Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2018 — Office of Hawaiian Affairs At-Large [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Office of Hawaiian Affairs At-Large
Question 1 How will your skills anel experiences enhanee the policymaking role of the OHA Board of Trustees? Question 2 As a trustee how would you fulfill your fiduciary duties and defend OHA's constitutional and statutory obligations to ensure OHA's trust resources are specifically expended to benefit Native Hawaiians? Question 3 OHA's 2010-2018 Strategic Plan outlines six strategic priorities to improve the conditions of Native Hawaiians. As this plan comes to a close, what strategic priorities would you suggest be the focus of OHA's next Strategic Plan and why?
AHU ISA, LEINA'ALA NPS Age: 74 © lahuisa(a)gmail.com © None © Principal Broker/Adjunct Professor
1. Growing i up in Kalihi, anel being privileged to I be raised by sueh n strong women (my Mom was a devoted Chris- , tian), I excelled in I school. . .went on to get my PhD all
while raising two cliildien (botli graduated from Kamehameha Sehools) as a single parent. Being a State Representative( Chr of Eeonomie Development Committee), State Boatd of Education member, Business Professor, Exec Director of UH Small Business Management and PKF Hawai'i's Center for Professional Development, Piineipal Broker for major hotels, etc. . . I think it's about time I go back to my roots and give back in whatever way I ean help our Hawaiian people. As a Vice Chair of the State Board of Education, I had oppoitunities to experience the harsh environment oui' Hawaiian eliilelien gi'ow up in. i.e. I'd witness homeless ehilelien go to school to eat breakfast ..then īun back to the beach after being teased, bulhed, shamed! It broke my heart and brought back memories of my cliildliood at Kalihi Kai School and Kalakaua hiter when I was bullied, teased. . .. Education is my forte. So as change comes, and it is making itself known moie today than yesterday, as the "Huliau" begins, "Life Will Be Better for om' people." Onipa'a! EAlaE! 2. Being a Trustee for the past 3 years, I have tried as Ad Hoe Chaii' of the Eeonomie Innovations Committee to INCREASE OUR REVENUE and not depend on the lawmakers who see us as ENH'iLEMENTS... EAlaE! RiseUP! ONIPA'A! 3. The 'new' Strategic Plan will MAP out the details of how we get the "HIGHEST AND BEST USE" of our lands and investments..as we strive forth to create HOUSING for our people. Ever heard of Abraham Maslow's HIERARCHY OF NEF.PS? This says that he Basic Needs must be met first..the Basic (Food) need of Survival. Only then ean we progress on the fulfill the Physiological Needs of our people such as shelter, and then SAFETY before we ean even bring about Self- Actualization. . . .understanding, exploration, curiosity and knowledge..whichEquals Solving our Own PROBLEMS! Aloha Ha'ala'a!
AILA, WILLIAM J., JR. NPS Age: 60 © aila4oha@gmail.conn © None Q Deputy Director, Department of Hawaiian Homelands
1. Having served as the Deputy Director of DHHL and the Chairman of BLNR and DLNR, I have more than seven and a half years
of executive experience in executing fiduciary duties. As Chairman of BLNR, I operated the Board as an open consensus di'iven board. As Deputy Director of DHHL, I worked with staff to present information to the DHHL Commission in an objective and transparent manner. DHHL and OHA share the same set of beneficiaries and I am familiar with the puiposes of both Trusts. I would be ready from day one to proceed. At DLNR I was responsible for managing all of the ceded lands in the State, these are the lands with whieh OHA derives its ineome. During my tenure, DLNR cooperated with OHA and its consultants in reviewing potential additional sources of revenue on ceded lands. As an individual I assisted in advocating for OHA to be made a Co-Trustee to manage Papahanaumokuakea. 2. First, I would work with the other Tmstees to agree on what our fiduciary duties and constitutional duties are. Then verify that decision with OHA legal Council. Onee complete we would work with legal Council to create a legal, political, and communications strategy. Concun'ently working with beneficiaries to build and then demonstrate support. Then implement the strategy as a plan. Anything that OHA does requires funding. I would make it a priority to work with the Legislature and Governor to increase OHA's share of the ceded lands revenue to a level that is fair and just. 3. I would continue to improve upon the existing six strategic plan priorities. They are critical to OHA's mission to the betterment of Native Hawaiians. In addition I would advocate for a seventh, restoring trust in OHA. This would include a review of spending policies and making the policies transparent.
