 1935. I am the grand-daughter of Rose Loa/Lani, great grand daughter to ROSE HIWA KAMEKONA. Please call/lv mess/text Luana @ #(808) 4500103 or email lkeliikoa3@gmail.com. KEAWE - Looking for genealogy records or family members for my grandmother Hannah Keawe born 1875 in North Kohala, HI. Married my grandfather Henry K. Iaea born 1880 in Ka'u, HI. Married 1901 Hon. Territory of Hawai'i birth 1896-1909. Index by name of mother Keawe Hannah, father Henry K. Iaea - child Elizabeth Kalua born 7/19/1898 in North Kohala. Please eall Ned Iaea 808-979-1800 or 808-426-1061. Mahalo! KINA/LINCOLN/BAILEY - We are looking for the descendants of the unions of Meleana Kaimuali'i Kina (Moloka'i) and George Walter Lineoln, Nellie Lihue Lineoln and Charles Anson Bailey (Maui), Nellie Lihue Bailey (Maui) and John Domingo Joyce, Pearl "Peaehie" Marie K. Bailey (Maui) and West LaFortune, Meleana Wahineho'ohano Nui (Maui/Moloka'i) and Samuel Moewale Kaleo (brother to Charles Lui Ko'oko'o and Kunewa Moewale). We are planning a reunion for October 2018. Please contact us at: oct2018. reunion @ gmail.com or eall Phyllis @291-5 826, Kanani @ 674-6679, or Moana @ 744-9901. Kuemo (-no)/Kolaimo - Looking for descendants of Japanese drifters who eame to O'ahu in 1841, mueh earlier than the first Japanese immigrants eame to Hawai'i. Kuemo or Kuemono (original name is Goemon) eame from Tosa, Japan and he naturalized to the Kingdom of Hawai'i on Jan 10, 1845. He lived in Honouliuli as a farmer from 1847 and seems to married to a Hawaiian lady "Hina" on May 20, 1851 according to marriage record. I am also looking for descendants of Kolaimo, who's original name is Toraemon of Tosa, Japan and naturalized to the Kingdom of Hawai'i on Feb 13, 1847. He worked as a carpenter under Mr. Heart, married to a Hawaiian lady and died in O'ahu. Please
contact Harry (808) 777-9187 or harrypor terkiawe@gmail.com Mahalo! KEKUKU APUAKEHAU - Looking for lineage from Joseph Kekukupena Apuakehau, 1857-1936, and Miliama "Miriam" Kaopua, 1857-1919, to Kalaimanokaho'owaha also known as Kana'ina nui (Big Island Ali'i), circa 1778, to Alapa'i Nui (Big Island King, 17251754). Any and all information will be greatly appreciate. Mahalo! Please send email to Miriam: matar02@Hawai' iantel.net. KINA-LINCOLN-BAILEY-JOYCE-LAFORTUNE-NUI-KALEO - We are looking for the descendants of the unions of Meleana Kaimuali'i Kina (Moloka'i) and George Walter Lineoln, Nellie Lihue Lineoln and Charles Anson Bailey (Maui), Nellie Lihue Bailey (Maui) and John Domingo Joyce, Pearl "Peaehie" Marie K. Bailey (Maui) and West LaFortune, Meleana Wahineho'ohano Nui (Maui/Moloka'i) and Samuel Moewale Kaleo (brother to Charles Lui Ko'oko'o and Kunewa Moewale). We are planning a reunion for Oct 2018. Please contact us at: oct2018. reunion@gmail.com or eall Phyllis @ 2915826, Kanani @ 674-6679, or Moana @ 7449901. NALAUAI - Looking for genealogical information on Kamala Kali Nalauai (possibly Naluai?) b.abt.l870 (I have no other information at this time on Kamala) who married Lui Kapi'ioho b. abt. 1854 or 1864. They had 6 known children together. Lui Kapi'ioho is the brother of Hika'alani Kapi'ioho b. Aug.l858, twins Kou & Kamai Kapi'ioho b. Nov. 8,1861, ALL said children of Maunalei (w) & Kapi'ioho (k) who were married 1847 in Ewa, O'ahu. Seeking more information on Kapi'ioho 'Ohana as well. Please contact Mapuana - usinewa@ gmail.com. MAIELUA - We are hoping to update the 1995 genealogy book of the Maielua Ohana, originating out of Lahaina, Maui. Our eommon ancestors are Solomon Nukuhiwa Maielua and Koana Kenolio Nehemia (or Nehemia Kenolio). Please contact J. Maielua by email at:Lahaina.mai@gmail.com. WAIOLAMA - Searching for family members and genealogical records of George ('Ainaahiahi/Kaaniaahiahi) Waiolama born about June 5, 1892 in Kahakuloa, Maui. Mother: Kawao Kaainaahiahi Kahakuloa, Maui. Father: (George Sr.) Waiolama of Wailuku,Maui. George Jr. is a half brother of my grandmother Elizabeth "Lizzie" Leialoha Cook. Also, family members of Waiolama on O'ahu, Helemano area, who was a brother in law of 3x great unele Konohiki Namahana (Mahoe) (if this is the one and same Waiolama family?). Please contact Sissy Akui at kealohamaiole@gmail.com. Mahalo! ■