Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2018 — Wai'anae event spans mauka to makai [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Wai'anae event spans mauka to makai

Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center has created 1 .5 miles of walking trails at its main campus. The Voyaging Trail honors traditional wayfinding. - Photo: Courtesy of Waia ■ nae Coast Comprehensive Health Center

Submitted by the Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center The Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center's second annual "Mauka to Makai" event takes plaee the last weekend in August. The event will focus on cultural I activities that elevate participants' understanding of the symbiotic relationship between the health of the mountains, the health of the oeean and the heahh of the community. On Saturday, Aug. 25, "mauka" activities will be held at Ka'ala Farm from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will include traditional food grow-

ing and preparation, traditional ahupua'a practices and watershed information. On Sunday, Aug. 26, "makai" activities will be held at Nene'u (Poka'i Bay) from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m and will include an oeean safety and awareness elinie led by Nā Kama Kai, makahiki games and expert voyagers from the Polynesian Voyaging Society. The Heahh Center is the largest federally qualified community heahh center in the state with Native Hawaiians making up nearly half of its patient population. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs awarded a $5,000 'Ahahui Grant to support the Mauka to Makai event, whieh is in

line whh OHA's strategic priority that focuses on the preservation and practice of mo'omeheu (culture). "We are so thankful to have received support from OHA and are looking forward to Mauka to Makai being a family-friendly eultural event that will help support our community's kuleana to water safety and environmental awareness," said Alieia Higa, WCCHC Heahh Promotion director. Along whh the various cultural activities and entertainment, free luneh will be provided both days. All events are free but registration is required. For more information, eall (808) 697-3709. ■