AKANA ROWENA NOELANI NPS Age: No response © rowakana@gmail.com v2) www.rowenaakana.org © Trustee
1. As the senior Trustee, I have been at the forefront of I all of OHA's struggles both I here in Hawaii as i well as Washingj ton, D.C. I have helped to change
a Bush Administration Policy on Hawaii's Nahonal Guard retum from active duty to allow our soldiers to remain in the National Guard after being wounded and not be able to go back to their active duty units. Prior to this change, these soldiers were rotated out of the National Guard. I have been instrumental in changing the laws in all the counties in Hawaii to allow Kuleana Land owners to keep their lands by showing their genealogy to prove their families have remained on their ancestral lands since the Great Mahele. The new property tax law now allows these land owners to pay a minimal tax of $100 to $300 and, in some cases, no tax at all. Prior to this, Hawaiians were losing their lands because of high taxes. 2. As a Trustee, it is imperative that we read the Hawaii Revised Statues, Chapter 10, whieh explains in detail the responsibilities of eaeh Trustee. I have always advocated for our beneficiaries to make sure that our trust dollars are spent on their needs. Housing, heahh, education, loans, grants, and lawsuits that force authorities to live up to their responsibilities to Hawaiians. 3. Housing because this is the immediate crisis that Hawaiians face today. You cannot concentrate on education or heahh or anything else if you have no roof over your head and your children have to bathe in public park showers. Further, OHA needs to partner with developers to develop housing that Hawaiians ean afford and begin with rent to own town homes and transitional housing.
AKINA ALVIN AUHANA NPS Age: 73 © reefrocks@hotmail.com v2) None © Currently retired, 40 years in the hospitality industry
I 1. a. Through I my many years .1 of working with J my peers and I engaging in my I community, I I eome with the I kupuna wisdom and experience
of knowing the needs of my people. I believe in the pi'ineiple that a political voice will enable my Kanaka people to support OHA's goals and aspirations and will seek redress of where ever there has been injustice has been perceived as such. I say without any fear and I speak up against any injustice or wrongs doing that have fundamentally weakened the integral of Kanaka's well being and their ehoiee for a higher quality of life. 2. We live in an extraordinarily times and in a very diverse landscape and we as tmstee have every opportunity to express a multitude of ways we ean inHuenee policy decision-making processes that should be benefiting every Kanaka. In the past, the trustees have failed its constituents and have not listened to their issues and needs. I want to be that change in this system and follow our obligations of tmst as defined in our constitutional and statutory obligations. If elected, as part of my platform I would like to see a community selected advisory OHA commission board from every Island to be an advisory board to the OHA trustees. 3. a. To give Kanaka's that ability to be able to engage and argue and give them a voice and have them play a critical role in improving the quaiity of governance. It would be worth for OHA to provide the impossible to happen and make this governance a process of more of our kanaka to have actual participatory, instead of directives coming from the top down and be more from the constituent's grassroots of our 'ohana. Limited to 300 words, so if you wish to read all my answers please email me at reefrocks@hotmail.com or eall 808-325-6799. Mahalo Tmstee At Large Alvin Auhana Akina.
AMSTERDAM, C. KAUI JOCHANAN NPS Age: 74 © shaloha1(a)yahoo.conn © None © Educator
l.Myeducational preparation, and practical, humanitarian, and pubhc servicewiilenhance my policymaking role of the OHA Board of Tmstees. I received my MastersinthePhilosphy
of Education ffom UCLA and advanced studies toward PhD and have been educated at eleven other universities, colleges, and institute including UC Berkeley, UC medical Center in Health Sciences, Jewish Theological Seminary of Ameiiea and Neve Schector, Jemsalem, Hebtew hstitute of Beit Israel for Rabbi education, Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Hebrew Universities in Israel, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Stratford hstitute, and UH at Manoa. Additionally, my service includes health research and healtheaie provider in tlie US, Greece, and Israel, Resident of three humanitaiian, chaiitable organizations, Minority Recruiter for School of Dentistry, UC Medical Center, Oflicer in The hiterim Govemment of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and Coordinator of 7 Restoration, self-detemihiaūon Native Hawaiian Conferences, and longtime Neighborhood Board Member. 2. I would fulfill my fiduciary, eonstitutional, statutory, and resource usage responsibilities for Native Hawaiians by assuring, recording, and accounting that my actions conform to meeting such responsibilities to provide for the wellbeing of Native Hawaiians. I also would advance inter-agency auditing and reporting to suppoit such obligations. Such actions would provide for ttanspaiency and accountability in meeting my and overall responsibilities. 3. With the six OHA Sttutegic Priorities of Aina, Culture, Eeonomie Self-Suffi-ciency, Education. Govemance, and Health, I would expand our vision, furtlier advance existing priorities and innovate. For example, behig a Hawaiian Jew, to preserve and advance Hawaiian eulhue and eeonomie development, I would invite Israelis, being world class in agriculture, to assist in advancing oui' taro and fish pond industry. Additionally, with their expertise, experienee, and success with self-detemiination and govemance, they also ean assist with our Native Hawaiian self-determination and govemance. Accordingly, expanding oui' vision, I would advance existing and new priorities.
HANOHANO, FAYE P. NPS Age: No response © None © None © No response
1.No response 2. No response 3. No response
LEE, BRENDON KALEI'AINA NPS Age: 49 © lee4oha@gmail.com ® None © Hawaiian Airlines
1. My life long experience with the Association j of Hawaiian I Civic Clubs has ] given me a well I rounded under- | standing of the I issues that are
important to our people. Having chaired the policy committee, co-chairing the planning committee for the Association's Constitutional Convention, and now being the Second Vice-President shows my progression in leadership. In 2016 over 125 Native Hawaiians eame together from all political ideologies to draft a goveming document for a Native Hawaiian Govemment. As the ehaii' of that body I have proven track record of collaborative leadership that brings opposing sides together and help them to find eommon ground to build on. 2. The key reaching as many Native Hawaiians as possible. Seeking out programs that have the greatest impact to education, heahh, housing, and eeonomie development and leverage trust resources with those programs ensuring resom'ces are being used on these issues versus to create programs whieh then need to be funded additionally to be implemented. 3. Housing, our people need somewhere to eall home. Poor grades, domestic violence, alcoholism, drug issues, and many other social issues that plague Native Hawaiians ean all be attributed to housing issues. Our best and brightest students are leaving the State for more affordable housing. Education, from preschool to post secondary. Post secondary does not mean just college, we also need support the trades and technical schools. Eeonomie development, Native Hawaiians need to be self sufficient. Heahh, we continue to lead the state in all areas of chronic disease. 'Aina, as the State's 13th largest land owner it would be irresponsible to not have a plan on land management. Although the previous strategic plan included culture, I have not. Culture should be inherent in all OHA does, infused in every aspect of our actions.
MAKEKAU, KEALII NPS Age: 47 © kealii8(3)lava.net © None © Accredited Resident Manager
1. Working with the real estate companies over the LAST 15 years I know first hand what it is like to be made accessible and render decisions that will affect
peoples livelihood and serving on a Non-Profit as a Board director I am awai'e of the process of how distributing awards via grants and so on. My independent, eommon sense approach to problem solving will be shown via the policies that the BOT make, adopt or amend in whieh the CEO and staff implement. Addressing the issue of financial malfeasance identified in the state auditors report via change in policy and personal position will be priority. Installing a intemal auditor with special authority reporting to the BOT and the state auditor with full public ttanspancery should stop the misspending. Lastly term limits for the Tmstee positions 2. Hawai'i State Constitution, Article XII The board of tmstees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs shall exercise power as provided by law: to manage and administer the proceeds from the sale or other disposition of the lands, natural resources, minerals and ineome derived from whatever sources for the native Hawaiians and Hawaiians, including all ineome and proceeds from that pro rate portion of the tmst referred to in section 4. 3. 1 would retain all six priorities! 1. Aina (Lad & Water) 2. Mo'omehu (Culture) 3. Ho'okahua Wauwai (Eeonomie Self-Sufficency) 4. Ho'ona'auao (Education) 5. Mauli Ola (Heakh) are vital opportunities and need to be explored, promoted and funded to realized inpact and empowerment on the La Hui. The Last one 6. EA (Governance) "Is Amended" to reinstate self determination via self governance via symposiums, academic debate and community dialogue. To leam the language of Law and the foundation of the past whieh is key to the future.
PA'ALUHI, MARCUS BRUCE KALAI, SR. NPS Age: No response © votepaaluhi@gmail.com v2 ; www.votepaaluhi.com © No response
1.No response 2. No response 3. No response
PAIKAI, LANDEN D.K.K. NPS Age: 34 © paikaiforoha@gmail.com & www.paikaiforoha.com © Youth Counselor/Part-Time Teacher/Business Owner
1. My life experience along with my experienee in the work t force, in the ( classroom anel as * a business owner i* have collectively provided me with
a wide range of depth, understanding, logical and analytical thought processes that amplify my ability to create policies that will not only enhanee, but strengthen and empower our Hawaiian community and provide policies that will meet the needs of the greater Hawaiian community no matter their eeonomie status. 2. In order for trustees to fulfill our obligation as fiduciaries, we must first seek to rebuild the trust between the trustees, administration and beneficiaries. While that is a task within itself, it is one of the first priorities that I wish to accomplish as a trustee. In regards to ensuring that the trust is specifically benefiting Native Hawaiians, the priority there is to work in collaboration with administration to ensure that funds are properly spent and accounted for. 3. Affordable housing, job readiness/preparedness, education and heahh and wellness rank among the top priorities that our beneficiaries want to see addressed as many are living paycheck to paycheck, working mukiple jobs just to barely survive here in Hawaii. Land and oeean management and culture are also extremely important in continuing the perpetuation of our Hawaiian way of living and stewarding our natural resources in a responsible way that will ensure these resources remain for generations to eome.
PARIS, MAKANA NPS Age: 37 © info@votemakana.com www.votemakana.com © Research Analyst/Entrepreneur
1. As an OHA Trustee, my kuleana is to serve as a fiduciary of the trust for the benefit of Native Hawaiians. I have guided organizations through strategic
planning, introspection, and positive change - most recently as Vice Chair of 'Aha 2016, Minister of Social Justice and Community Service at Chaminade University, and now as President of the Prince Kūhiō Hawaiian Civic Club. I will use my background as a farmer, fishermen, and small business owner, coupled with schooling from MIT, UH Richardson Law, and GTU/ Jesuit School of Theology at Santa Clara, to help OHA actively listen, receive, and consider the mana'o of its stakeholders. I eome from the communities that OHA is designed to benefit - 1 was raised in Nānākuli, growing up houseless and part of an 'ohana racked with drug abuse. Now, I will use the education and experienee I received from communities across Hawai'i to give back. 2. As a fiduciary, I will faithfully execute the duties of care, loyalty, good faith, confidentiality, prudence, and disclosure. The methods of 20 and 30 years ago do not work in 2018 and will not work in 2028 or 2038. We must grow together. Many active, loeal organizations already share the kuleana and expertise to serve our communities. OHA should focus on growing the trust resources while empowering these community organizations to create better housing, jobs, healthcare, and education for Native Hawaiians. 3. Native Hawaiians today have real needs, especially housing. OHA needs to address these needs immediately, and in ways that will be sustainable for the next seven generations. This means investing in eeonomie drivers for the longterm benefit of Native Hawaiians. OHA's strategic priorities should be pragmatic, self-sustaining goals that drive real change: (1) Housing, (2) Jobs, (3) Healthcare, (4) Education, (5) Business Support, and (6) Trust Fiscal Growth.
PUUOHAU, KALI M. NPS Age: No response © kpuuohauoha@gmail.com ® None © No response
1.No response 2. No response 3. No response
RYAN, POHAI NPS Age: 56 © ryanforoha@gmail.com © None © lmmediate past Executive Director, The Native Hawaiian Hopsitality
Association 1. As a new I Trustee I will draw upon I my extensive communityexperience working in I non-profit sector P for over twentytwo years as well
as my background in legislation and government as support staff and as a former State Senator. Especially helpful will be my network of contacts in business and the non-profit sector that ean be called upon for resources to help OHA develop more partnerships and create innovative solutions to long standing problems. I learned lawmaking, eommiūee service and government budget evaluation while serving as a Senator and these skillsets are badly needed in the BOT. 2. Require a better system of documentation of NHs who are benefiting from programs, events and projects. Quarterly awardee programs/project presentations to OHA staff and the general public should be considered. I will also recommend that a "Kanaka In Need" charitable fund be established for the Trustees with clear guidelines consistent with current law to include processes and criteria for expending funds to individuals who are truly destitute and in need of assistance. 3. True affordable home ownership is a very high priority. OHA ean be a catalyst in bringing together mukiple entities to find innovative solutions for home ownership. Further delay of addressing this most critical problem is creating a farther divide with those who own and those who never will. Potentially leaving Hawaii with a future generation of non- homeowners that will remain at the mercy of landlords. The second highest priority should be eeonomie empowerment and jobs. Our families will not be healthier if they are in survival mode. When everyone benefits from a good eeonomy, all of Hawaii is better. OHA's current strategic priorities are good but a temperature eheek should be done to determine effectiveness of programs and make adjustments if necessary before moving on to plan the next eight years.
SHARSH-DAVIS, LEI NPS Age: 58 © leisharsh@yahoo.com © None © Behavior Health Specialist IV
1. Being a Behavior Heakh Specialist IV for the Dept. of Education for the last 15 years has taught me the importance of taking care of our community.
I hold two degrees from Chaminade University-Honolulu (Community Counseling and Marriage and Family Therapy). Working for the DOE has taught me the importance of teamwork, collaboration and relationship building. These qualities are necessary in any job, office, agency or corporation if it is to be successful and respected. 2. As a OHA trustee I pledge to honor my fiduciary duties First and foremost I pledge to continue the fight in the areas of ceded lands, revenues from the intemational airport, UH Manoa and Duty free shoppers to name a few. As a descendant of Native Hawaiians it is a privilege and honor to ensure that the trust fulfills its legacy. 3. OHA needs to continue its current Strategic Plan as we are still fighting battles regarding the betterment of the Hawaiian people. Priorities such as, "ACEES-GH" (aina, culture, environment, education, sustainability along with govemment and healthcare is an on-going battle and fight that needs improving. As we enter the 21st century I predict Hawaii being a Leader in fighting for our Water Rights, environmental sustainability, caring for our oceans and coral reef. Not to mention the importance of Healthcare. More than diet and exercise; it is about our mental heakh. Hawaii used to be number one in the nation for teen suicides. I think we're dropped down to number two, still high numbers though. There are many challenges we as a nation face today but's harder for Hawaiians because we've lost our identity, who we are as a culture. Olelo or language is key if we are going to survive. Someone onee said "culture is only as strong as it's language....take away the language you take away the eulture" In other words LANGUAGE is what defines us as a CULTURE.
WAIHEE, J0HN, IV NPS Age: 48 © jwaihee(g)grmail.com © None © Office Of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee At-Large
1. 1 believe that being involved in managing the Native Hawaiian Trust Fund for the past 18 years has given me the skills to prudently invest
the trust assets. The time I spent as the Chairman of the Committee on Beneficiary Advoeaey and Empowerment has also taught me how to affect Public Policy and produced several of 0HA's most successful Legislative sessions in terms of Board initiatives signed into law. 2. From a political standpoint, I believe that President Obama's 2014 executive order recognizing Native Hawaiians as the aboriginal, indigenous people of the Hawaiian archipelago and our special political and trust relationship with the United States, does a good job of protecting the Native Hawaiian Trust and our beneficiary's proprietary interest in it from any anti-Hawaiian type lawsuits. From an administrative standpoint, I believe that it would be prudent to take steps to assure that any action item that comes before the Board is compliant with all policies and laws that peilain to it and that it provides a benefit to Native Hawaiians. To this end, the Board of Trustees should have an attomey that represents them review all action items, and a budget analyst that represents them review all budget proposals. 3. As with 0HA's last Strategic Plan, the new one should survey the broadest possible spectrum of the Native Hawaiian community and be developed based on what the most pressing needs are. Having said that, I'd advocate for focusing on housing and employment. Both are essential for any community to thrive.